Chapter 6

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The foggy morning greeted you as you walked down the street behind Arthur and Alfred. They were deep on conversation, their heads close together as they stole glances back at you and whispered to each other. Pretending not to notice, you focused on your (f/c) converse as they carried you down the sidewalk. You hoped the restaurant wasn't too crowded. You didn't even want to go, but you still didn't trust the blonde pair in front of you enough to say so.

"Nearly there, love. It's right over there,  see?" A voice dragged your eyes away from your shoes. You looked up to see Arthur pointing to a small, cafe like building across the street. The shingles on the roof were blue, and matched the window rims that contrasted the otherwise blank white walls of the small structure. The wait to cross the street didn't take long, and as soon as you could you sprinted across, looking behind you to see Arthur and Alfred walking calmly about 10 feet behind you.

"Dude, what's with the rush? There's like, no cars in sight." The taller of the males asked, giving you a curious look. You shrugged your shoulders and waited for them to catch up patiently.


After they made it across the road, Arthur led the way into the restaurant ahead. A little bell tickled as you walked in, and a friendly looking waitress walked out. "Right this way," She said, gesturing for you, Arthur, and Alfred to follow her, "I hope a booth is alright."


As you sat down,  she whipped out a notepad and pen. "Can I get you some

drinks to start you off?"

"Coffee for me, love." Arthur said, picking up his menu.

"Ditto" Alfred smiled.

The waitress turned to you.

You panicked mentally and said quietly, "Just water, thanks." Without looking up from the table. The waitress smiled and said "coming right up!" As she walked towards the kitchen. Arthur stared at you, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Someone's talkative today." He smirked. You looked up at him and shrugged. You could talk to people if you had to. Just not always. At least Arthur didn't seem to mind your


  You picked up your menu quietly, staring at the many things available. Alfred had already decided and was staring off into space, while Arthur continued to browse his menu with interest. You looked for the smallest and cheapest thing you could get, and decided on a side of toast. The waiter came and left, and after many minutes of awkward silence your toast came.

  You nibbled your toast quietly, studying the pattern on the wooden table you were seated at. Alfred was deeply immersed in his his eggs and hash browns, while Arthur sipped his coffee and poked at his english muffin. This went on for many minutes in thick silence. Finally the waitress gave the bill, which after a moment of bickering Alfred paid for. The walk back was uneventful besides the continued mumbles of the blonde pair in front of you.

The apartment had sounds coming from it as you neared the door, and Arthur's eyes widened as he ran towards it. "Bloody hell! stay behind me, (y/n)" he said, holding a hand out behind him to stop you advancing. The blonde quickly opened the door and ran in, fists raised. "Dammit Prussia! I thought i was being robbed!" he said, glaring at someone out of your view. You and Alfred wandered in to find a grey haired man in the kitchen, holding a pot. "Nein! I just thought i'd stop bye to tell you of the unawesome meeting!"

"What meeting!?" Arthur said, walking over and ripping the pot out of the other's hand. Prussia only smirked and said, "The one China called, loser! We sent zhat guy to tell you!" He said, pointing to Alfred. Alfred gasped, "oh yeaahhhhh. That's why i came.."

"Vhait, who is zhis frau?" The silver haired man came up to you, poking you in the head. You gave Arthur a terrified look, but before he could act Alfred swooped in and swatted Prussia' hand away. "This is (y/n)." he said, glaring at the red-eyed man, "and she is a friend of ours."

"kesesesese! A /friend/? Vhait 'till France gets a load of her!" Prussia laughed, and you backed away silently, making your way towards your room before anyone noticed. You bumped into something on your way, and you turned around to see the largest man you'd ever seen.

   His  muscular arms seemed to be each as wide as you, and you were no pencil. He was so tall, you barely went up to his elbow. You let out a small, "Eep!" before stumbling around to look up at him. His blue eyes seemed to stare into your soul, his slicked back blonde hair seemed miles higher than you. "Who are jou?" he said, his German accent thick. You swallowed nervously and took a step back.

  Suddenly you felt something on your hips, and your feet left the ground. You tensed up, looking behind you to see that Prussia had lifted you up. "Vhest! Zhis ist (y/n/)! Say hallo!" He said as he lifted you toward the terrifying German in front of you. "West" stared at your (e/c) eyes,  which had tears welling up in them. You hated physical contact, and being lifted to eye level with a stranger was not something you really wanted to happen. Ever.

  Without any warning, the blonde in front of you reached out and placed his hands on your sides, lifting you higher so Prussia would let go. "Jou are scaring her, Gil." he said, turning around so his back was to the silver haired man.

  He held you at eye level and arms length away, with greater ease than you were expecting. "Do not cry," he said, still not putting you down, "I vill not hurt jou. I am Ludvig. Gilbert ist mein bruder." At this point, you didn't care who he was. You just wanted to be on the ground. "h-hi.." you squeaked out, your legs hanging limply. He set you down, and you stepped backward toward the stairs.

 Ludwig walked toward the stairs, taking a seat on one of the steps before motioning to you. "Would jou like to sit with me?" You looked  back at Arthur and the others, who were now screaming and throwing things at each other. Turning to Ludwig, you nodded your head vigorously.

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