Chapter 28

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 Matthew wandered up to Francis's desk. The work day was almost over, and the Frenchman was intently pretending to work. "Hey, Francis?" Matthew asked quietly. Francis looked up from his computer and smiled, "Hi Matthew! What can I do for you?"

 "Uh, Alfred was telling me about (y/n), and i'm meeting her after work.." Matt said quietly. Francis's face lit up. "Oh, you're going to love her!" He smiled. The Canadian smiled back shyly. "That's what everyone's telling me. But really, what am I in for? What is she like?" He said. Francis's smile faded slightly, "Did Al tell you where she came from?"

  "Yeah..." Matthew said. "Well, she's got a lot of stuff going on from that." Francis began, "For starters, she has panic attacks. She's also quite skinny and incredibly shy, so if you can get 5 words out of her consider yourself lucky."

  "Oh, wow..." The Canadian said, his eyes wide. "Yeah. But really, once she knows you she opens up and honestly she's the sweetest little thing. We discovered she really likes hugs the other day." Francis beamed. Matthew smirked, "Oh really?"


"Hey Al, Francis told me (y/n)'s really shy, is that true?" Matthew said as he wandered over to where Alfred sat. "Oh, yeah. She said two words to me the first day we met." The American smiled. Matt narrowed his eyes and smirked. "I bet I can get her to say 3." He said. Al smirked back, "I bet I can get her to say 3 words first!"

"Challenge accepted."


  Alfred unlocked his door and strutted in, only to stop short and gasp. Matt walked in behind him and stopped short as well. The house was absolutely spotless. "Since when is your house actually clean?" He asked, a small smile on his lips. "I didn't do this..." Alfred said quietly. The American slowly walked into his house, setting the pizza on the coffee table and walking into the kitchen. "Where is she?" He mumbled to himself. Matthew wandered down the hallway quietly. As he walked by the guest bedroom, he stopped short. "Hey, Al?" He said, "Is the sleeping kid in your guest bedroom her, or should I call the cops?"

  Al walked to where Matt stood and smiled. "Nah, that's her. Isn't she cute?" He said. You were fast asleep in you bed, curled up around your pillow as usual. "Yeah, I guess.." Matthew said. Alfred turned on the lights and cupped his hands around his mouth. 

  "riSE AND SHINE, IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY!" He shouted. You jolted awake, sitting up abruptly with wide eyes. Your eyes met Alfred's and you relaxed as the blanket pooled around your waist. "Good morning!" The American said cheerily, "Matt is here!"

 You looked over to find a man very similar to Alfred standing in the doorway. He smiled at you, and you smiled shyly back. "Me and him made a bet on who you'll say 3 words to first, So don't talk to him!" Alfred said excitedly. Matthew looked very offended. You narrowed your eyes at them, then got out of the bed and walked up to them. "You lose." You said as you made eye contact with Alfred. He looked scandalized as you turned to Mattie. "Hi, my name's (y/n)" you smirked. "Woo! I win!" Matthew cheered. Alfred pouted, "No fair!"

  He quickly recovered, however, when Matthew pointed out that the pizza was waiting on the coffee table. "Let's go eat!" Alfred exclaimed. You followed behind him and Matthew to the living room. Alfred grabbed plates from the kitchen and you and your new uncle sat on opposite ends of the couch from each other. The American returned with the plates and handed one to each of you before sitting on the armchair next to the couch and smiling. 

 "So, (y/n), why is the house clean? Not that i'm complaining of course." Alfred asked. You looked back at him and quietly replied, "I was bored," with a small smile. "Really? You seem the type to do drugs or something when bored." Alfred smirked. You narrowed your eyes and said casually, "Ah, well, my dealers out of town for a while and i'm fresh out." before eating your pizza intently. Matthew looked at you, incredibly alarmed at your remark until Alfred started laughing. "Don't look so scared, Mattie." He smiled as he turned on the T.V. "What should we watch?"

Parks and Recreation came up on the DVR, and Matthew gasped and said, "Let's watch Parks 'n Rec!" excitedly. You smiled, "Yeah. I like that one.."

    The Canadian turned to you and grinned. "Really!? My favorite character is Ron."

You smiled even bigger. "I like him a lot. He's funny."

  About 10 minutes into the episode, you felt Matthew slide over to your part of the couch. He grabbed a piece of pizza and set it on his plate. When he didn't scoot back to the other side of the couch and ate his pizza right next to you, you smiled a little to yourself. Alfred suddenly laughed at Jerry's latest screw up, and you were so happy you couldn't help but laugh with him and Matthew. 

You really like your new uncles.

Hey guys! have a kind of short chapter only like 2 hours after the last one! i thought i'd "Just start" the next one, and then 900 words happened, so i thought "why the heck not"? I hope you guys like this! Don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la pasta~

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora