Chapter 8

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Alfred put a hand over his mouth.

Ludwig's eyes widened.

The silence was deafening

"So that's why you didn't want to go back." Arthur said quietly. You nodded, tears threatening to run down your face. "It ist a good thing jou told us, (y/n)." Ludwig said, "Vhe can help." The tears finally spilled, and you looked down as they fell into your lap. Suddenly you felt arms around you, and you tensed. "It's okay," Arthur said, rubbing your back. "You're not going back there. You can stay here." at this you relaxed, leaning your head on Arthur's shoulder.

He released you, walking over you the coffee table and grabbing his keys. "Is your mom at work today? I can drive you over to get some things. Do you have a key?" You looked at your watch, confirming that she was at work. Looking back to Arthur, you nodded and smiled a little, wiping your tears away as you stood up.

"I should get going," Ludwig said to Arthur, "I still need to beat that imbecile." He turned to you and patted your reassuringly. "Don't vorry. i vhont tell him." he said as he opened the door, leaving without another word.

"I better be leaving too," Alfred said, walking over and pulling you into a tight hug. You still weren't all that used to hugs, but you sighed and smiled, leaning into the hug. as he pulled away and walked to the door, You said, very quietly, "bye.." Alfred heard, and as he opened the door he said to Arthur, "See bro? she does like me!" Arthur chuckled, coming up next you with his coat on. "ready to go?" you nodded, and you both headed out into the slightly chilly afternoon.

"So, do you know how to get back to your house from here?" Arthur said as you got into his car, which was parked by the sidewalk in front of the apartment. You shook your head sadly "I kind of got lost... I do know the address though. Do you know where (random landmark by your house) is?" Arthur nodded and started the car.

As he drove, you stared out the window, looking for any familiar streets. When you approached the (landmark near your house) about 20 uneventful minutes later, you guided Arthur street by street until your house came into view. "This is it.." You said quietly, pointing to your (house color) house as Arthur pulled over in front of it. Your eyes widened as you saw a car in the driveway.

Your mom was home.

Arthur glanced at your terror stricken face. "What's wrong, (y/n)?" he said, looking where you were looking until he noticed the car as well. "Oh no..."

You sighed. "Well, it's not like i can sneak in unnoticed. I probably should say goodbye too, I guess." You said sarcastically, smiling grimly at Arthur.He smiled back and said, "I bet it will be okay. Take all the time you need, i'll just wait here. Okay?" You nodded and stepped out of the car.

The door was unlocked, and you crept in as quietly as you could. you could hear her in the kitchen, something sizzling on the stove. You silently made your way up the stairs, making it safely to your room.

locking the door, you pulled a suitcase out from under your bed (you had been ready for this day for a long time) and quickly threw your phone, laptop, all of your charger cables, and as many clothes as you could fit, along with shampoo and soap among other things. when it was completely full, you carried it with great difficulty down the stairs to avoid any extra noise. You were almost to the door when a voice behind you sent shivers down your spine. "(y/n)?"

You froze in your tracks as the voice neared. "IS THAT YOU??" You turned around slowly, facing the red faced woman in front of you. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN, YOU WHORE!?" She was holding a frying pan, still red on the bottom from being on the stove. You turned around and opened the door quietly.

"I'm leaving." you said nervously. You had never stood up to her before, and were afraid of her reaction.


You inhaled deeply. "I said, I'm leaving." And with that, you marched out the door, not daring to look back as you clutched your suitcase. Arthur looked at you from inside the car and smiled warmly. The smile quickly faded as he looked past you, waving his hands for you to stop. You turned around to see your mother advancing, still holding the frying pan.

The last thing you saw was the red bottom of the frying pan before the concrete smacked against your head.


Arthur slammed the car door shut, running over to your unconscious body before glaring at your mother, who stood there smiling. "The whore deserved it," She said, chuckling. "If she can't appreciate everything i've done for her, she doesn't deserve to stay here. She can be your fucking problem now." She walked back into the house, slamming the front door behind her. Arthur took out his phone and dialed 911 (or whatever emergency number is in your area), trying not to panic.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Yes, hello. A young girl has been knocked unconscious by her mother. She's breathing, but I don't know how bad the injury is."

"Ok. we'll send an ambulance immediately. What's the address?"

"(your address here). Thank you." Arthur sat down next to you, brushing your (h/c) hair out of your face as he waited for the ambulance to arrive. It didn't take long, and when the paramedics jumped out of the van he moved out of the way to give them room. They moved you onto a stretcher, and as they wheeled you toward the ambulance you stirred. "Arthur.." you mumbled, and the one of the women wheeling you looked back at him. "Are you Arthur?"


"Would you like to ride with her?"

Arthur's eyes lit up and he nodded. "If that would be okay, yes." He followed the doctors into the back of the van, siting on the bench inside. He held your hand gently, and one of the paramedics smiled. "Are you her father?"

"You could say that..." He said fondly.

*screams bc 2 chapters in one day* i hope you guys like it! i'm trying to think of other countries out beloved reader should meet next. any ideas? comment them and i'll give you a cookie! asta la pasta~

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