Chapter 83

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You sighed as you gathered your things from your locker. Friday couldn't have come sooner, and you were eager to walk home with Emil, flop onto your bed, and take a two thousand year long nap. You put the last of your notebooks in your backpack as you checked your phone. 

Emil: I have to stay late for band stuff, so I can't walk home. sorry

You: It's all good man

Emil: Text me when you're home so I know your safe, please.

You: Okay. Spaghetti noodle 

Emil: Spaghetti noodle

  You smiled as you crossed the street, your back to the school building as you set off for home alone. "(y/n), wait up!" Richard called happily, racing from the courtyard to where you stood across the street. "Where're you going?" He asked as he fell in step beside you. "Home." You stated, taking out your phone and plugging in your earbuds. "Hey, I wanna talk to you!" the male said, shaking your shoulder. "Don't touch me." You said as you swatted his hand away. He pouted and walked beside you in silence. After a few minutes he was at it again, poking you and walking uncomfortably close. "I swear to - Get off!" You growled as you marched ahead of him.


  Arthur hummed to himself as he waited for the light to turn green. He was glad to have been let off work early, even if it was to prepare for a business trip. What he was going to do about you he did not know. Thanksgiving break was all of next week, and you can most certainly take care of yourself, so the Brit considered just leaving you at home.

  As he turned the corner to the street his apartment was on, he smiled to himself when he saw you on the corner as well. The smile faded when he saw an unfamiliar male behind you, seeming to be talking. Arthur parked his car quickly and raced up the stairs to wait for you. As he watched the two of you, the strange male finally caught up to you and put a hand on your shoulder. You glared at him and smacked his hand away before breaking into a sprint for the final stretch between you and safety. "(y/n), don't be like that!" The unfamiliar male called as you ran up the stairs to the apartment. You ignored him.

  "At least smile for me! You never smile..." He yelled, marching up to were he could look up at you, "Just one!"

  You glanced to Arthur, who looked very confused, with the fury of a thousand suns before looking down at the male. Slowly, you lifted up both of your fists so Richard could see and extended both of your middle fingers. Your dad's eyes widened as you used your middle fingers to push up the corners of your mouth, making a smile. "Happy?" You asked before whipping around and walking calmly through the now unlocked and open front door. Arthur glanced back to the strange male, who looked scandalized, before walking in and shutting the door behind you. 

   "Who was that?" He asked calmly as he set his keys in the tray by the door. "This creepy kid from school. He won't leave me alone. I'm not as sorry as I should be for what I just did, by the way. Why are you home so early?" You replied as you neared the stairs. "I wouldn't expect you to be. That's not very gentleman-like of a young man to follow someone and demand they smile." Arthur said, "And i'll tell you when we eat dinner."

  You narrowed your eyes but nodded, going up the stairs with your school bag in hand.


Arthur: (y/n) has once again amazed me

Matthew: Do tell.

Alfred: How?

Arthur: So because I got off early I beat (y/n) home, and as I was getting out of my car she came down the street and this strange boy was following her. She ran up the stairs to get away from him and the boy yelled up to her that she needed to smile, and she was visibly very angry already at this point but this made it worse. So she holds up both of her fists and double flips off this kid, then uses the middle fingers to push up her mouth into a smile...

Alfred: Fucking deSTROYED

Matthew: Oh my god

Arthur: She told me that it was this creepy boy from her class that won't leave her alone...

Alfred: Can I kill him

Matthew: He's already been fucking annihilated 

Arthur: I'm not even angry with her. That was the best reaction 

Matthew: Damn right it was I wouldn't expect any less from her


  "Hey Em." You smiled as you held your phone to your ear. "Hey, i'm on break now. Did you get home okay? You never texted me..." Emil's voice said. "Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was going to, but fucking Richard followed me and I forgot." You explained as you wandered down the stairs. Arthur was in the kitchen, and he turned and smiled at you as you wandered around the living room. "I dunno why he won't leave me alone, man. And he's so passive aggressive at you, which pisses me off. He just seems so desperate." You rambled, making Arthur raise an eyebrow. "Why is he just stalking you now though? Like if he was into you he would've been like this earlier." Emil asked in the phone. 

  "I dunno man. Maybe he has a murder fetish." You sighed. Arthur snorted at your remark and covered his mouth to muffle his laugh. "I don't want to kinkshame, but why anyone would be into that is beyond me." Emil stated. 



"So..." Arthur said as the two of you ate dinner. You looked up from your plate with interest, a bit of pasta sauce on your nose. "You have food on your nose." He laughed. You crossed your eyes to look at the speck of food ad gently wiped it off with a napkin. "You were saying?" You asked quietly. "Oh yeah. Uh, the reason I was home so early is I have to get ready for a trip. I leave Monday morning..." Your dad said sadly. "When will you be back?" You questioned. "Thursday, which means I won't be here for thanksgiving. I'm sorry." He replied. "It's okay. Can I just stay home, or...?" You continued. 

  "The boss is feeling nice, so everyone gets the week off. You can stay home if you want, but Alfred and Matthew might stop by." Arthur explained. "If they come over early enough I can make breakfast." You said cheerily, making your dad smile. "I bet they'd like that." He said.

  How can I update so much? Because i'm *insert Hamilton music* nON-StOp! I love you all, and don't forget to comment and vote! Sorry if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, but it's p cool so I put it in. Asta la pasta~

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora