Chapter 77

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Francis nearly dropped the phone. "What?" He whispered, putting a hand over his mouth. "She wrote down everything that happened for the police and they had me read it and (y/n) fucking shot Catherine and that's why she had the gun and oh my god Francis what do I do" Arthur blurted out. "Oh my god, Arthur..." Francis muttered, "Did she say why?"

"S-She said that Catherine tried to shoot her first and that when Emil tried to save her Catherine choked him until he passed out and then when she turned back to (y/n), (y/n)..." Arthur said, choking back a sob. "So it was in self defense?" The Frenchman asked calmly. "That's w-what the officer said." Arthur explained, "She said (y/n)'s scared i'm going to hate her."

"You don't, do you?" Francis asked. "N-No, of course not." Arthur stated. "Arthur, you should really be with (y/n) right now. She needs to know you aren't going to disown her. Does anyone else know about this?" Francis said. "No, but it's going to be all over the news pretty soon. Oh god, Alfred's going to flip..." The Brit said. "Arthur, go be with (y/n). She's probably panicking right now. I'll call you later, okay?" The Frenchman insisted. "Okay..." He replied, hanging up. Slowly, he stood up and oh so quietly opened your door.

You were lying on your side, your body shaking in silent sobs as you hugged a pillow to you. The Brit approached your bed cautiously, not wanting to scare you. Your face was buried in the pillow as your ragged breaths continued to shake you. "(y/n)?" He said quietly. Immediately the sobs stopped, your breathing heavy in an attempt to even it. "(y/n)..." The Brit said quietly,tucking some hair behind your ear. Your face was still smushed into the pillow, and you were still motionless. Arthur sat silently, not really knowing what to say.

"I'm not angry with you." He said quietly after a few minutes. You tensed, and your dad reached out again and gently touched your arm. "I'm... I'm sorry you had to do that. I can't imagine what's going through your head, but just know I'm here for you, okay?" He continued gently. You sighed and smacked a hand around your bed, snorting when you couldn't find what you were looking for. "Oh yeah, she took your notepad. She promised she'd be back and you could have your phone back, though." Arthur explained. You sighed and lifted your tear stained face from the pillow to give him an annoyed look. "You hungry? I could go get some Jello..." He asked. A look of disgust spread across your face and you violently shook your head. The Brit chuckled, "Oh yeah, Matthew told me Francis made you eat all that Jello..."


You were staring at the ceiling, bored out of your mind. It had been a few days since Arthur got back, and the hours spent alone while we has at work seemed endless. Due to hospital rules patients of the opposite sex could not be in the same rooms so you couldn't hang out with Emil. You were about to attempt to snapchat the male when your phone buzzed beside you. Sighing, you smacked around until you found the device by your torso.

Arthur: It's all over the news. I'd prepare for people to start calling.

You sighed loudly.

You: lmao that's great considering I still cannot talk

Arthur: Just be ready for a lot of questions...

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now