Chapter 120

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Happy birthday to @-GuessWho- ! ilysm friendo happy womb removal celebration

You: Italian Stepfucker is harassing me

You: Wants to take me to lunch tomorrow

Arthur: After what he did last time i'm not sure that's a good idea.

You: Eh, it'd get him off my ass

You: And maybe if i'm enough of a Stereotypical Emo Teen™ he won't like me anymore and will leave me alone  

Arthur: Fair point. If you really want to it's fine I guess

Arthur: But the second he lays a hand on you, I want you out of there. Hit him back if you have to. Okay?

You: Okay.


    "questo è gustoso!" (this is tasty!) Ettore grinned as he ate his sandwich. You nodded and poked at your small salad silently, avoiding eye contact. "Così come è stata la scuola?" (so how has school been?) He asked. "bene."(Good.) You said quietly.  

You: This is going too good I am suspicious

Arthur: Be safe

"Sei molto tranquilla." (You're very quiet.) The Italian said, and you shrugged as you ate your salad. "Qualcosa non va?" (something wrong?) He asked. "No." You muttered. "Dimmi."(tell me.) The Brunette stated. "No." You said, finishing the last of your salad and setting your napkin on the table, "Andiamo." (Let's go.)

   Ettore still refused to believe you were fine as he paid and walked you to his car. "Ho detto mi dicono." (I said tell me) He stated once you were both seated, "Non me ne vado fino a che fare." (I'm not leaving until you do.)

  "Te l'ho detto, sto bene." (I told you, i'm fine.) You muttered, glaring at the male, "Portami a casa." (Take me home.)

  "No." He said, glaring back with double the force.


"Where's (y/n)?" Francis asked, looking at Arthur from the Brit's computer curiously. The others in the video conference looked to him curiously. "She's out at lunch." Arthur replied. "Oooooh~" The Frenchman cooed, "With whom?"

   "This is off topic." Yao muttered. "No, no, let him speak." Ivan said. "An old stepfather. He's trying to get back in her life, and she thought this would get him off her back." The blonde sighed. Francis stopped smiling and looked to Arthur in alarm. "Is this the stepfather that Alfred claimed slapped her?" He asked. "Yes. I don't approve of her spending time with him, but if she thinks this would make him leave her alone, then I suppos-"

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