Arthur's Note

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Wowza i'm crying

I started this a full year ago, around this same time (late may, early June) and boy howdy was I fucked up then. Depressed, had shitty friends, only ate a couple bites of food a day and wondered how I wasn't losing any weight. After I started this I had something to look forward too, you know? Something I could hold onto going into my freshman year, where I thought i'd have to start over and find all new friends. 

   That didn't end up being the case, and the front of the line squad from second grade finally joined back up again halfway through the year (we're called that because when we met all our last names were very similar so every year in elementary all four of us were at the front of the lunch line) and they're so much better than my shitty friends from 8th grade. My depression has come back a bit, but that happens every summer (also ending this book has taken a toll), and I think this will be the first school year I'll cry at the end of because it was so wonderful.

And I owe a lot of this to you guys. Even when my writing was shitty, and I wrote in the accents and used a comma wayyy too much, you were there to comment inspiration and constructive criticism. Some of you have been here from the first few chapters, and I'm very grateful you stuck around for this mess. You guys and the joy of writing made it so I could get out of my shell and reconnect with old friends (and make many new ones!), and at points Arthur, Alfred, Matthew and Emil were my coping methods when times got real, real hard in the last year. Sometimes your comments were the only positive things I was exposed to that day. I can't thank you all enough.

At first I was going to go back and fix all the errors in the beginning chapters, but after consideration i'm leaving them. It really shows how my writing has grown, and I'm proud of it. Even if I did write in the accents. (the Arthur in Arthur's Note wan't intentional, by the way, but i'm leaving it.)

I'd like to take a bit to mention some readers who really stuck out to me. You guys were the ones I looked for after I posted a chapter, and I love you all so dearly. If I don't mention you i'm very sorry, this is just off the top of my head.

thatinternetdweeb - for reasons you know


SHJustReachedGodtier (tied for #1 stream goer)


AquaRoll (tied for #1 stream goer)

shahar5055 (You sweetie ily)








-GuessWho- (Thanks for letting me annoy you, my friend. Hope to chat more)

I'm going to start a book of streams, so you guys can check it out and join all the streams when they happen! And PLEASE check out my account for the Game Book! You can decide the next character of my next project!

Streaming all day at

Code is: 526-833-236

Signing off for the last time,

Asta la pasta!

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora