Chapter 10

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Your eyes widened. The tears ran down your face as you looked up to meet his warm green eyes.

"You.. Y-you really want to?"

He chuckled. "Of course. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. Such a sweet girl shouldn't be all alone." The tears kept coming as you smiled. "Yes, please." you said. Arthur laughed and handed you some paperwork and the pen. "You have to fill out some things. Your age, date of birth, and such. I've already signed my name, so when you're done we can mail it right away." You took the pen and looked down at the paper, wiping away your tears with your wrist. As you filled out the form, Arthur couldn't help but smile to himself. You would be his daughter soon. His daughter.

The doctor came in, just as you were finishing up the last of the questions. You handed the stack of papers to Arthur, who put them in the file as you looked at the doctor.

"Sorry to interrupt," she said, "But I need to talk to your parent or guardian about a few things. Would that be you, sir?" she said, looking at Arthur. He nodded and stood up, following the doctor out of the room. You strained your ears to listen to the conversation in the hall.

"Her medical history says depression and severe anxiety...."

"Malnourishment, most likely from her mother.... "

"Possibly the beginning stages of anorexia..."

You didn't want to hear anymore. This was bad. You began to panic a little. What if he didn't want you after this? What if he just left you? What if-

The door opening again broke your thoughts. Arthur came in alone, sitting in the chair he was in before. You didn't dare look at him, instead focusing on the smoothie you had yet to finish. The silence was thick and awkward, with both of you glancing anywhere but each other.

Arthur broke it. "The doctor told me your medical history..."

You stared into your lap. "I heard. I'm sorry... And... I understand if you... if you d-don't want me anymore..."

Arthur stood up abruptly, reaching over and grabbing your shoulders. "(y/n), look at me." he said. You glanced away from him, not wanting to meet his eyes. "Look. At. Me." He repeated forcefully. You met his eyes, terrified that he was angry with you. Instead those soft green eyes held only intense warmth and concern. "I care about you, (y/n). From the moment I saw you at the bus stop. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, is going to change that. Not depression, not anxiety. You hear me?" You nodded. He suddenly hugged you tight, rocking you back and forth. You were starting to like hugs from Arthur, you realized as you leaned into the hug.

He pulled away, smiling at you. "Now," He said, "The doctor said you need to get lots of sleep. I'm going to go home and grab some things, and i'll be back soon, okay?" You nodded. Arthur waved at you as he walked out, closing the door behind him. You laid back, rolling onto your side before falling asleep surprisingly quickly. You bet there was something in that smoothie.


"Dude... When you said it was bad, I didn't think this bad..."

"Be nice. You know what the doctor said about her. If I hear ONE mean thing

when she wakes up, I will personally skin you. Got it?"

"Okay, fine. Calm down, bro."

You stirred, causing both blondes to turn to you with interest. One unfocused (e/c) eye opened slowly, looking around the room before it rested on a familiar British blonde. You sat up, rubbing your other eye while you yawned a sleepy "Good morning" to him. Arthur smiled. "Look who's finally awake," he said, checking his watch, "Someone's here to see you." You turned to the person standing next to him. it was Alfred, holding a paper bag in one hand.

"Hey dudette!" He said, walking over and standing by the bed. "I've brought the cure-all for everything that ails you!" You raised an eyebrow at Arthur, who merely shrugged. Alfred sat down by your feet and reached into the bag, pulling out.... a hamburger? He very seriously placed it on your head, standing back and putting his hands on his hips. "There! All better!"

Arthur marched over, punching Alfred in the arm and taking the hamburger off your head. "You tit! What is that going to do!?" He yelled, throwing the burger in the garbage. "Duuude, that was a perfectly good burger!" Alfred pouted. Arthur simply ignored him, and took a seat in his chair by the bed. "I'm going to get a new one," Alfred said, opening the door, "I'll be back."

Arthur turned to you. "He knows..." Your eyes widened in alarm. "It's okay," Arthur said, "I thought he and Ludwig deserve to know, considering they know about your mom. I made sure he wouldn't tell anyone. He can be serious sometimes, even though that sounds impossible." He chuckled. You smiled, finally relaxing for the first time in a while. "W-when can I leave here?" you asked quietly. Alfred sighed sadly. uh oh. "What's wrong?" You asked, "Is it a long time?"

"Well," he said slowly, "The doctor said you're very malnourished. You need to stay here until that's all sorted out. So it could be any time...". You sighed. This would be boring. "It's okay," Arthur said, smiling, "I'll be here to keep you company!"

Don't forget to comment ideas for future chapters and vote! Any comments make my day, and if you have a certain country you'd like introduced, i'll try my hardest to make it happen! asta la pasta~

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