Chapter 113

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   "(y/n), wake up!" Arthur said excitedly, gently shaking your shoulder. You slowly opened one eye and looked at the fuzzy form sitting on your bed. "Morning." Your dad smiled as you rubbed your eye and he came into focus, "look outside!"

  You reached over and opened the blinds beside your bed to see snow rapidly falling past the window. "Cool." You muttered, laying back down and rolling over. "You don't want to  go out in the snow?" Arthur frowned. "It's winter break. I don't want to go out of my room." You replied. Arthur sighed and put a hand on your arm. "Speaking of winter related things," He said, "You still haven't told me what you want for Christmas."

  Arthur felt you tense under his gentle grip on your arm. "I want to go back to sleep." You said. "That's not a present!" Arthur smiled, "I need ideas."

  "I don't want anything." You yawned, "Don't you have work?"

  "I don't have to come in until this afternoon. There's gotta be something you want." Arthur stated, not falling for your attempt to change the topic. "...Too tired to think right now." You said quietly after a momeny, "Return later."


  "Hello, Arthur." Lukas said, "did you see the weather?"

 "Yes, isn't it nice outside?" Arthur said cheerily, "Anyway, is Emil there? I'd like to have a chat with him."

"What'd that kid do now?" Lukas laughed. "Ah, nothing bad." Arthur replied, ignoring the memory of Alfred's texts, "I just wondered if he knew what (y/n) wanted for Christmas. She won't tell me."

  "That's unfortunate. Yeah, I'll get Em. One moment." Lukas said, moving the phone away from his face to scream Emil's name. A shuffling noise later and Emil was on the other end. "Hello, sir." He said quietly. "Hello, Emil. (y/n) won't tell me what she wants for Christmas. Any ideas?" Arthur asked. "I dunno, sir. She's kinda touchy about Christmas." Emil said cautiously. "How so?" The Brit narrowed his eyes. "She told me her mother always told her she didn't deserve stuff like that and stuff. Also she said you have enough with hospital bills, so she doesn't want to ask you for anything more." The teen explained. Arthur sighed deeply. "So she didn't give you any ideas?" He asked. "No, sir. Sorry." Emil replied. "Damn. Well, thank you." Arthur muttered before saying his goodbyes.

  "(y/n)?" Arthur called as he returned up the stairs. "Nnyes?" You muttered, rolling over and sitting up to look at him tiredly when he reached your room. The Brit suddenly strode over to you and hugged you to him tightly. "Why?" You muttered, trying to get away in vain. "I am not letting go," Arthur smirked, "until you tell me what you want for Christmas."

  "You'll be here for a while, then." You grumbled. "That's fine." Arthur retorted.


Alfred: What's up bro

Arthur: I've been hugging (y/n) for 25 minutes

Alfred: What the fuck why

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