Chapter 71

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  Tears streamed down your face as you held the phone to your ear. "What are you talking about!?" Arthur exclaimed into the phone, "Where are you?"

  "I'd love to tell you Arthur, but I kind of have a weapon to my head." You choked. Catherine furiously scribbled something on a piece of paper and showed it to you. "You WHAT?" Arthur screamed. "I'm told I need to tell you to calm down." You continued. "(y/n), what is happening?" He choked. "I am calling to tell you that you do not need to worry about me. I know i'm useless, a burden to you. Now you can be happy. I'm where I should have gone as soon as I betrayed my family." Your voice cracked as you choked back a sob. "Oh god, are you with Catherine? (y/n), please tell me." Arthur sniffled. "I am told I can tell you. Yes. She is my legal guardian, and she's... she's gone through so much to take care of me. I don't deserve her." You said in monotone, "I have to go now. This will be the last you hear of me, Arthur. I hope... What does that say? I can't read it... I... I hope you have a nice life."

 "(y/n), don't hang up!" Arthur yelled frantically as the phone clicked. He put a hand over his mouth as tears filled his eyes. "Who is Catherine?" The officer asked. "A friend of her biological mothers." Arthur said, "She would have been (y/n)'s legal guardian had I not adopted her. She's attacked (y/n) before..."

  "Do you know what she looks like? We can look her up if she has a record." The officer said gently. "Y-Yes." Arthur stammered. The doorbell rang across the room, and the Brit jogged to open it. Alfred was standing there with a sad look on his face. Arthur couldn't take it any more and broke down in sobs, gripping the door to stay upright. "Oh shit..." Alfred said, embracing his brother in a hug. "S-She called..." Arthur sobbed into Alfred's shoulder. "What?" The younger said as he closed the front door behind them. "She.. She..." Arthur muttered as he cried, "She's with Catherine. I'm never gonna see her again..."

 "Catherine took her??" Alfred exclaimed angrily. The eldest brother gave up on speaking and continued to cry in silence. "Who are you?" The police officer asked. "(y/n)'s uncle." Alfred replied as he rocked the hug back and forth. "Ah. As Mr. Kirkland said, she did call. From her voice it sounded like she was being forced to say what she did."  The officer explained, "We will do our best to find out where she is." 


  You hung up the phone and fought the urge to break down in sobs. "Was that so hard?" Catherine sneered. You glared at her. "I'll be taking this," She continued, ripping the phone from your hand, "And if you can't stay in your own room, I guess here's fine. But after your little episode you two can forget about dinner."

  Emil heaved himself into a sitting position once the door had closed. "(y/n)?" He said quietly. "Lay down. You need to rest." You said gently, putting your hands on his shoulders and laying him so his head was on your lap. "What about you?" He asked. "Don't worry about me. Sleep." You hummed, gently combing his hair with your fingers. 

  You sat together for what seemed like hours, Emil's breathing becoming even and peaceful as he drifted out of consciousness. You were dosing off yourself when the door opened slowly and light flooded the room. Ralph was standing there, a nervous look on his face as he took a step in with a hand behind his back. You instinctively tensed, your arms wrapping around Emil protectively. "No, no. I'm not here to hurt you." Ralph whispered. You didn't move. The tall man took his hand from behind his back to present a sandwich. "She doesn't know i'm here." He continued quietly, striding across the room and holding the sandwich out to you. You looked him in the eye and stayed motionless. Ralph awkwardly set the sandwich on the floor near you and turned around, shutting the door behind him as he left. Once the room was dark again you reached out and took the sandwich. You could smell the ham in between the slices and smiled slightly. "Emil." You whispered, "Wake up."

  "Hm?" He muttered, sitting up with a hand on his head. "Food." You whispered excitedly as you pressed the sandwich in his hand. "What? How?" He said eagerly, holding the sandwich up to see it better. "The Ralph guy. He said Catherine doesn't know, so eat it quick." You replied. "No, you eat some too." Emil pouted. "You need your strength, I'll be fine. Please just eat. Before she comes back." You said frantically, pushing the sandwich in his hands toward his mouth. He obeyed and took a bite.

  It wasn't long before the sandwich was gone, and Emil sighed as he leaned over to hug you. "It's your turn to sleep." He said quietly. "No. You need to sleep. I'm fine." You insisted with a yawn. "Sleep." The male insisted, hugging you to him and leaning against the wall. The door burst open to reveal Catherine looking absolutely furious. "Which one of you ate it?" She exclaimed, marching across the room with her hands on her hips. "What?" You asked irritably. "One of you fuckers," She hissed, "Snuck food."

 "We haven't snuck any food." You stated, "and as you love to point out so very often, I am not one to fuck."

  "It was me." Ralph said from the doorway. Catherine whipped around and stared daggers at him. "You what?" She asked angrily. "I gave them food. You gotta go easy on them, Cat. They're kids." Ralph said with a hint of fear. "You don't tell me how to raise my daughter." Catherine spat before turning around to face the two of you again. "You two," She said, "need to learn your lesson. I don't care that my shitty excuse for a boyfriend went against my will and gave you food, but you should know better."

  You rose to your feet and stood in front of Emil. "Protecting your little friend?" Catherine sneered, "Ralph, come give me a hand."

I love you all, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~


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