Chapter 51

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Arthur crept up the stairs quietly, attempting to reach his room without disturbing you. As he neared the top he could hear your voice talking to someone.

"Erika, seriously. I love you but this is getting unhealthy." He heard you say. You sounded annoyed.

"I'm serious, (y/n)! He totally has a thing for you!" Erika exclaimed. "Erika I swear to god. Did you even need help with your homework?" You sighed. "Not really. But seriously, you and Emil should totally date!" Your friend said.

"You're becoming more obsessed than my family over this." Your voice stated as Arthur dared to peek through the barely open door. You were sitting in your favorite pajama pants and old T-shirt on your bed, your laptop in front of you as you stared at it with slight irritation. Arthur smiled to himself. You didn't notice his presence.

As he spied on you, Erika suddenly gasped from your laptop. "What if he asks you to homecoming?? Would you go?" She asked eagerly. "If he asked. I don't know if he would, though. I don't think he likes dances." You said, a smirk on your lips, "Speaking of homecoming, aren't you thirsty for Erland? You should go with him."

"(y/n) nO"


"Hey Arthur, how's (y/n) been? I haven't heard much about her recently." Matthew said cheerily as he wandered up to Arthur's desk. "She's been fine. I presume Alfred told you about Emil?" The Brit smiled. "What? He hasn't said anything about Emil." Matt replied with narrowed eyes. Arthur laughed, "I'm surprised he hasn't. Emil has asked my permission to date (y/n)."

The Canadian gasped and grinned. "Really?" He said, "They'd be so cute!"

"That's what everyone says." Arthur said with a smile.


Emil swallowed nervously as he neared the tree you ate lunch under. You were eating by yourself, the rest of the Meme Team off doing clubs and such. His hand that gripped his lunch was slightly sweaty and shaking. He was gonna do it. He had to, or Mathias and Lukas would murder him.

"Hey, Em." You smiled as he sat down on the ground across from you. "Hi." He said, opening his lunch. "You ask any cute girls to homecoming?" You said as he took a bit of his sandwich. "Not yet." He said quietly. The male looked really distracted.

Emil and you both ate in silence until he cleared his throat suddenly. You looked up to find him looking at the ground nervously. "You okay?" You asked. He looked up and opened his mouth slightly as his face grew a little red. "W-willyougotohomecomingwithme?" He asked quickly before looking at the ground again. Your eyes widened and you blushed a little yourself. "Y-Yeah." You smiled, "I'd like that."

"O-Okay." He said quietly.


"He whAT!?" Erika screamed. "I know, right? He was all nervous and it was adorable." You smiled as you stirred the macaroni and cheese dinner. "What will you wear? Can I pretty please do your hair for the dance? Oh my god, this is perfect!" Your friend exclaimed from your phone, which was open to Skype and propped up against the back of the kitchen counter. "I have a black dress I'll probably wear, and sure, I guess." You replied. Arthur appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. You waved to him as you looked at Erika and said, "Ah, my dad's home and dinner's ready. I didn't understand the science assignment, so in an hour or two could you help me?"

"Sure thing. You gotta tell me more about today, though~" Erika grinned, "Bye!"

"Who was that?" Arthur smiled as he sat down at the table. "My friend Erika," You replied as you brought the bowls of Macaroni to the table and went to grab silverware, "She's freaking out because apparently me going to homecoming with Emil is a big deal or something."

"Oh, did he ask you today?" Your dad questioned as you sat down and began to eat. "Yeah." You said, "And no, there are not plans for any wedding, though I did find a nice nautical theme on Pinterest."


"He whAT!?" Alfred nearly shrieked. "Calm down. But yes, according to (y/n) they are now going to homecoming together. Thought you might want to know." Arthur smirked as his brother choked on his coffee. "Has she said anything about the wedding??" The American asked excitedly. "No, but she did mention finding a nice nautical wedding theme on Pinterest." Arthur stated. "It's close enough!" Alfred exclaimed.

"Oh, hey guys." Matthew yawned as he walked up to them. "They're getting mARRIED," Alfred screamed at the Canadian. "What?" Matt said, suddenly more awake. "He's excited because (y/n) is going to homecoming with Emil." Arthur clarified with a sigh. "Oh, that's adorable." Matthew smiled. "yeS. THEY ARE AS GOOD AS WED." Alfred continued to exclaim.

"Alfred, no."


"My little brother is all grown up!" Mathias said, wiping a fake tear from his eye. "Please stop." Emil sighed as he sat on the couch. "I take it she said yes?" Berwald asked as he walked into the living room with Tino behind him. "Yeah." The teen replied. "Oh, this is perfect! We'll have to get a tie for you to match her dress, have you two decided on a color? Of course, you have to get a corsage or something too! And..." Tino rambled excitedly. "What's happening?" Lukas asked, "Also dinner is ready."

"Emil has a hot date for homecoming!" Mathias stated as the group walked into the dining room, making Emil blush. "Stop." He stated. "Oh, you finally asked (y/n)?" Lukas questioned as he set plates of spaghetti in front of everyone. "Yeah, but Mathias won't shut his face." Emil said. "Mathias, kindly shut your face." Lukas smirked, sitting down and beginning to eat. "Thank you." The silver haired male stated as he too began to eat with the rest of them.

"Em and (y/n), sittin' in a tree..." Mathias whispered.


Hey guys! I did the thing! *aggressively points to above chapter, which is thing i did* I'm excited to write the homecoming chapter (it'll be extra long my children), but the chapters leading up to it may be kind of filler and boring. Sorry! I hope you like this chapter. You know i love you guys, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

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