Chapter 73

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    Arthur looked out the hotel window with a sad sigh. He was on a business holiday, which he assumed his boss assigned him to get his mind off things. Despite all his efforts he couldn't stop thinking of you, of weather or not you were still alive. God, he missed you. He lay on the hotel bed and stared at the ceiling as a thousand and none thoughts filled his brain. Alfred was in the next room over watching a TV show that could be heard through the thin walls. 

Alfred: Dude come over and watch TV

Arthur: No.

Alfred: It'll get your mind off things. Please?

Arthur: No.

In all honesty, he didn't want to forget you for even a second.

Alfred: They're going to find her Arthur. It'll be okay.


Catherine slumped to the ground, her eyes wide as the light faded from them. You held the gun steady and looked to where Ralph once was from where you kneeled on the floor. The man was nowhere to be seen. Catherine's blood seeped from her head onto your pants, and you glared at her body as you slowly stood up. Once the gravity of once you just did fell upon your hands began to shake. Catherine was dead.

 You killed her.

  You let the hand holding the gun fall to your side as you rushed to Emil. The thin male was breathing, much to your relief, but the cuts from Catherine's nails bled slightly down his face. You gently picked up the surprisingly light male bridal-style with the gun still in hand. The door was wide open and the hallway light beckoned. Ever so cautiously, you took a step out of the dark room. The house responded with silence, and as you wandered with your boyfriend in your arms down the hallway and stairs you saw the front doorway open, a cold breeze entering the otherwise warm house.

  You smiled for the first time in forever and breathed the fresh air.

 A silent neighborhood under a clear nighttime sky greeted you as you stepped slowly out the door. You recognized none of your surroundings and frowned. Streetlamps provided your only source of light as you decided you should just start walking, gripping the gun in your hand for protection. 

  You walked for what seemed like an eternity before the first sliver of the sun showed over the horizon. You were still hopelessly lost, Emil still limp in your arms, but your hopes of getting home rose with the medium sized star. The houses beside you seemed more friendly as you wandered down the now more vibrant sidewalk with the gun loosely in your hand.


  "Turn it up, I like this song." Gilbert muttered. Ludwig obliged, the pop song growing louder in the small car. "So, what was this place again? Why is it in such a creepy part of town?" The albino asked. "There's an office building around here somewhere. We have to check it out, remember? I think they wanna buy it." Ludwig muttered. As they stepped out of the car, Gilbert suddenly squinted at a form down the sidewalk. "The fuck...?" He said. "What?" His brother asked. "Look! It's a kid." The albino said, pointing down the road. You were walking cheerily toward them with Emil in your arms. "That looks like... Holy shit!" Gilbert exclaimed, "(y/n)!!"

  You stopped walking and looked around curiously. "(y/n)!" Gilbert screamed, running down the sidewalk with Ludwig following. As they neared your eyes widened and you took a step back. You turned around and began to run the way you came. "No! Dammit... (y/n), come back!" Gilbert yelled as he sprinted after you. You looked around frantically before turning into an alley and out of view. "What the hell is she doing?" Ludwig yelled behind his older brother. They skidded around the corner to find you against the dead end wall. You set Emil gently on the ground and whipped around to face them, the gun in both of your hands. "Fuckfuckfuck" Gilbert said with his hands up, "She has a gun, Ludwig. She has a gun."

  "(y/n), put the gun down." Ludwig said gently, his hands in the air as well. You looked between the two of them as you shook violently and breathed shallow, fast breaths. "(y/n), it's Gilbert! You love uncle Gil!" Gilbert said carefully, "We aren't going to hurt you. Put the gun down, please."

  You slowly lowered the gun until it pointed at the ground. "Thank you." Ludwig said, taking a step toward you. Your eyes widened and you raised the gun to point at him again. "Shit, calm down." Ludwig said as he took a step back again. The German leaned to look past you at the form on the ground behind you. "What the fuck happened to him?" He exclaimed, pointing at Emil. Your eyes softened suddenly as you looked back to where Emil lay. "(y/n), can I see your friend?" Ludwig said quietly, taking a few steps forward, "I'm not going to hurt him. I promise. Can I please see if he's okay?"

  You stared the blond in the eye for a full minute of silence before slowly nodding your head and stepping aside, the gun still aimed at him. Ludwig knelt beside the younger male. "He's breathing," He said to Gilbert. "But both of them need to go to the hospital."

  "Okay. C'mon (y/n), let's go." Gilbert said in a gentle voice, taking a step toward you with his hands still in the air. He smiled as you lowered the gun again, still eyeing him carefully. "You can take your gun with you." He promised as he reached out to gently touch your shoulder. You winced and backed away from him. "Shit, i'm sorry, i'm sorry." The albino said quickly as Ludwig picked up the unconscious Emil. He began to walk away, and you let out a scream as you dropped the gun and ran to the German. You jumped and rammed yourself into the taller male, making him stagger and turn around. "What? I'm not hurting him, see?" He said gently. You reached out and took Emil's limp hand while glaring Ludwig in the eye. "Oh. Okay, we're going to the car." He said as you walked beside him. Gilbert picked up your gun and ran behind you guys.

    Emil lay with his head in your lap as Ludwig sped down the road. "Call Arthur." Ludwig ordered Gilbert. The latter nodded and flipped through his contacts. "Shit, I don't have his number." He swore, "I'll call Francis, I think he knows Arthur's number."


 Francis yawned as he finished up the last of his paperwork. His phone buzzed beside him, and without even looking at the contact he pushed answer and held the device to his ear. "Hello?" He muttered. "Francis? Call Arthur." Gilbert ordered over the phone. "What, why?" The Frenchman asked.

"We found her. She's alive."

Hey guys, I love you all and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

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