Chapter 82

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    The teacher raised her eyebrows at you as you wandered into the classroom and took your seat. "Hello." You said cheerily, getting out your science notebook and pencil. "Hello." She replied, seeming slightly nervous as the bell rang and the other students filed into the room. To no one's surprise, the majority of the class was staring at you with suspicious looks. You ignored them and wrote down the question on the whiteboard in your notebook, not bothering to look up as someone sat down beside you. "Hi, (y/n)!" Richard said happily. You glanced over to find the male sitting there, his hair quiffed with so much product you could smell the hairspray. "Richard." You replied, resuming your work. "You okay?" He asked, scooting closer to you and putting an elbow on the table. You said nothing, hoping he would leave. "(y/n), you can tell me anything." The male said gently, putting his free hand on your shoulder. "Please leave." You said as you continued to write in your science notebook. 


  "Richard, please return to your assigned seat and complete the bellwork." The teacher ordered from her desk. Richard silently got up and left your table, making you smile a bit to yourself. As you finished up the warm up question the classroom door was opened by an upperclassman male. "Here." He muttered, handing a yellow slip to the teacher before racing out the classroom door again. "Oh, (y/n), you need to see the principle." She said, handing you the slip as she walked by. The class "oooooh'ed" as you stood up and made your way to the door, going silent when you whipped around and glared at them threateningly before leaving the room.

  "Go on in." The lady at the counter said as you walked in the front office, taking your slip and pointing to the principle's office door.


You: lmao I had to go see the principle

Arthur: Why?

You: He wanted to inform me that I "better keep my act together" and that "he's keeping an eye on me" 

You: Also my science class wouldn't shut up until I glared at them and then they all looked scared

You: I am a god

Arthur: I don't think that's how it works...

You: I should fight crime


    You sat under your favorite tree, Emil beside you as you ate your lunch contently. Contently, of course, until an all too familiar voice called from across the courtyard. "(y/n)!" Richard said excitedly, racing over with his lunch tray in his hands. To your horror the male sat himself in the space between you and Emil with a grin that faded when he noticed the silver haired boy. "Oh, Emil's here." He said, making no attempt to hide his annoyance. You scooted away from Richard and gave Emil your best "I'm sorry i'll explain later" look as your boyfriend gave the strange male a look of disgust. "So, what are you eating (y/n)?" Richard continued, picking up your lunch bag. Rage flashed across your face as he opened it and sifted through the contents. "Why is there so much peanut butter?" The male asked, "And your sandwich has a lot of meat on it."

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now