Chapter 89

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Alfred: Guess what!

Matthew: You finally got a girlfriend?

Alfred: Rude. Better!

Matthew: What?

Alfred: (y/n)'s stuck in a tree in the park because she pissed off anti-gay old people by singing a gay song

Matthew: How is that good?

Alfred sent the photo he had sent to Arthur.

Matthew: Is she crossdressing or just really cold?

Alfred: I'm assuming both tbh. Arthur said she found non prescription stuff for anemia and that she took a fuck ton of them so that's probably how she's even out of bed

Matthew: Oh my god, she's high and stuck in a tree!?

Alfred: I wouldn't exactly say high, but half of that is correct.


   "Wha'dya wanna hear now?" You called down the tree after you finished your third encore of Girls/Girls/Boys. The crowd below only booed in response, which made you giggle and look to the three men standing away from the crowd. "Any requests?" You asked. Gilbert was still laying on the grass with a grin with Francis beside him, and they both turned to Alfred and said something excitedly. The American pulled out his phone and a moment later you phone buzzed in your pocket. 


Alfred: Gilbert and Francis both request the most inappropriate song you know solely to see the old peoples reactions.

You: Are you sure about that?

Alfred: They demand nothing less.

You: I have so many to choose from lmao give me a sec


  With a sigh mixed with a loud laugh, you thought to yourself for a moment before strumming a few chords on Sebastian. "Is she playing-? Oh my god." A voice said from beside the three men.  Alfred turned abruptly to see Emil standing there, his hands jammed in his hoodie pockets and an amused grin on his face. Alfred was about to say something before you began singing the first few lines. 

"Are you worth your weight in gold?

Cause you're behind my eyelids when I'm all alone.."

  Emil burst out laughing as the American's expression turned to mild horror. "Are you okay, sir?" He asked politely. Francis and Gilbert looked at you with amused interest as you continued, the elderly people letting out offended gasps and screaming insults.

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن