Chapter 29

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It was time.

 Actually, it was 3 hours before it was time.

It was time mentally.

 Arthur was coming home.

 You were sitting on your bed, suitcase packed and by the door along with your purse. It was 5 a.m. and the house was absolutely silent. Knowing Alfred he wouldn't be up until five minutes before you and him had to go pick up Arthur at the airport. You sighed, taking out your phone and opening your messages.

You: Good morning

Emil: oh hello

You: tf are you doing up you should be asleep

Emil: I could say the same for you.

You: I accidentally got ready to pick up my dad from the airport 3 hours early...

Emil: How does one 'accidentally' do that??

You: fite me

Emil: So what are you doing?

You: Sitting on my bed waiting for Al to get up. You?

Emil:  Nice. I'm watching snk on my laptop

You: Oh, i've heard of that. Is it good?


You: Uh no

Emil: YoU mUsT

You: Okay chill i'll watch it 

Emil: gOoD

 After a couple more minutes of  small talk, you put your phone away and flopped back on the bed in annoyance. Honestly, you shouldn't have gotten up this early. It would be forever until Al got up. At the same time, you wished this happiness could stay forever and you wouldn't have to leave Alfred.


 Alfred's alarm beeped loudly, waking him up from his splendid dream. He slapped around until he felt his phone and turned it off with a tired sigh. 7:30am. He sat up with a start when he realized that today was the day his brother got home. (y/n) would be so happy! The American got ready quickly, getting dressed and combing his hair before walking down the hall to (y/n)'s room. He opened the door slowly and peeked inside.

 You were asleep, sitting up against the wall fully dressed with a hand on your phone. Your suitcase was packed and next to the doorway where Alfred stood. He smiled to himself and wandered over to where you slept. You didn't respond when he whispered, "Hey, you awake?" so Alfred put a gentle hand on your shoulder and shook you slightly. Your eyes fluttered open slowly and you smiled when you saw your uncle's face. "Mornin'." Alfred said quietly. You rubbed an eye and looked at your phone. "Good morning..."

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora