Chapter 136

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    "Alright, easy does it."  Arthur's nurse said, helping the Brit up off the bed, "Is the brace too tight?"

  "No, thank you." Arthur muttered, shrugging off the nurse's hands, "I've got this."

  The nurse laughed. "Alright." He said, continuing to walk beside Arthur. Your dad staggered down the hall ahead of the nurse toward the lobby. "Sir, please slow down!" The nurse said worriedly, "Your daughter isn't going anywhere."

   "But I am." Arthur said, rounding the corner. Alfred was sitting expectantly in one of the waiting room chairs, Matthew beside him. "Emil's on his way. Tino just texted." Matthew said as Arthur walked stiffly over to them. "Alright. Where do I sign out?" Arthur asked, turning to the nurse who had appeared behind him. "Right over here, sir." He smirked, leading him towards the receptionist's desk, "You can sign your daughter out, too."


   "Miss (y/n), wake up!" The all-too familiar voice whispered loudly. You opened an eye and glared at the nurse. She was sitting at the foot of your bed, her curly, fluffy hair in a ponytail. The sun through the small window blinded you. "It's time to go home!" She smiled once she saw you look at her. "Oh." You said, trying to hide your glee as you yawned, heaving yourself up to sit cross legged. "Anyone you wanna say goodbye too?" She asked, her eyebrow raising as you walked toward the door leading to the rec room. 

   You looked around, eyes landing on a younger boy drawing at the table. He hadn't said a word since you got there. "How about him? You've hung out with him, haven't you?" The nurse said in a voice implying you ought to say something to the poor thing. "Hey." You said suddenly, walking over and crouching beside the table to be eye level with him. He looked away from his paper to you, his expression confused. "I'm busting outta here. See ya on the flip side, kid. I'm always around (park name) if ya wanna say hi." You muttered.

    As you stood up and approached the nurse, the younger male watched you go with a confused expression. "Bye." He muttered, almost too quiet for you and the nurse to hear. Almost. The nurse beamed at him before leading you to the elevator. "I think your dad's waiting in the lobby." She rambled, "He has a brace for his back, but he's gonna be okay. Don't you worry, I don't think hugs'll hurt him."


   "There you are, kid." Alfred grinned, patting the seat next to him as Emil wandered through the automatic glass doors. "Tino said he'd start crying if he came in, so he 's in the car." The teen said. "Arthur'll probably cry." Alfred laughed. "Will not." Arthur frowned, leaning over to frown at Alfred over Matthew. Emil leaned forward and looked to the hallway around the corner curiously. "I think she's coming." He said quietly. Alfred and Arthur quit bickering and snapped to attention.

   The familiar nurse appeared first. She smiled at the males and looked back to the hallway to something they couldn't see. "C'mon, miss. They're right out here." She said gently, "don't get all scared now."

   You peeked around the corner, your messy (h/c) hair falling around your nervous expression. "See? They're all right there." The nurse smiled. You rolled tentatively around the corner. 

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now