Chapter 22

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     You didn't move as Feliciano ducked behind you, small whimpers escaping from him. Alfred laughed a little as he said, "Nope, haven't seen him!". Ludwig looked past Alfred to where you stood. "Vhat's (y/n) doing here?" He asked. "Oh, she's staying with me while Arthur's at that thing in Russia." Alfred replied, and you gave a small wave. Ludwig nodded. "Vhell, if you see Feliciano, tell him I have some pasta for him." He said, turning to leave.

  At this, Feliciano's head popped out from behind you. "Pasta?" He said loudly. Ludwig turned sharply around. "FELICIANO!" He roared. You visibly winced at the harshness in his voice. You felt arms around your torso, and realized Feliciano was hugging you tightly, his head smushed into the back of your neck. "Idon'twannadieidon'twannadieidon'twannadie...." He mumbled into your shoulder. Ludwig pushed past Alfred and marched up to you, his fists clenched at his sides. Your eyes widened. The German saw how terrified you were and his gaze softened. "Feliciano..." He said, obviously trying to suppress his rage, "Let go of (y/n)."

  "No!" Feli said. You glanced sideways at the Italian head on your shoulder, and thought of a plan. Not taking your eyes of Feliciano, you stepped to the side once. Feliciano went with you. You stepped sideways back. He continued to stick to you. Slowly, you turned around until your back was to Ludwig. Feliciano was still clinging to your torso, but was now exposed to the German. The Italian realized this and shrieked, releasing his iron grip on you at once and running down the hall.  Ludwig ran after him, his boots thudding against the floor loudly. You sighed.

  Alfred walked up to you quietly. "You okay?" He said, putting a hand on your shoulder. You turned around and nodded. "Yeah..." you said quietly. The blonde nodded and walked followed the sound of yelling down the hall. You, however, decided to stay out of the way and sit on the couch. Ludwig's fist against a door could be heard in the distance. Feliciano screams of terror could also be heard above the German's persistent thuds. 

   Eventually Ludwig calmed down, and only annoyed sounds could be heard. You sighed quietly and wondered when they would leave so you could take a nap or something. Ludwig seemed really intimidating too and you kind of wanted to stay away from him. Flopping on your back, you stared at the ceiling of the living room and waited. A few minutes later a familiar Italian ran by, looking panicked. You sat up and watched him fling open the front door loudly. He sprinted out of sight right as Ludwig came down the hall. He walked up the couch slowly, seeming cautious about something as he approached you. You looked at him with interest mixed with slight fear, wondering what he was doing.

"Uh, vhere did Feliciano go...?" He said quietly. You jerked your head toward the door, which was still open. The sun from outside lit up the front hall quite nicely. The tall German nodded and quickly walked toward the door, shutting it behind him silently.You layed back down on the cushions and stared at the ceiling, watching the dust particles float through the air. Alfred came into the living room a few minutes later and sat by you on the couch.

"So, what do you wanna do today?" he asked, smiling a little at you. You shrugged and looked at him upside down from your position on the couch. "Uh... We could... I don't know." He said, looking back to the T.V, which was playing Doctor Who reruns. A few minutes passed by in comfortable silence as you both watched the science fiction show.

     Alfred took out his phone once the commercials started and looked at it with mild interest. After a few minutes he looked over at you. "There's a sale thing at In-N-out. Wanna go?" ( sorry if you don't have in-N-out, but it's probably the best thing ever. -Author)

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