Chapter 25

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  You and Emil walked out of hot topic side by side. "Sorry to have to leave so soon..." Emil said, "Lukas is here."

"Oh, it's all good! I have to meet Alfred in like 5 minutes anyway." You smiled. The silver haired boy smiled back. "Can you text when you're home? If you want..." He asked shyly. "Sure! I should probably start heading to the food court now. Where is Lukas?" You replied. Emil looked at his phone. "Uhg. He's all the way across the mall from the food court. I guess I have to leave here then..." He mumbled. You nodded. "Okay. But yeah, I'll definitely text when i'm home. Bye!" You said, waving as you walked opposite directions.


The four men walked in awkward silence around the mall, looking into the store doorways they passed with mild interest. Alfred got bored after a while, and they ended up going back to the food court to wait for (y/n). "I wonder where (y/n) and that Emil kid went..." Toni said as they sat down. Gilbert nodded. "Ja," he said, "I vonder vhat's taking her so long..."

  Francis looked past Toni suddenly. "Oh, there she is." He said, "She's sitting on a bench over there."

  The four craned their necks to see. Sure enough, (y/n) was on a bench a distance away, looking at her phone. She hadn't noticed them yet. "I'll text her and tell her we're here. I think I have her number..." Alfred mumbled, taking out his phone. The others looked at him with interest. 

  A few minutes later Gilbert looked back to (y/n) and gasped, turning back to the group with alarm. "Look!" he exclaimed, jerking his head in your general direction. Alfred put his phone down and turned to look at you again. You were still sitting on the bench, but a tall man had sat himself beside you. They watched as he placed an arm around your shoulders, his head tilted down as he talked to you. You were staring at your lap.

  "Who the hell is that guy?" Alfred asked, his eyes narrowed. As he spoke, the stranger used the hand wrapped around your  shoulders to force your chin up. Panic and distress was obvious on your face even from a distance as the man placed his other hand on your thigh. 

"Oh, fuck that!" Alfred exclaimed, standing up abruptly. The others quickly got up and followed him. They ran to the bench as you looked wildly around for a means of escape from this creepy stranger. Your eyes widened in recognition as Antonio skidded to a stop in front of you.

  "Who're you!?" He asked, his hands on his hips. Alfred ran up behind him, his eyes filled with rage. You looked them in the eyes, trying to send the message that you wanted to be as far away from here as possible. "Who are these guys, sweetie?" The man asked, fake sweetness dripping from his voice. You said nothing. "I think it's time for you to leave, friend." Gilbert said angrily. The stranger smirked and folded his arms. "Who's gonna make me?"

 Toni walked up to him calmly, a small smile on his lips. He towered over the sitting male and gripped the man's shirt tightly. "Can I make something clear?" The Spaniard said cheerily, tightening his grip on the shirt and lifting his other hand into a fist. You felt a hand on your shoulder and stiffened. "Hey," a familiar voice sounded gently in your ear, "lets go over here."

  You looked over to find Francis standing beside you. He extended a hand and helped you stand up silently, so the stranger wouldn't notice. You followed him to the side as Toni punched the man in the face, releasing his shirt so he collapsed against the bench. Francis kept one hand one your shoulder and drew circles with his thumb. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly. You looked to him, then back to Alfred, Gilbert, and Antonio. They had the man cornered against the wall and were throwing insults as he held his face.  

 You looked at Francis and nodded your head.

   Gilbert kicked the man in the stomach, who was now slumped against the wall in pain. You winced.

 Francis's grip tightened slightly on your shoulder. The three walked over to you as the man groaned. "Let's go." Alfred said. The others nodded and began to walk away, Francis wrapped an arm around your shoulder and steered you away from the scene, shooting a glare at the man still sitting on the mall floor. 

  Gilbert came around to your other side. "Woah, (y/n), are you... shaking?" He asked, narrowing his eyes in concern as the group walked through the mall. You raised your arm and looked at it. Sure enough, you were shaking. A lot.  Francis rubbed your shoulder soothingly. "Wow, you're really shooken up by that, huh?" he asked gently. You said nothing. Honestly, you didn't feel like talking at all. 

  Once you got to the car, you climbed into the middle between Gilbert and Francis again. "Man that guy was creepy, wasn't he?" Alfred asked as he drove out of the parking lot. You looked at your lap and sighed. "Hey." Gilbert said gently, "It's not like it vas jour fault or anything.." He continued, giving you a hug from the side. You tensed when you realized you were still shaking a little. "Awww!" Toni said from the front seat, "You two are so cute!"

  Prussia glared at him. "I'm not cute. Hugs are manly."

  You still shivered slightly as he didn't let go of you. "It's okay..." He mumbled as he put his chin on your head. You said nothing, but leaned toward him into the hug. "Totally manly, dude." Alfred laughed from the drivers seat. Gilbert glared at him. "It is."

"Whatever, dude"

Hey guys! i've been so exited to write this part for a while! i hope you like, and don't forget to comment and vote too! Asta la pasta~


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