Chapter 137

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this song and its electro swing version (and 11 acorn lane itself tbh) are the reason why i'm human garbage

   When you woke up, you found yourself in your bed, most of the mountain of blankets removed. The dull light flooding into the room from your window proved it was a cloudy morning, yet the house was silent. With a sigh you heaved yourself out of bed and hopped violently, on one leg, over to your doorway as your scooter was downstairs. "Dad?" You called quietly, peeking into his open doorway across the hallway. His room was empty. The lights were off downstairs.


   "(y/n)? You downstairs?" Arthur said gently, as he closed the front door behind him. "Mmnh." You muttered. Arthur turned around and looked around the seemingly empty living room. "(y/n), where are- (y/n)!"

   You were facedown on the floor, legs on the stairs. The Brit raced over and turned you over onto your back, sitting on the floor beside you. "What happened!?" He exclaimed. "I fell down the stairs." You sighed as Arthur attempted to lift you, but you winced and pushed him away. "How did that happen?" Your Dad said. "... Bitches be trippin.'" You smirked.

  "Alright, come here." Arthur sighed, scooping you up bridal style and walking stiffly over to the couch. "Ah, my back." He hissed after he set you down. "Why'd you do that? I can walk myself." You frowned, "Now your back hurts."

   "I'm fine." Arthur smiled, ruffling your hair as he sat down. You reached out your arms and he hugged you to him. "I bought juice." He said. "What kind?" You asked. At that moment the front door burst open and Alfred waltzed in, grocery bags in hands. "(y/n)! We bought every kind of juice!" He announced as he set the bags on the counter. "Really?" You said quietly, while another figure quietly slipped in. "(y/n)!" Matthew said, sitting on the other side of you. You squirmed away from Arthur and hugged Matthew, to his surprise. "Hi." You smiled. "Oooh, me too!" Alfred said, sitting beside Arthur, who wrapped his arms around you while Alfred leaned over to hug your torso. 

   "You're squishing me." You smiled as you wrapped your arms around the males. "Too bad!" Arthur grinned before kissing the top of your forehead. Your phone buzzed in your pajama pants pocket.

Emil: I'll be over soon, my princess. prepare for kisses!

Rain fell gently outside.

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now