Chapter 35

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  Arthur sulked into work and slid into his desk with a sigh. "Hey, Iggs." Alfred yawned as he walked by the Brit's desk, "How's (y/n)? Why aren't you at the hospital with her, anyway?"

 They heard a thump behind them and whipped around to face the source of the noise. Gilbert and Antonio were in a pile on the floor, both of their chairs upturned. "D-Did you say (y/n)'s in the hospital?" Toni asked. "Oh, yeah. Her appendix burst." Arthur said, "I used my last sick day yesterday so the boss won't let me go be with her."

  Gilbert and Toni gasped loudly. "Awe! Zhat sucks ass." Gilbert frowned. "Wait, so she's just there by herself?" Alfred asked as he turned to his brother. "No, Matt's there. He said he has loads of sick days because they roll over and he wanted to hang out with (y/n) anyway." Arthur pouted. Toni and Gilbert looked to each other and nodded before beginning to stand. "We wanna go visit her!" They exclaimed together. "Does she even know you guys?" Arthur asked with an annoyed expression. "Ja! We met her at Al's house and she's awesome." Gilbert grinned, "Francis will wanna come, too!"

 "I don't think she could handle that many people at the same time..." Arthur frowned at them. "Nah, man. I had a party while she was at my house and she was fine. She'd love to see Gil and Toni and Francey pants!" Alfred said. Arthur aggressively spun his office chair to face him. "You made my daughter, with social anxiety, go to a party!?" He exclaimed angrily. "Yeah... That's where she met that kid Emil, dude." Alfred replied. Arthur put his fingers on his temples and breathed deeply. "You know what?" He began, "I don't even care. You guys can visit her after work. One wrong move, however, and you're out. Am I clear?" 

  "Crystal." Gilbert and Toni nodded. The duo turned around and ran down the row of cubicles. "Francis! Guess what?" They yelled excitedly.


  You watched Gravity Falls reruns contently with Uncle Matt. He asked a lot of questions, but it was nice to have someone who at least seemed interested. "That's Bill. He's an Illuminati dorito." You explained as the antagonist appeared on the screen. "Why does he have a little hat?" Matthew asked with his elbows on his knees. "Because, he may be an Illuminati dorito but he still has to be classy." You replied. "I see." Matthew said in a serious voice, but he couldn't hold it in and let out a laugh.

  Suddenly your uncle's phone went off. He looked at it for a second then turned his head to you. "Do you know Toni, Gil, and Francis?" He asked. "Yeah. They're funny." You giggled. "They've insisted on visiting you after they get off work." Matt smiled. You gave back a sleepy grin as you said, "Nice."

  "Are you tired?" Matthew asked gently.



  Gilbert pulled into the hospital parking lot, Toni and Francis in their cars behind him. Francis had jumped right on board when they said he could come along to visit. He was really worried about you.

 "Arthur said she's in room 107," He said as the others joined him in the waiting room, "Matthew ran home to get something so she's just in there by herself. He said she might be sleeping but she won't care if we wake her up."

 "I hope she's alright.." Toni said anxiously. Gil looked at his phone again and laughed. "Oh," He said, "Arthur just warned me that the IV they have her on makes her loopy when she first wakes up. Apparently she can be a sailor."

 Francis put a hand over his mouth to hide his expression. "Oh my god..." He choked out through his laughter as they wandered into the elevator. "I lowkey hope she is a sailor." Gil smirked as they rose.

  You were fast asleep when they entered your room, your IV'd arm sticking out of your blanket cocoon as not to disturb it. "Damn, she's pale..." Gilbert muttered as he walked over and sat on the edge of the stiff bed. "Hey. Wake up." He said. You slept on. "That's not how you wake people up, Gil." Francis said with his face in his hand, "Let me do it."

 The Frenchman walked over to where your head lay and crouched so he was at eye level. "Hey, (y/n). Wake up..." He said, brushing some of your hair out of your face with his hand. You stirred at his touch and opened one sleepy eye. "What... the fuck?" You muttered, "I can't see shit."

 Toni laughed so hard he had to sit down. Gil had a hand over his mouth and was snickering quietly, and you tried to turn your head to see who was there. "Who's that?" You asked as you rubbed an eye. "It's your favorite uncle Gil!" Gilbert exclaimed. "Uncle?.." You said as you sat up. "I sat up too fast..." You mumbled, putting a hand over your face. "You okay?" Toni asked once he recovered. "Yeah..." You said quietly, "Hello."

 "Hi there." Francis smiled, rubbing your arm. You moved your arm away from his touch and stared into space. "You look comfy." Toni grinned as he sat next to Gil on your bed. "I haven't moved in like 2 days." You said tiredly. "Not even to eat?" Gilbert asked. You squinted into space for a minute, then replied, "I think they won't let me or something because my stomach is broken."

 "That sucks..." Toni pouted. "There's new episodes of Gravity Falls and Steven universe, so i'm okay." You said. "What's that?" He asked curiously. "My favorite TV show and other favorite TV show." You smiled weakly. "Are they playing right now?" Gilbert asked, "We should watch them!"

 You aggressively smacked your hands around where the blankets pooled at your waist until you found your phone. "Steven Universe is." You said once you checked the time. "It's channel 55."

  "Alright." France smirked as he grabbed the remote. The opening theme played and you grinned in excitement. "I can play this on my ukulele..." You said quietly. "since when do you have a ukulele??" Gilbert asked with a smirk. "Since I was ten." You replied, "I named it Sebastian."

 "Like the crab from The Little Mermaid?" Toni asked.

"No, Like the demon."

Hey guys! The great gods have blessed me with so many cute chapter ideas, you don't even know! I'm really excited to write more, so hopefully you'll get some updates soon. You know I love you guys, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

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