Chapter 115

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This is what Cornelius looks like

isn't he beautiful

happy late weed day btw

     "Here you go." You said, tossing Emil a green sweater with pink roses on it. The teen held it out in font of him and laughed at the print, making Arthur glance over from his armchair. "Nice." Emil grinned, slipping it over his tee shirt and moving to sit Indian style on the couch. "You wanna go out in the snow soon? You are going out today, right?" He asked. "Yes, she is." Arthur said as he stood up and walked toward the kitchen, making you frown. "I suppose I am." You said as you scooted closer to your boyfriend on the couch. "Holy shit, you're still freezing." You muttered. "Get a room!" Alfred called from the kitchen, making Matthew laugh from the kitchen table. "I'll get ready or whatever, if you wanted to go soon." You said, approaching the stairs.

   Emil watched you go up the stairs silently, not noticing Arthur return to the living room with Alfred and Matthew until the Brit was holding out a cup of hot cocoa to the teen. "Oh, thank you." Emil said nervously, taking the cup and sipping it gently. Alfred and Matthew sat on either side of him, turning on the TV while Arthur sat in his armchair and looked at the TV intently.

Emil: Your uncles are surrounding me pls help

You: Matt's chill don't worry about him

You: It's Alfred you must fear

Emil: Alfred just leaned over and whispered that I better watch myself and I almost spilled my hot chocolate fucK

You: What

Emil: Your dad gave me hot chocolate but now Alfred is whispering that he's keeping his eye on me and called me boy

You: Screams


You: Why must you be like this

Alfred: I'm not doing anything what are you talking about 

Alfred: I'm simply reminding this kid to keep his face to his damn self

You: w HAT


You: Tfw alfred is lowkey harassing my boyf

Dad: He's what


Arthur: Quit harassing Emil.

Alfred: I'm reminding him that he better keep his face to himself

Arthur: ...

Arthur: Carry on.

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now