Chapter 127

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    "I-I'm okay." Emil hiccuped, reaching up to wipe at his eye. "Hey..." You cooed, gently grabbing his wrist and lifting it from his face to kiss him again. You planted soft kisses on his cheek and jaw while he sniffed and tried to stop crying in vain. "No more." He muttered, pushing your face away and wrapping his arms around your torso to cling to you tightly. His face was pressed against your chest as he continued to sniff and shake with sobs. "Babe, it's gonna be okay." You said soothingly, "We can get you a new flute."

  "B-But that's too expensive." He cried. "No, no. I'll play my ukulele at the park." You said as you pet his hair, "I make a fuck ton in tips, and with a broken leg it'll only take a few weeks."

  He said nothing, but pressed his face into your chest and hugged you to him tighter. You kissed the top of his head and hugged him to you gently.


Arthur: Poor kid looks like he cried himself to sleep...

He sent a photo he took of you and Emil, the two of you asleep with the latter clinging to you even while unconscious.

Lukas: Dear god is that his flute case by their feet

Tino: This would be cute if it wasn't so sad...

Arthur sent a photo of the open flute case with the broken instrument in all it's glory.

Mathias: (y/n) told us who did it and their asses are dead

Arthur: I'm sure she'll be after them as soon as her cast is off

Berwald: That's too far away. On Monday i'm going down to the school to see the principle.

Arthur: Good idea.


Alfred: Is Emil still there

Arthur sent the photo he had sent to Emil's brothers.

Arthur: He looks like he cried himself to sleep...

Matthew: What the fuck when did this happen

Alfred: I thought I told you when I went to visit a few hours ago

Alfred: Emil was fucking sobbing all over her and (y/n) just stared me down until I left

Matthew: Poor thing

Matthew: What the shit happened though

Arthur: From what I've gathered kids at school destroyed his flute



Arthur sent the photo of the flute.

Alfred: Fucking yikeS


Arthur: I don't want to disturb them, so I think i'll go home. They look pretty comfy and there's an empty container of Mac n Cheese on the table so I know she's at least eaten something.

Matthew: I want to avenge the death of his precious flute

Alfred: Me too


   You woke up before Emil the next morning, the sunlight from the window blinding you temporarily. Emil still had tear stains, yet his expression was peaceful as he snored softly and hugged you loosely. Arthur, however, was nowhere to be seen, which you found odd since this was his day off. His cot was still set up in the corner. You slowly grabbed your phone, as not to disturb Emil, and unlocked it. Arthur had messaged a few hours ago

Arthur: Good morning!

Arthur: I went home because I didn't want to disturb you guys. You looked pretty comfy.

Arthur: I'll come back this afternoon.

You: Coolio beans

Arthur: You're just now waking up?

You: Yeah lmao 

You: Emil's still out cold but he was pretty worn out

Arthur: Yeah. His brothers know he stayed overnight, so you can kick him out anytime.

You: Lmao K

  "(y/n)?" Emil mumbled, rubbing his eyes, "Did I fall asleep?"

  "Yeah. Good morning." You smiled, kissing his nose. "Tino's gonna kill me." Emil sighed as he looked out the window. "Chill, my dad stopped by. They know you're over here." You explained as you moved toward his cheek and kissed his face affectionately. Emil hummed and kissed your nose before heaving himself up to sit cross-legged. His breath hitched once he spotted his flute case, abandoned at the edge of the bed. "Come back here." You muttered as you reached your arms toward him. He sniffed and threw his legs over the edge of the bed to get up, striding to the door. "You need something to eat." He said. "I need a kiss." You pouted, your arms still reaching toward him as you sat up.  He looked back to you and smirked, walking over to give you a quick peck on the lips before vanishing out the door.

  When he returned, he had a plastic container of a soupy substance you didn't recognize. "What's that?" You asked, wrinkling your nose. "They had Spaghetti-Os!" Emil replied excitedly. "Never heard of that." You said. His eyes widened. "You've never had Spaghetti-Os?" He said as he sat criss-cross on the bed again, facing you. "Nope." You muttered. "Open up." The male commanded, taking the lid off of the container and dipping the spork in it. You obeyed, and he promptly placed the spork in your mouth gently. "It tastes all artificial." You said. "That's how it's supposed to taste. Prime kid food right here." He smiled.

Ayyy extra short chapter but whatevs

I just wanted to write fluff

i'll have an actual plot next chapter I promise

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