Chapter 24

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  You and Emil chose a table for two a distance away from Alfred and the others. Once you sat down, you noticed Gilbert pointing at you from their table a distance away. Francis was looking at you and smirking. You looked over and made eye contact, and they quickly turned away and began a heated discussion. Emil watched this exchange and narrowed his eyes.

  "Why did they ask if i'm 'The kid from the party'?" He asked, taking a bite of his burger. You sighed. "Alfred was telling them about you earlier today, and they think we should date for some reason..."

  Emil looked up in alarm. "Wh-Why?"

 You took a bite of burger. "I happened to mention being single, and you, being the only male my age, are the perfect match in their eyes."  

   Emil laughed. "Such flawless logic." 


  "See? It's zhat kid (y/n)'s sitting vith!" Gilbert said, pointing at the table you and Emil were at. Francis looked to were he was pointing and saw you with a silver haired boy. You glanced over, and him and Gilbert quickly looked away to avoid getting caught. "They seem to like each other," Francis remarked. "He seems just as shy as her," Toni said, "How do they even communicate?"

 "They talked a lot at the party..." Alfred said. The four looked back to you and Emil. Both of you were laughing and smiling. "Awwwww~!" Antonio said, "They're so cute!" as he ate some fries. Gilbert smirked, "Ja. Did you see them vhen I said zhey should date?" He asked. Alfred and Francis shook their heads. Toni laughed. "They looked like tomatoes and the kid started stuttering!"

  "I ship it." Alfred said. Francis looked at him and smiled. "Me too."


  You and Emil quickly finished eating and threw away the trash. "So..." Emil said, jamming his hands in his pockets, "Do you wanna go somewhere? Hot Topic has a sale, I think..."

  You smiled, "Yeah! that sounds fun..." as you followed him through the food court. He kept looking behind him to make sure you were there, and you sped up once you were out of the mess of tables to walk beside him. He smiled a little bit to himself as you walked into Hot Topic together.

~~~~~~sorry not sorry for all the pov changes~~~~~~

  Alfred, Gilbert, Toni, and Francis sat in thick silence long after everyone had finished eating. Francis was the first to break it."Alfred, I have to ask something..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. Alfred looked over at him curiously. "What?" He asked. "It's about (Y/n).." Francis replied. The american narrowed his eyes. "What about her?"

  "Where did she come from? She mentioned something being 'Before Arthur found her', and i was just wondering..." Francis said slowly. Alfred sighed loudly. "Well, I don't know much, but according to Arthur she was abused... He said she has like depression and anxiety and a bunch of other stuff. That's why she has to take all that medicine." He replied. 

  Gilbert, Antonio, and Francis gasped. "So that's why she had..." Toni said in a voice barely above a whisper. "I, uh, felt her ribs slightly through her shirt when I was getting out of the car..." Francis mumbled, "That's why I was wondering...". Alfred looked at him in shock. "Really? Wow. No wonder Arthur always texts me to make sure she eats. He said she was malnourished, but I didn't think it was that bad..." He said, looking down at the table. 

  "The fact that she ate that burger you brought home yesterday must mean something..." Toni said quietly, "She did admit that she was hungry, too."

  Gilbert looked over at the American. "Ja, and she bought food a couple minutes ago. I knew she was kind of timid, but I didn't think it was anything like that..." He said. Alfred nodded. "Yeah. I feel bad because she was trying to hide how upset she was that Arthur's flight home was delayed. She probably had to hide emotions a lot at her old house..." He continued. 

  "Arthur's flight was delayed? For how long?" Francis asked. "No one knows. There was a huge storm so they froze everything over there. (y/n) seems to really miss him..." Alfred said. "Awww." Toni said, "I want to hug her now..."

  "That's another thing i've noticed..." Alfred said, "She seems to like hugs for some reason. I saw out the window when she first came that she hugged Arthur goodbye. And she didn't seem to mind Feliciano hugging her that one time when he was hiding from Ludwig..."

  "Oooh, she hugs while she sleeps too! She did it to me that day she got sick!" Toni said, smiling. Francis nodded. "Yeah. I took a picture." He said, pulling out his phone to show him. Alfred smiled at the photo. "Heh. Arthur would kill you if he knew you took a picture of her." He said. Francis laughed."Too late. I sent it to him after I took it. He said good luck to Toni." He said, putting his phone away. Alfred laughed as well. "I didn't know Arthur had a nice bone in his body," He said, "It's still hard to believe he took in a kid..."

  "Yeah. I wonder what she meant when she said he 'found her'?" Toni said. "Same," Alfred replied, "I think if she said that he 'found' her specifically then she probably ran away or something." He continued. "Zhat's sad..." Gilbert said."Yeah... and when I went over there to visit and met her, he was super defensive of her. Like, standing in between me and her and yelling at me for scaring her." Alfred said. "Woah." Francis said, "That is weird for him."

  Alfred stood up and pushed his chair in. "Well," He said, "We should probably go buy somewhere while we have time. I asked (y/n) to be back here in.." the American looked at his watch, "A little less than an hour."

  The rest of them quickly got up and followed him.

Sorry for the crappy ending, but i really wanted to put a new chapter up for you guys! I'm so exited to write the rest of this :3 you know i love all of you, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la pasta~

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