Chapter 34

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You drifted in and out of sleep quite often. Each time you woke up, Arthur and Uncle Matt made sure you were feeling okay and insisted you sleep more. The IV was still hooked up to your arm and kept you feeling loopy every time you woke up.

  Finally, after what felt like an eternity of dozing off for short amounts of time, the sun was rising when you opened your sleepy eyes. Uncle Matt was looking at his phone and didn't notice you were awake. Dad wasn't there. "Where's dad?" You muttered as you rubbed an eye. Matt looked up and narrowed his eyes. "Dad? Oh, Arthur?" He asked. "Y-Yeah." You replied quietly. He smiled as he said, "He's getting coffee."

  "Shouldn't he be at work?" You asked, staring out the window at the rising sun. "Why would he go to work when you're in the hospital?" Matt replied. You turned to him with sleepy eyes. "Because he missed that day a few days ago when he was sick."

 "Well, he's not going anywhere. Except to get coffee." Matt smiled. You looked at your arm with the IV poking out and glared at it. "Do you know where my bag is? My phone's in it." You said suddenly, looking to your tired uncle. "Oh, yeah. Here." He said as he fished the bag out from under Arthur's chair and handed you your phone. "Thanks." You said, unlocking it.

   About five hundred missed calls from Emil came up. "The fuck?" You muttered to yourself as you checked through them. They were all from about twenty minutes ago, so you decided to call back. It rang for only a few seconds before your friend picked up. "(y-y/n)?" Emil asked, sniffling. It was obvious he was crying. "Emil, are you okay?" You asked quickly.

"N-No..." He said before breaking down in sobs. "Oh my god, what happened!?" You asked, sounding wide awake. Uncle Matt looked up from his phone in surprise. "H-H-Hannah... She..." Emil choked out between cries. "What happened to Hanatamago, Emil?" You asked gently. "She... She got out of the yard... and-" Emil began before crying even harder. "She got out of the yard? Is she okay?" You urged him on.

"T-There was a car... and she- she ran in front of it..."

 Your eyes widened. "Oh my god, Emil." You said in a voice barely above a whisper. "I'm so sorry..."

 "It was my fault..." He sniffed. You sat up straighter and glared at the wall. "Do NOT say that Emil. This is in no way your fault." You stated. Uncle Matt was staring at you with concern. "I-It was." Emil argued. You sighed. "Emil, I swear to god... You aren't helping anything by blaming yourself, okay? Take some deep breaths for me." You commanded.

 "Where are you? Could we h-hang out or something?..." He asked after obeying your command. "I'm..." You began, glancing at Matt with narrowed eyes, "I'm out of town for a bit. I'm sorry, Emil. You'll be the first to know when i'm back, okay? We can hang out then. I promise." You replied sadly. Emil sniffed. "Okay... I'm gonna, uh, help Lukas. B-Bye.." He said, and after a gentle goodbye you hung up. You set your phone on you lap and ran a hand through your hair with a sigh. "Why did you tell whoever that was that you're out of town?" Matthew asked. 

  You looked at him as if you had forgotten he was there. "That was my friend Emil. His... His dog got hit by a car. He doesn't need to hear about me right now." You quietly. Uncle Matt's eyes widened as he said, "Awwww" sadly. "Yeah" You mumbled as you picked up your phone and looked through your photos. Just then, Arthur walked in with a big smile. "Goo-ood morning!" He beamed as he handed Matthew coffee. His smile faded when he saw your sad face. "Oh god, what's wrong (y/n)?" he exclaimed, setting down his coffee as he took a seat in his chair right by your bed. "Uh... Emil called me just now. His dog was hit by a car..." You said quietly. "Oh." Arthur frowned, "But you don't feel worse or anything, right?"

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon