Chapter 42

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You continued to play songs for the kids while Arthur stood behind the corner and talked to his brothers. Occasionally a small voice would request something and you would respond with a cheery, "Sure thing!" and burst into song again, making Arthur smile more and more each time. As you were going into your third encore of, "Be Wherever You Are", another child was being wheeled down the hall by a tired looking lady. "There!" the little girl exclaimed, pointing at the room full of children. The lady nodded and parked her among the crowd before walking around the corner to join Arthur. He gave her a friendly smile and she leaned against the wall with a tired smile. 

  "Is one of them yours?" She asked, gesturing around the corner. "My daughter's the one with the ukulele." He replied proudly. "Ah. My daughter's been so excited to see her. She heard her down the hall when she woke up from a nap." The lady said. 

  "Awe. I didn't even know my daughter liked kids..." Arthur smiled as he dared a peek around the corner, "I haven't known her very long. She's adopted." 

   "Ah. What made you adopt a teenager? You're so young..." The lady smiled. Arthur chuckled to himself. "Thank you. She had, uh, run away from home and fallen asleep at the bus stop in front of my apartment." He said quietly. The lady's expression turned from friendly to sadness. "Oh my." She said with wide eyes. "Yeah. She would've gone into the foster system, but I took her in instead. She's really sweet when you get to know her." Arthur said, smiling softly. 


Arthur chatted with the nice lady for a long time before her daughter requested to return to her room. "Have a nice day!" She smiled as she left. Arthur waved and finally dared to enter the room where you were still contently playing songs for the children. Most of them had droopy eyes as you started a soft, gentle song. You didn't notice your dad enter the room, so he took a seat by some smiling parents as you began to sing.

"Come along with me, 

To a town beside the sea.

We can wander through the forest,

And do so as we please..."


  You continued to play until the last kid had been wheeled away to return to their room. Once the room was seemingly empty, you let out a yawn and began to pack up Sebastian. Arthur stood up and walked over to you as you finished. "Ready to go back?" he asked gently, "You look sleepy."

  You jumped at his voice and nearly fell out of the chair. "S-Sorry, I didn't notice you... But yeah." You said quietly. Arthur smiled as you stood up and began to walk back to your hospital room. Once you got there, you climbed into bed and layed down with Sebastian beside you. "You tired?" He asked. "Yeah..." You muttered with closed eyes. Your dad was about to sit down in his regular chair when your nurse appeared in the doorway. "You're her father, right?" She asked. She was not smiling.

  "Yes." Arthur said nervously. "Would you come with me, please?" She asked as she gestured to the hallway. "Sure..." Arthur said quietly. He looked over to find you fast asleep before he followed the nurse silently.


(warning: Possible trigger for self harm (sorry if the phrase itself is a trigger). I'll note when the possibly triggering scene is over.)

     The nurse turned around to face him when they were a decent distance away from your room. "I have noticed something that concerned me while she's been here..." The nurse said with a nervous expression. Arthur's eyes widened. "W-what is it..?" He asked slowly. 

  "She has self harm scars. I don't know if you're already aware, but I just though you should know..."

  Arthur took a step back and put a hand over his mouth. "Oh god..." He whispered. "I'm sorry. None of them are recent, if that's any comfort..." The nurse said quietly. "T-Thank you for telling me. She, uh, didn't come from a very nice place, but I didn't think..." He said, running a hand through his hair. Someone called from down the hall, and the nurse looked at him and sighed. "That's my cue," She said sadly, "once again, i'm so sorry.." before turning around and racing to the doctor calling her.

  Arthur watched her go before turning around and walking slowly into your room. In your sleep you had wrapped your arms around Sebastian's case and was hugging it loosely. His heart pounded in his chest as he inched towards your bed and sat down on it's edge. Very gently, he moved the arm wrapped around the top of your beloved instrument. You didn't wake up. He slowly turned it over.

  The nurse was right.

  The Brit gasped louder than anticipated. His hand was gripping your arm tightly as you stirred and opened an eye. "Dad...?" You muttered, opening the other eye to look at him. His face was pale and his fingers dug into your arm. "What are you..." You began before looking at the arm he was holding. He was staring directly at your scars. You held your breath as he slowly moved his eyes from the arm he was gripping to your (e/c) eyes. "Dad..." You said quietly. He said nothing.

"I'm... I'm sorry." You whispered, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. Arthur snapped out of his daze at the sight of you crying and released your arm. "Don't say that. This is not your fault." He said quietly. Before you could react, he was hugging you tightly. You could hear him sniffling as he put his chin on your shoulder. "When was the last time?" He whispered. To his surprise, you hugged back tightly and leaned your head on him. "The day before you found me." You whispered back.

(Possibly triggering scene over)

  Arthur wouldn't let go for a very long time. Honestly, you didn't want him to. You felt safe when he hugged you. "Nothing bad's going to happen to you anymore." Arthur said as he rocked back and forth in the hug, "I won't allow it."

  "I love you, Dad." You sniffled. He tensed for a second, shocked at your quiet remark. The Brit simply hugged tighter and replied, "I love you too, (y/n)."

Hey guys! I was binge watching the 2nd season of Steven Universe (i've only seen the first season) and then i realized i promised a chapter! Tbh i almost forgot about it because i got my hair dyed today and i've been taking nonstop selfies. I honestly don't know where these feels came from, but i feel this should have been addressed sooner or later. You know i love you guys, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

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