Chapter 81

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  You looked at your phone with your free hand, a bored expression on your face as a nurse held your free arm gently. "This scar is healing nicely." He said cheerily, "I think you'll be good to go tomorrow. We'll tell your father when he gets here." 

  Your expression turned from boredom to slight excitement as you looked at him with interest. "Oh, is that how to get your attention?" He laughed as he headed to the door."You want something to eat?" The nurse asked. You shook your head. "Trick question. I gotta get you something anyway. Sorry!" He grinned as he left the room. You glared at the closed door with the fury of a thousand suns. If he brought more Jello-

   "(y/n)!" A voice exclaimed as the door was thrown open. Alfred ran across the room and sat on your bed with a grin. "Al?" You asked quietly, surprise on your face. "I got the day off so I could hang out with youuuu~!" Your uncle said excitedly. You tried to hide your annoyance and settled for wrinkling your nose in alarm. "It'll be fun!" The American said, ruffling your hair. You winced slightly, the bumps on your scalp still not healed, making him gasp and pout. "Damn, does anything not hurt?" The American muttered sadly. You shrugged and rubbed your head gently.


Alfred: A nurse told me (y/n) can go home soon!

Arthur: Really!?

Alfred: Yeah! I think (y/n)'s a bit annoyed i'm here though. She's really quiet.

Alfred: I'm probably over reacting. Why would she be annoyed that i'm here?


   "(y/n), hows Emil?" Alfred asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "He got released two days ago." You stated, sipping a paper cup full of water. "Is he treating you right? I'll fight him if he isn't." Your uncle said seriously. You closed your eyes and sighed deeply. The look you gave to Alfred made him burst out laughing, unable to keep a straight face any longer. "Don't gimme that look. I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" He grinned, putting his hands in the air. 

   "He said kids are talking shit at school." You smiled into your water. "Does talking shit mean good? I thought it was bad." Alfred asked curiously. "Nah, it means bad. But maybe they'll leave me alone." You said casually.  Your uncle narrowed his eyes in confusion. "You... Want to be left alone?"

  "Yes. My classmates like to start drama and maybe this means i'll be left out of it." You explained.

Alfred: (y/n) has revealed that Emil said her classmates are talking shit at school, but apparently that's a good thing to her???

Arthur: How is that in any way a good thing?

Alfred: "My classmates like to start drama and maybe now i'll get left out of it"

Arthur: Makes sense, in a way. I hope she isn't actually left alone though.


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