Chapter 75

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   Emil sat up abruptly, inhaling deeply. "(y/n)?" He said as he frantically looked around the room. His eyes landed on an unfamiliar blonde male in a chair by his bed. "Who... Who are you?" The younger male asked. "I'm Ludwig. You're in the hospital, if you haven't pieced that together." The male replied in a German accent. "Where's (y/n)? Is she okay?" Emil asked. Ludwig chuckled. "I knew you'd ask. She sent my brother to check on you a few minutes ago. She's a few doors down."

 "How did we get here?" Emil questioned. "We found (y/n) carrying you down the street. You've been out for a while." The German replied. At that moment the door burst open, making Emil and Ludwig's heads turn. Mathias panted in the doorway, pure joy on his face. "Emil!" He exclaimed, racing to the teen's bedside and embracing the younger, "Oh god, we've been worried sick!"

  Emil gently hugged his brother back, a rare occurrence for the self proclaimed "rebel". "Oh god, there's cuts all over you! Why are you so skinny??" Mathias fussed, turning Emil's head from side to side to examine it. "I'm fine." The teen insisted, "(y/n)'s much worse off."

  "What do you mean? Isn't it her fault you're here in the first place?" The Dane asked. Ludwig tensed in his chair as Emil glared at his brother. "No, it technically was mine. She's the reason I didn't die. She protected me." The younger spat. Mathias's face softened as he said, "Oh, i'm sorry. Don't get all defensive." 

  "Don't blame (y/n). She didn't want any of this." Emil huffed. "I wanna meet her." Mathias stated, standing up straight. "She's a few rooms down. I dunno which one." Emil said quietly. "I can show you." Ludwig stated, standing up. "I'll be back." Mathias said to Emil before following the muscular German out the door.

"Tell her hi for me."


  "Eat." Francis ordered, handing you a Jello cup and a spork. You silently opened it and took a bite of the strange substance. You were hungrier than you had realized, so within a few seconds the Jello cup was empty. "See, you were hungry." Francis said, taking the cup from you and throwing it in the trash. As he returned to his seat Ludwig slowly opened the door. "(y/n), someone wants to see you." He said, pushing the door open to let someone walk in. An unfamiliar man stepped in, his wild blonde hair moving as one solid mass as he gazed at you. You stared back curiously, being unable to ask who he was. "He was right..." The man muttered, "You're much worse off."

Who're you? You wrote on the notepad, stretching to hand it to him. He raised an eyebrow and took it gingerly. "Oh, I'm Mathias. Emil's brother. I've heard a lot about you..." He said cautiously as he handed the notepad back. You tilted your head at him, and he stood in awkward silence until he finally asked, "What happened to your arm?"

  Lmao got boiling water dumped on me. You scribbled before handing it to him once again. "Holy shit. What happened?" The Dane exclaimed. Punched someone in the face. "I didn't know that was a valid reason to have boiling water dumped on you." Mathias said uncertainly. She tried to hurt Emil for eating a sandwich so I beat her face. "You really did that?" He asked, sitting on the edge of your bed. Yeah, man. It was the same person I won a street fight against. I got this. You wrote, pointing to what was now a scar across your cheek. "Who's she? The person that kidnapped you two?" The Dane said as he handed the notepad back. Yeah, she's a friend of my mom's. She kind of hates me idk

  "Man, that sucks..." Mathias said sadly. Is Emil okay? He needs to eat something. You scribbled. "Yeah, he's awake right now. I should go make him eat, now that you mention it." He said, standing up. You quickly scribbled something on the notepad before ripping off the page and folding it into a square. "Oh, is this for Emil?" Mathias laughed as you handed it to him. You nodded. "I'll give this to him now. Bye!" He grinned, closing the door behind him. "Do you want more Jello? I got a lot of them." Francis said, setting a pile on the table. You looked at the pile and wrinkled your nose, but nonetheless grabbed one and opened it.  

  As you continued to shovel Jello into your mouth, the door slammed open. You almost dropped the Jello and let out a squeak at the loud noise. "(y/n)! Oh god, you're okay..." Matthew exclaimed, shoving past Francis  and leaning over you. He grabbed your face gently and turned it from side to side to examine the many cuts and bruises. "Oh god, your face. And your arm..." He sighed sadly. You reached around for the notepad and pen. Cute date idea: Get kidnapped with the bae!! You scribbled before showing him. He gave you a confused look as he took the notepad from your outstretched hand. "Oh, are you not talking again?" The Canadian said as he scanned it. A second later he covered his mouth with his hand to hold back a laugh. "What'd she say?" Francis asked as you grinned at your uncle. Matthew handed him the notepad. "Ah yes, that is a good way to get a second date." The Frenchman laughed, "Now eat your Jello."

  You gave him an annoyed look before shoveling Jello into your mouth. "That's a lot of Jello." Matthew smirked at the pile on the table. "She's going to eat all of it." Francis replied. Your eyes widened and you looked to Francis in exasperation. "You've eaten nothing for a week." He stated, looking you in the eye. "You didn't eat anything the whole time you were gone?" Matthew asked. You nodded, still glaring at Francis. "She's not going to be able to eat all of that." The Canadian informed Francis. You extended your arms in a wide gesture at you uncle, making him laugh. "You need to eat." Francis said, unwavering.

    You dramatically scooped a large amount of Jello into your mouth and then threw your arms in the air. Normally i'm all about seeing how much food I can eat until i'm physically unable to move, but nah. You said on the notepad. 


Francis: She's refusing to eat and i'm paniCKING 


Matthew: Ignore anything Francis sent to you about (y/n) refusing food. He's forced her to eat eight Jello cups and she's about ready to stab him with the spork

Arthur: Oh boy...

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now