Chapter 76

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    Arthur sat up eagerly as the plane descended, Alfred stretching beside him. "We're here." Arthur said eagerly. "Oh, sweet." Alfred yawned sleepily. A large mob formed at the door of the plane as the attendant wished everyone a nice day, making the Brit bounce impatiently on his feet. Once he finally left the plane he nearly dragged his brother to the baggage claim to find their bags. It seemed like hours before their suitcases showed up, and then he raced out the door to his car with Alfred at his heels. "She's not going anywhere, dude." Alfred laughed as Arthur started the car impatiently. "Shut it." The eldest replied as he sped toward (hospital name).


  You sighed as you stared at the blank ceiling. At your insistence Matthew, Gilbert and Francis has all returned to their respective homes. You didn't need any more people worrying about you than necessary. A knock at the door made you sit up alertly. "Excuse me," A lady in police uniform said as she poked her head in, "Are you (F/n) (L/n)?"

  You looked at her curiously and nodded. "I'm with the police. We have some questions about the incident you've been through." she continued as she walked in and took a seat in a chair by your bed. You grabbed your notepad and scribbled What would you like to know? before handing it to her. "Have you found yourself unable to speak?" She asked gently. You nodded. "I see. Well, we should get starte-"

  The door burst open again to reveal Arthur standing there with a wide grin. That grin, however, disappeared when he saw your injured state. "(y/n)..." He whispered, running in and enveloping you in a hug. You gasped and violently squirmed your way out of it, cradling your still bandaged arm as you looked at him sadly. "Oh my god, your arm..." He said, gently touching your cheek where the gash had become a not so faint scar. I missed you.  You wrote on the notepad and showed him. "Oh..." Arthur cried, his eyes watering. "Sorry to break up this moment, but..." The officer said from the other side of the bed. Arthur looked to her as if not realizing she was there, and you scribbled on the notepad She wants to question me or something.

  "Do you want me to leave?" Your dad asked gently. You nodded and gave him an apologetic look. "I'll be outside, okay?" He promised, giving your hand a squeeze before walking out the door. "Okay, i'm just going to start by explaining why i'm here. We, uh, found the body of Miss Catherine Brook. Your dad informed us you had a history with her?" The officer asked. You nodded. "Is this your bag?" She continued, showing you a photo of your school backpack. You nodded and scribbled Aw shit my phone's in that. The lady chuckled and said, "You can have it back soon, hun. But before we have to know, do you know what happened to Miss Catherine?"

  Your eyes widened as the flashback of her body collapsing filled your mind. Very slowly, you nodded again. "The gun turned in by Mr. Beilschmidt the day he found you had your fingerprints on it. Are you the one who..." She asked uncertainly. You looked into your lap and nodded. The officer sighed and asked, "Can you tell me what happened, please?"

  You looked to her with tear filled eyes and nodded before picking up your notepad and beginning to write.

  Me and my boyfriend Emil (He's a few rooms down) thought it'd be fun to crossdress to school. He borrowed my skirt and it actually looked really cute on him and anyway we were on our way home after getting detention for breaking the dress code by crossdressing when this creepy ass dude that had been following us to and from school finally showed his face. I think he thought Emil was me because Emil actually makes a pretty convincing lady so he grabbed Emil and yanked him into his creepy ass white van and so naturally I tried to fucking fight him because Emil's mine and he needs to get his own crossdresser and we both ended up getting knocked out and thrown into the van. I woke up in this dark ass room and Catherine showed up and started hitting me (which isn't unusual for her because she hates me and hit me all the time) and then said I wasn't allowed to leave the dark ass room. Well I obviously left the dark ass room and found Emil all bruised in another dark ass room but Catherine heard us and came and started hitting us again but said we could just stay together in one dark ass room which was cool. So now we're both bruised and confused (lmao that rhymes) and who decides to show up but the creepy ass dude that kidnapped us and so i'm standing in front of Emil ready to whoop this guys ass into next week when he gives us a sandwich and i'm like ??????? but I take the sandwich and then he leaves and I make Emil eat the sandwich because i'm used to having no food whatsoever but he's not. It kinda goes like that for the next few days like we break some unknown rule and Catherine beats the shit out of us while the dude who's name I learned is Ralph sneaks us food that I make Emil eat until one day I fight Catherine back because no one touches my man and then Ralph panicked and poured boiling water on me to get me to stop (hence my arm) and then after what was probably a few days Catherine comes into the dark ass room and seems really pissed and apparently she had asked Ralph to kill us????????? And Ralph, being a sane human being was like "um fuck no" and so Catherine like grabbed my shirt collar and was like "get the thing" and I was like ?????? but them Ralph looked super fucking upset and he leaves the room and comes back with a gUN

  You decided that that was enough information and handed the police officer the notepad. An eternity of silence passed as she read it to herself, her eyes growing wide as she reached the end. "What happened then?" She asked quietly, handing the notepad back to you. You wiped the tears from your eyes and set to scribbling once again.

  She held it to my head and I got ready to die. You know, came to terms with my regrets and such. All that good stuff. But before she could shoot me Emil got up from the floor and full on tackled her and she dropped me. He started punching her because she just kind of tried to kill his lady and I realized that I almost let my lifetime tormentor be the death of me and that she almost had the last laugh. So as I came to this conclusion that she can't be the one to defeat this motherfucker Catherine gets Emil off her and starts choking him. I'm kind of frozen in place but then Emil goes limp and she throws him to the ground, and in my starved and sleep deprived mind she has killed him. She killed the bae. And so when she turns around to end my existence I grab the gun, and I decided that I wasn't going to let her dictate my life and emotions anymore. Also she theoretically killed the bae and that's really rude. So yeah 

  "So she tried to kill you both?" The officer says. You nodded. She sighed and put a hand on her forehead. "God, I can't imagine what's going through your head right now. We're going to work this out, okay?" She says, putting a hand on your uninjured shoulder. You nodded with a sniffle and she heads for the door. "Is it okay if I show your dad this?" She says, holding up the notepad, "You don't have to be in the room when he reads it."

   Your eyes widened and you stared at her in terror. "I'm sure he won't blame you, miss." She says gently. You closed your eyes and sighed, realizing there was no way to avoid him finding out what you did. Silently, you nodded. "Thank you. I hope you feel better..." The officer said before leaving the room, her voice saying "Mr. Kirkland?" Before the door shut out any noise.  You grabbed your pillow and sobbed silently into it. Oh god, he was going to disown you. You murdered someone. He was going to hate you. 

  Who could love a murderer?


  "Sir, before you read this, I'd like to tell you something." The officer said quietly. The Brit narrowed his eyes. "Yes?" He asked curiously. "You daughter, uh... She's absolutely terrified in there. I think she thinks you'll hate her or something once you read this." The lady explained. Arthur's gaze softened as he took a step back and said, "I'm not going to hate her, regardless of what happened."

  "Okay then, sir. She wrote down what happened for me here." She said, handing him the notepad. Arthur took it and began to scan the page silently. "She wrote 'dark ass room' quite often." He commented, making the officer laugh nervously. As his eyes made their way down the page they grew wider. And wider. He lifted the first page to continue reading the next page. "Oh my god..." The Brit whispered, his hands shaking. After a minute he reached the end and let go on the front page. "It's obvious it was done in self defense." The officer said gently to his pale face, "But, uh, we're going to need the notepad back for evidence."

  He handed the notebook silently. She took it and said, "I promised her she could have her bag back, or at least her phone, so I'll be back later. I gotta go submit this."

  Arthur said nothing as she bid him farewell and walked around the corner. Once she had left his sight the blonde slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor, his face pale and his hands shaking. Oh god, how was he going to explain this? It'd be all over the news in no time. He had to talk to someone, to not be here. The Brit shakily took out his phone and called the first person that came to his mind.

"Hello?" Francis said cheerily. "F-Francis? You're a sane and calm human being, right?" Arthur said in a shaky voice. "Yes, I suppose... Why? What's wrong?" The Frenchman asked anxiously.

"S-She killed her, Francis. (y/n) k-killed Catherine."

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ