Chapter 66

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 Arthur sat you down on a kitchen chair and ran up the stairs to get the first aid kit. Francis sat across from you and looked at you with worry. Emil had gone home after he realized he had been gone an hour longer than he promised his brothers, promising to. "What did she say to you?" Francis asked suddenly. You looked to him, then back at your lap as you balled your hands into fists. "Things." You stated. He frowned as Arthur ran back down the stairs with the first aid kit.

"Okay, let's see... So besides your face, did she do anything else to you?" Your dad asked as he dug through the box. "I have some cuts on my arm from her nails, but that's about it. She throws weak punches." You muttered. "She punched you?" Francis and Arthur asked in shock. "Yeah, but she missed." You replied. "Why did you try to fight her, (y/n)?" Arthur sighed sadly. "She's done horrible things." You stated, "Maybe now she'll leave me alone."

"This will sting." Arthur stated as he dabbed something on your face. You didn't react at all as your wound seemed to burn. "Are these horrible things something that needs to be discussed?" Your dad asked as he cleaned the blood from your face. "Nah, I'm good." You muttered. He stopped his fussing over you and and put his hand under your chin. "(y/n)." He began, "What did she do to you?"

You sighed irritably. "Lemme think," You began, "Well, she dated this pedophile for years. Really creepy dude. She only dumped him when she realized she could get arrested for letting him be a creep to me."

Arthur's eyes widened. "By being a creep..." He began. "Yep. What I was talking about the other day." You said casually. "Oh my god..." Francis whispered. "She hated me after that because if it wasn't for my existence she could still date him and stuff. She used to claim I "ruined her life". She's a drama queen." You explained, "I think the dudes in jail now. But yeah, that's why she always calls me broken."

"Oh, (y/n)..." Arthur said, putting a hand over his mouth. "That's not sanitary." You stated. "I want to fight her now." Francis said angrily. Arthur took his hand from his face and resumed cleaning your face with shaky hands. "There." He said, sitting back in his chair a few minutes later, "it's too big for a band-aid, so I might just wrap your whole head or something."

"Oh, okay." You nodded. "I'm, uh, gonna go." Francis said, "I have a thing."

"Okay. Uh, bye..." Arthur said as the Frenchman walked to the door. "Have a good day." You called after him. Arthur turned to you once he heard the door shut. He leaned over and hugged you to him tightly. "(y/n)..." He said quietly. "I'm fine." You said. "You say that too much." He stated as he hugged you tighter. "Seriously, i'm fine." You stated, leaning away from him. Arthur released you and sighed sadly. He gazed at you momentarily before he began to put gauze on the gash and took out the wrap from the box. The Brit wrapped the bandage around your head and under your chin, flatting some of the hair on top of your head. "There." He said quietly, "Face wounds heal fast, so maybe by tomorrow or the day after you won't need that."

"Thanks." You replied with a yawn. "You hungry?" Arthur asked, standing up and walking to the pantry. "No." You said as you stood up. Your stomach growled loudly, making you frown irritably. "I'm not." You insisted. Your dad looked at you and smirked. "I think your stomach says otherwise." He said, "What are you hungry for?"

"I don't want any food." You stated. "You know what sounds good? Pot stickers. I'm going to make some for both of us." Arthur said, opening the freezer and taking out the bag. You sighed and sat back in your chair, fishing your phone out of your pocket. A notification for Snapchat came up. Emil had sent a picture of his socked feet with the caption, "Are you all patched up?"

You took a selfie of your wrapped up cheek. "Yeah man"

"Are you going to eat?" His hardwood floor said. "Dad's making potstickers" You captioned a photo of your dad, his back to you as he set a pot on the stove. "Good. You don't eat enough" The male said with a photo of his ceiling. "Lmao true" You replied, taking a photo of your socks. "Hi!" A photo of Mathias and two other unfamiliar faces. "Did you steal em's phone?" A photo of your couch said. "Yes!" Mathias's hair replied. "Who are all of you again?" You asked with a photo of one of your feet in the air.  

  "Mathias left, Lukas middle, Tino right" They replied, a photo of the three behind. Mathias and Tino were grinning from ear to ear, while Lukas looked apathetic as he smiled slightly. "I would send a photo but i have a face injury" You replied with a photo of your ceiling. "Oh no! What happened?" Tino's frowning face said. "Lmao hit in the face with a high heel" Your hardwood kitchen floor replied. "Why???" Mathias and Tino frowned. "Street fights are intense" You said over a photo of your stairs. "You got in a street fight" Lukas's slightly interested face said. "I won a street fight tbh" Your mismatched socks said.

  "theY TOOK MY PHONE" Emil's angry face pouted. "lmao they're concerned for me" You smirked. "you told them you won a street fight" His ceiling said. "Dude I pinned her tho" You frowned. "Tru" He replied with his shoes. "They're asking if you're okay" He frowned. "Lmao my face hurts but i'm fine" You made duck lips. "(y/n), dinner's ready." Arthur grinned as he held a plate of pot stickers, "Nice face."

  "You saw nothing." You said quietly as you took a photo of your feet to say goodbye to Emil.

Hey guys! sorry for the filler, but it's necessary for what i wanna do next *evil cackle* jk jk. i love you all, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~


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