Chapter 88

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Arthur: So?

You: My entire problem is that I do not have enough iron

You: My life is saved time to take ten thousand of them

Arthur: Wait nO

You: There's not enough to last until you get home rip me 2k15


   You woke up with a content sigh. Emil had stayed over so late that you had accidentally slept in more than usual, and when this fact hit you you sat up with a start. Alfred and his friends would be over soon and you were out of eggs. Quickly, you took a shower and threw on some sweatpants and an old t-shirt for the trip to the store before racing out the front door. Although the sun was out the cold morning air hit you like a brick wall as you sprinted down the sidewalk to the corner store.

  As you neared the store, a large crowd in the park across the street made your sprint slow into a walk. The mass of people were holding signs and marching around the park slowly. A quick glance at the signs and faces told you it was an anti-lgbt+rally. You wrinkled your nose and entered the store to avoid the awful sight. As you strolled the cramped aisles looking for eggs, the bell at the front of the store rang to indicate someone else had come in. "Hello." The obviously elderly stranger said to the cashier, "Where are your water bottles? I need them for my friends in the park."

  "Over there. What are you and your friends doing this early, m'am?" The cashier asked in a friendly manner. "My church is fighting the gay agenda." the lady explained, "We don't agree with this new trend."

  Fighting the urge to release an annoyed sigh, you peeked around the corner to look at the cashier, who you were an acquaintance with due to your frequent trips to the corner store. He glared at the lady's back with annoyance, then glanced to you when you he noticed your stare. You rolled your eyes and jerked your head to the old lady, and he smirked back. Before the stranger could grab all the water bottles she needed you rushed up the counter with the eggs you had come for. "Will that be all?" The male cashier asked as he rang you up. "Yeah." You said quietly, paying quickly and leaving the store as the old lady staggered up to the counter.

  Once you were home, you put the eggs in the fridge and rushed up the stairs and to your closet. Pulling out a baggy flannel shirt that would hide your chest with the help of a sports bra, masculine skinny jeans, and a beanie, you quickly changed and grabbed your phone off your dresser.

You: I took way to much of the iron tablets I found and am ready to make bad decisions

Emil: What are you doing now?

You: There's an anti lgbt+ rally thing at the park and it's all old people and i'm going to go piss them off while dressed as a male

Emil: Oh my god can I come

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