Chapter 23

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Outside the gate of Loei House, firecrackers were set off.

There was an endless stream of guests who came to celebrate the birthday, and the little servants greeted at the door were all beaming.

Stepping into the gate of Loei Mansion, a long red brocade is spread all the way to the lobby of the front yard. There are beautiful flowers of various colors on both sides. What attracts the attention of the guests the most is the two pots of red coral that are about a person's height at the door. A rare good thing, there are also white porcelain inlaid chain link flower pots for growing flowers, which are densely arranged in two rows. How much does it cost!

Walking in, you will hear the faint sound of silk and bamboo, as well as the sweet singing.

At the entrance of the front yard, there are several refined screens erected, with bonsai decorated with pearls on both sides, and a rockery made of longevity peaches in the center of the yard.

What a luxurious scene.

Today, Lifu sang and danced, not only invited the best dancers and musicians in the workshop, but also invited the largest opera troupe in Yangzhou City.

In this birthday banquet, the eyes of the people who came to celebrate the birthday were almost blinded. Knowing that it was arranged by Lin Yixuan, everyone praised him.

Only Ma Yulian forced a smile and hated Lin Yixuan in her heart. In her mind, she had already taken Lin Yixuan's dowry as her own. Even if it was for the old lady's birthday, she was still full of discomfort. My heart hurts more than cutting the meat, it's a waste. But as long as she remembered that she could adopt Li Yaonan, she would soon be able to drive these two little beasts out of the house. She felt relieved, and only hoped that the birthday banquet would pass soon. Guy swept out the door.

When they leave the house penniless, let's see how she cleans them up.

Li Yaonan is not from Li's family, and she doesn't need to worry about her reputation, she will definitely avenge Zong'er's revenge.

Li Yaonan wasn't in the Li Mansion anyway. If something happened, she died or was disabled. Who could count her on her head.

A lively birthday ceremony was staged in the lobby. After the congratulatory message, it wasn't long before the juniors gave gifts to the old lady.

When Li Yaozu was not there, Li Yaonan was the eldest grandson. Husband and husband came forward together, holding two bound scriptures in their hands, knelt down and kowtowed three times, and said in unison, "I wish the old lady a blessing like the East Sea and a long life like Nanshan."

The old lady was a little dumbfounded, what is this, just want to send her away with two scriptures? She remembered that Lin Yixuan had a lot of good things, and she had been greedy for a long time with the jade screen of a hundred sons and a thousand grandchildren.

Li Yaonan lowered his eyes very humbly, and spoke with eloquence: "My grandson is thinking about it, and always thinks that the old lady can give some common things after her birthday. Only by doing it yourself can you be sincere. These two scriptures are my husband and I. Lang fasted for ten days to copy, and paid tribute in front of the Buddha for three days, and he forgot that the old lady did not dislike

it." The old lady smiled stiffly, and outsiders praised Li Yaonan for her filial piety and sincerity. What can she say, she only made up her mind secretly. , I must adopt these two people as soon as possible. Really, I knew all day long that I would block her, and even her birthday would not make people happy.

The old lady called out with a faint expression.

Li Yaonan and Lin Yixuan returned to their seats. If you look closely, you will find that Lin Yixuan is full of black lines. When Li Yaonan promised to prepare gifts, he didn't take it to heart. Touching the ground, he never thought that Li Yaonan would be so stubborn, copying scriptures by hand and fasting for ten days.

With their two noble birthday gifts in front of them, Li Yaozu tried his best to make the valuables sent from Beijing look inferior. This time, the two of them had earned enough fame. Li Yaonan closed the door and stole it. Have fun.

Then, the Li clan and the guests celebrated their birthdays. The day was noisy until 3:00 midnight.

For the first time, the Li clan was arranged by Ma Yulian to the guest room.

The patriarch of the Li clan was also there. Originally, when the old lady was celebrating her birthday, he just wanted to let his son go, but considering Li Yaonan's succession, he decided to come in person.

That night, Li Tai'an found the patriarch secretly. He felt sorry for his son inside and out, but he couldn't bear to refuse the clan's request. He only asked if he could adopt another person for his son. To a dead person, to be honest, Li Tai'an was still a little nervous in his heart, he is now living well.

Li Jingxiang justly refused, is the fourth uncle a person to be provoked? After talking about Li Yaonan, the fourth uncle was looking forward to it. If the Li family did not agree, it would be okay to say, but he agreed to adopt his son to someone else. If the fourth uncle was hanged by a rope, who would be responsible.

Li Tai'an returned angrily, hesitated for a night, couldn't stand Ma Yulian's pillow wind, and finally agreed. Anyway, he didn't have any feelings for Li Yaonan's son, and the previous consideration was only for face, since the clan insisted, the old lady And Ma Yulian agreed, and he had no objection.

That's how things were decided.

The old lady's birthday banquet was lively for three days in a row, and the guests said their goodbyes without a word.

On the fourth day, Ma Yulian couldn't wait, and the adoption was also on the agenda.

On the same day, Li Tai'an held a banquet at home. All the members of the Li clan who invited to celebrate the birthday this time announced on the spot that they would adopt their son to Li Taicheng, the eldest son of the sixth family.

Li Taicheng is the eldest son. In fact, he has no parents, no brothers, only two uncles. One of them died the year before the year before. The fourth uncle is now in his 60s, and he is just outside the fifth server with the Li residence. In the future, even if there is no contact, it is reasonable.

This adoptive candidate was well chosen. Li Yaonan had already gotten his word from Li Youxin. The Li Taicheng family was really miserable. His parents and himself were all dead. Good reputation, but Li Yaonan expected that he didn't have that kind of brain.

Li Taian spoke dignifiedly, but Li Yaonan only sneered in his heart, feeling unworthy for the mother of this body, Mrs. Zhang, who was married to such a husband.

Although I knew about today's scene, I still have to pretend.

Li Yaonan calmed down, his face paled in shock, looked at Li Tai'an in disbelief, and knelt on the ground crying bitterly, with a distressed expression on his face: "Father, do you want a son?"

"Cough!" Li Tai'an's face sank, and he reprimanded: "It's nonsense, it's not that I don't want you to adopt you, I'm still your father, but the Liufang side is really pitiful, and now adopting you out is also the meaning of the clan, For the sake of the family, don't make a fool of yourself."

Really shameless, Li Yaonan was full of contempt, but he burst into tears, so sad that he couldn't help himself. After the adoption, he was someone else's son, and Li Taian still wanted to be his father. What a shame.

Ma Yulian let out a sigh of relief, seeing Li Yaonan's appearance like a bereaved dog, not to mention overjoyed.

Li Yaozong gloated and stared at Li Yaonan mockingly. He dared to do something to himself. Without the protection of the Li family, let's see how arrogant he is.

The second uncle had already guessed about this matter. Seeing Li Yaonan crying like the real thing, he felt extremely regretful in his heart. He knew that Li Yaonan was going to take over, so he should have forced Xin Xiaozi to ask for the answer. Li Yaonan is a talent, so be careful. Also active, watching that play, it's a pity that the old man, the fourth uncle, was cheap. In fact, his family also lacked a son.

No matter how remorseful the second uncle was, and how happy Ma Yulian was, the matter of adoption was settled.

Early the next morning, Li Tai'an urged the people of the Li clan to go back to the ancestral hall.

Li Yaonan didn't miss her much. In Ma Yulian's coveted eyes, she packed two large carts of gifts, just to remove the rest of Jinglan Courtyard. In front of the old family, Ma Yulian was helpless even though she was angry.

What's more, there are not many gifts in these two cars. After the adoption, they have to recognize relatives. There are so many clansmen in their hometown. In the eyes of outsiders, Li Yaonan is desolate and left Li Mansion sadly.

Before leaving, he also instructed the servants of Jinglan Courtyard that if he and Lin Yixuan left and Ma Yulian could not accommodate them, he would let them go directly to the new house, clean it up, and just wait to welcome them back.

Of course, the so-called servants of Jinglan Academy did not include Mammy Li and others.

Amber and Yuzhu were very complicated in their hearts. They thought they would be the second master's roommate. Who knew that the new lady would pass the door and let them copy the Buddhist scriptures. They were lucky that they didn't become the second master's roommate, otherwise they would also be at this moment. Being swept out the door, and at a loss, the masters are gone, and the old lady will not want them anymore, so what should they do.

Mammy Li cried and robbed the earth. She couldn't bear Li Yaonan to be true. Without the second young master, the wife would definitely not reuse her. What will she do in the future? , Mammy Li cried terribly, she was really sad!

But these are none of Li Yaonan's business. He never cares about people's thoughts. Even if he knew, he would only say one word, "Shit!" The slave who backs the master deserves such an end!

The distance between Yangzhou and Suzhou is not too far. It takes three days by horse and carriage, and one and a half days by water.

This time they went by water.

Leaving the bad place of Li Mansion, Li Yaonan only felt at ease physically and mentally, as if he had returned to his previous life, he was still the second-generation ancestor who was unrestrained and unrestrained.

Sitting on the big boat going to Suzhou, Li Yaonan watched the scenery on both sides of the strait in a good mood. From time to time, he sang wine with his clansmen. In just a short distance, he had a good relationship with his clansmen. Lin Yixuan had to praise him when he saw it. Li Yaonan does have some skill in communication.

In addition, the relationship between Li Yaonan and Lin Yixuan gradually became closer. Although they didn't get along for a long time, they worked together in Lifu to discuss countermeasures. He really regarded Lin Yixuan as a buddy.

He likes to say something to Lin Yixuan.

If there are good things, I like to share them with Lin Yixuan.

In the face of Li Yaonan's frequent good intentions, Lin Yixuan did not feel honored. He had a dark face along the way, and was so embarrassed that he could only want to bite Li Yaonan twice.

Since ancient times, there have been beautiful women in the south of the Yangtze River, and the Yangzhou River is surrounded by beautiful women.

Li Yaonan's eyes are so bright, the meaning of sharing good things with his buddies is that Li Yaonan took Lin Yixuan, sat on the bow of the boat, looked at the beauties, and commented.

Lin Yixuan was so angry! He just felt that the whole person was not good. After getting along for a while, he naturally knew that the beautiful maid in Li Yaonan's room was not preparing for the maid in the room, but he never thought that the maid at home was fine, but outside However, the woman from her came. She had just left the Li residence, and Li Yaonan looked anxious. After that...

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