Chapter 16

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Emil sat in the back seat of the car, looking at the fanart you sent him while trying not to smile. He didn't really have any friends at school, mostly because of his shyness, so he was glad to have someone to talk to.

"What are you smiling about?" Mathias smirked, looking back at him from the passenger seat. The silver haired boy blushed a little. "N-Nothing!" he exclaimed, glaring at the danish man in front of him. Mathias only grinned cheekily. "It's that girl, isn't it?"

Emil looked away, trying to hide his red face. "No!" he said, crossing his arms. Mathias raised his eyebrows, knowing full well that that was a lie. "Did you two have fun?"

"Yeah.." The teen said quietly. "Her name is (y/n). She's nice..."

Mathias smiled. "That's good. "


You were sitting on the couch, still texting Emil long after he had left. Alfred wandered in once the last guest left and you stood up, walking over to the snack table to help clean up. The dirty blonde stifled a yawn as he came over and began cleaning up the kitchen. "Did you have fun?" He asked, looking over at you.

You nodded as you put clips on bags of chips, and he smiled. "Good. You and that one kid seemed to get along." He continued, wiping salsa off of the counter. Smiling a little, you said quietly, "Yeah... His name is Emil.". Alfred nodded as he rinsed off the salsa covered rag in the sink.

"Oh," he said suddenly, "You ate at the party, right?" You looked over and nodded. "Good. Arthur texted me earlier. He said he would've talked to you, but the time zones are weird so it was like 1 in the morning there and he was tired. But he said if I didn't make sure you ate at least a little every day he'd skin me..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

You laughed a little as you finished cleaning up the snack table, walking over to the couch to grab your phone. "Do you need any more help?" You asked quietly. Alfred shook his head. "Nope. It's pretty late anyways. Are you going to bed soon?" He said. "Yeah, I'm going now. Goodnight.." You mumbled tiredly. Alfred smiled. "'Night." He said as you walked down the hall. You changed into some grey sweatpants and an oversized junk shirt before collapsing into your bed.

~~~~skip to morning bc sleeping is uneventful~~~~

You were sound asleep in your bed, cuddling the pillow you rested your head on. Only the sound of your quiet breathing was heard as 3 figures stood across the room, watching you.

"How zhe hell does zhis vork?" The silver haired one asked, scratching his head.

"I dunno." The brunette shrugged.

"Come on, guys. it's not like she's going to kill us.... Maybe." The blonde said, crossing his arms. You remained unconscious.

"Here, i'll Google it.." The brunette mumbled, pulling out his phone. He typed in, "How to wake up a teenaged girl without dying" and waited for it to load. "Aha!" he exclaimed, "There's a huffington post thing about it..."

"Vhat does it say, Toni?" The silver hair asked, leaning in to to look over his shoulder. Toni opened the page and read aloud some excerpts.

"Piss them off. Believe me, this will be easy to do. Try coming into their room and raising the blinds, or turning on the light" He said.

"How about No." The blonde said, "We're trying not to die." Toni shrugged and read some more.

"Quietly open their bedroom door, head to the kitchen, and fry up some bacon. You won't have to say a word. Swear." He continued.

"Zhat's a good idea! Bacon!" The silver haired male said.

"But we don't have any, Gil." The blonde said. Gil sighed, "Go on, Toni."

Toni read to himself for a minute before looking back to the blonde and Gil. "The thing least likely to get us killed," He smiled, "Is playing the T.V.! I think SpongeBob is on right now, too!"

Gil gasped. "SpongeBob! That's a great idea! C'mon, Francis! I'll race you!" He said as he ran down the hall. Francis tore after him, Toni close behind. They dive-bombed the couch, with Francis holding the remote above them to turn on the T.V.


Your (e/c) eyes fluttered open to a bright morning. Birds were singing outside the window, and the bed felt nice and warm. You heard something playing down the hall, and assumed it was the T.V. left on from last night. A familiar tune played, and you sat up.

 Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants!

Absorbent and yellow and porous is he! SpongeBob SquarePants!

You wrapped your blanket around you as you slowly got up, wandering down the hall with droopy eyes toward the sound. Francis, Gilbert, and Antonio were all sitting on the couch, watching the T.V. with interest. Antonio turned around as he heard your shuffling feet and smiled.

"See guys, I told you it would work!" He said, and the other two turned to look at you from the couch. Gilbert jumped up, walking over to you. "She's alive!" He exclaimed, and you looked up at him with half open eyelids and a blank face. Francis walked up behind Gil. "Is she okay?" He asked, and you turned your head to look at him. Your mind was only half awake, and you were processing almost nothing that was happening around you.

"(y/n)?" Francis asked. You blinked, staring at the wall on the opposite side of the room.

"Dude, she looks stoned." Gilbert snickered. Francis elbowed him in the side. "Be nice!" he said sternly. Antonio wandered up to the other side of Gilbert. "She looks like a zombie. Come over here, (y/n)." He said, putting a hand on your shoulder and guiding you to the couch. As you shuffled over, the blanket got caught underneath your foot. You collapsed onto the floor, too tired to move. Your eyes drooped lower and lower as you grew more tired, and the last thing you heard before you fell asleep was,

"Dude, jou killed her!"

I'm really tired right now. this is part one of a two part thing within the story, and in case you didn't pick it up, reader is hella sleepy. i'll try to write the rest tomorrow. prepare to laugh :3 asta la pasta~

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