Chapter 20

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Arthur smiled to himself as he finished packing his belongings. He was more than ready to get home and see (y/n), and had missed her while he was gone. Alfred better have made sure you ate and were happy, he thought as he stuffed one last t-shirt into the small suitcase. 

  On the taxi ride to the airport, he pulled out his phone and looked at the picture Francis had sent him the previous day. Arthur wasn't too happy about Francis being within twenty feet of you, but he trusted Toni to make sure nothing happened. He sighed and stared out of the window into the grey Russian morning.

  Arthur almost forgot to pay the driver in his rush into the airport. Once he was finally inside, he ran up to the English speaking person at the desk to check out his bags. "When does the next flight to (city name) leave?" He asked eagerly. The lady looked at him curiously. "Don't you know? All the flights have been delayed until further notice.."

  The Brit looked at her in shock. "But why?" He asked, getting slightly angry. (y/n) needed him! "There's a big storm coming in, sir. It shouldn't affect anyone on the ground, but it's going to be hell for anything in the air. We had to freeze everything as a precaution." The lady said, giving him a pitied look. Arthur sighed dejectedly. "I see. Thank you.." He said as he wheeled his suitcase away from the counter. The blonde looked around a bit before finding a row of chairs to sit in, walking over and taking the closest one. He took out his phone, which was still open to the picture of you and Antonio, and switched to the conversation with Alfred.

"Hey, I have some bad news..."   Arthur typed slowly. He got an answer almost immediately. 


 Alfred was woken up by the loud buzzing of his phone. He squinted as he looked at the bright screen, holding it at a distance until his eyes adjusted. It was three in the morning, dammit. Who would text him at this hour?

"Hey, I have some bad news..."  He read. Alfred sighed as he texted back, "Dude, do you have any idea what time it is here??" . He got a response a few seconds later. "That's not the point. My flight's been delayed for god knows how long because of stupid weather. I don't know when i'll be home."

  Alfred sat up abruptly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he reread the message over and over. Oh shit, he thought. How am I supposed to tell (y/n)? "(y/n)'s not going to take this well..." He replied. Alfred ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair and sighed again. "Do you think i'd rather be here?? Just, wear armor when you tell her. If you're dead she could forget to eat." His phone buzzed. 

  The american cocked an eyebrow at his phone. "What is all this stuff about making sure she eats, anyway?" He said. "I guess you deserve to know. She has severe depression and anxiety. Food wasn't exactly her first priority when she was at her birth mothers, if you know what I mean. She actually can forget about eating because of that." Came the reply. Alfred's eyes widened. How badly would you take this?


  Your lips curled into a small smile as you stared at the ceiling. Arthur was coming home today! You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and stretched as you stared out the window into the early morning sky. Hopping out of bed, you wandered down the hall into the living room where Alfred was sitting. You took a seat next to him on the couch and watched the news silently. The dirty blonde looked over you with a look of sadness as you smiled a little to yourself.

  When the news show ended, you looked over at him. "When is Arthur coming?" You asked quietly, a small smile still on your face. Alfred turned to you, his eyes full of.... pity? You looked back at him with confusion. "Uh.... Arthur's not coming today, (y/n)." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, was it tomorrow?" You said. 

 "Erm... not for a while, actually. His flight is delayed indefinitely because of weather."

 Your face fell. You could barely manage a quiet "Oh..." as you turned back to the T.V and stared blankly ahead. Alfred put a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, kiddo. I'm sorry." He said. You refused to let yourself cry or show any emotion, making your face blank as you mumbled, "It's okay." and refused to look at him. The dirty blonde sighed. You were taking this hard.

  After a few minutes, you quietly got up and walked back to your room. You lied on top of your bed and stared at the ceiling. No thoughts came to your head, except that Arthur wasn't coming back. You traced shapes in the air with your finger as you tried not to cry. Damn, you missed him. You didn't even know him all that well and yet you longed to see him again. Your hand flopped back on your side quietly.


 Alfred watched you leave the room quietly. He hoped you were okay. What was he supposed to do in this situation? He knew next to nothing about teenagers. The american sighed after a couple minutes, slowly getting up to check on you. 

  He peeked into your room, His gaze softening as he saw you staring blankly at the ceiling from your bed. Alfred sat at the foot of the bed, frowning when you didn't even look at him. "You okay?" He asked, poking your foot. When you did nothing, he stood up, putting his hands in fists on his hips.

"It's a hero's job to rescue someone in danger! I'm here to save you from boredom!" He exclaimed, looking off into the distance proudly. You rolled over onto your side, facing away from him and towards the wall. Alfred sighed. "C'mon!" He said, putting a hand on your arm, which hung on your side loosely. "We're going to have fun!"

  "I'm good." You mumbled, not bothering to move your arm away from his hand.  The dirty blonde slowly moved his hand away from your arm, standing by your bed awkwardly. "Uh... do you want breakfast or something?" He said. You shook your head. "Anything?" He asked. Once again, you shook your head. You really just wanted to lay there and not think about anything. Alfred's footsteps grew quiet behind you, and the door shut with a small creak.

When would Arthur be back?

Hey guys! Don't forget to comment and vote! asta la pasta~

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