Chapter 130

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  Three days later, the twenty-seventh prince was full of moon, and a banquet was held in the palace.

Liu Meiren's mother became Liu's concubine by virtue of her son. No one would have imagined that the emperor would have a prince in his 60s this year. What does this prove? It proves that the emperor's sword is not old and youth is eternal.

Li Yaonan was once again amazed by the emperor's fertility. There were more than 60 sons, daughters, and two sons together, and he was a stallion among stallions.

On this day, it was very lively inside and outside the palace. The ministers outside the palace were busy preparing gifts, and the servants and servants in the palace were busy preparing banquets. Early in the morning, the gate of the palace was crowded with people, and the lively scene was comparable to the Longevity Festival.

People say that the eldest grandson, the youngest son and the old lady's best friend, put this on the emperor, in fact, it is not too conceited. For this old man, the emperor loves it very much. In order to celebrate the young son's full moon, the emperor issued an imperial decree. .

This is a treatment that no prince has ever enjoyed except the prince. Liu Meiren, no, Liu Concubine was in the limelight for a while.

The twelfth prince has long since lost the impetuousness of three years ago. No matter who the father loves or favors, he only needs to do his part. The father's heart is too big, and no one can take the lead. As long as his position in the father's heart remains unchanged, why should he care too much.

The thirteenth prince was not convinced, the prince was the original wife, so why should a baby compare them.

The Thirteenth Prince was displeased. As a good brother, Li Xi naturally wanted to help him come up with ideas. After thinking about a lot of bad ideas, after whispering for a while, the two little ghosts had high fighting spirit and laughed mysteriously.

The twelfth prince was vigilant in his heart, and decided to take good care of people, so as not to cause any trouble, brothers separated the wall, this is the bottom line of the father, if the thirteenth makes a mistake, I am afraid that his own will not be able to protect him.

However, the worries of the 12th prince were obviously superfluous. Li Yaonan quickly ordered Li Xi to be strictly prohibited from going out within ten days. The 12th and 13th princes, the palace banquet must stay by his side, otherwise...

Li Yaonan Leaving a threatening look, Li Xi shuddered. The way his father punished people was strange, and he swore that he didn't want to experience it again. Immediately, he urged the thirteenth prince not to mess around, and his father would not punish the prince, but he fell bloody mildew.

Li Xi felt that it was very hard, his father was too inhuman, why did the Thirteenth Prince make a mistake and ask him to bear it.

The thirteenth prince frowned and felt that Lord Li was too cunning. If Li Xi was punished, he would definitely be the unlucky one, and Li Xi would definitely do everything possible to toss him.

Good friends immediately turned into deadly enemies, one was not pleasing to the eye.

Li Xi always remembered that the last time his father went on a study tour, the Thirteenth Prince did not pass the test. His father punished him to stand in the garden and shouted that I was an idiot five hundred times, which was a shame.

The thirteenth prince was indignant, Li Xi was a little bastard, and he actually played a prank with him, sticking a turtle on his back, causing him to be humiliated and thrown into the palace all the way.

Twelve was secretly funny, the teacher tied these two boys together, it was absolutely amazing.

Lin Yixuan looked worried, nodded cautiously, and reluctantly sent her husband to the door.

After returning, he immediately ordered that the gate of the Loei House be closed tightly, and no one could enter.

Li Xi pouted, but the idea of ​​sneaking away failed.

Li Xu felt inexplicably tight in his heart. In recent days, he always felt that his father and his father had a heavy expression on their faces, and even the air seemed to have a faint tension.

It is very common for the number of guards at the entrance of the palace to increase. Generally, the emperor's birthday, the birthday of the empress dowager, or the emperor's wedding, the palace will become lively. In order to maintain order, the imperial guard in the capital will also increase accordingly.

Li Yaonan did not change his face, saying that he was not nervous would be a lie. Since ancient times, there has been no bloodshed in the palace. However, he had no choice. Except for pretending not to know, he couldn't do anything. Otherwise, what awaited him would not be the emperor's favor, but jealousy.

Since Twelve and Thirteen were princes and entered the palace gate, they soon parted ways and had to meet the emperor before they could follow the teacher.

Li Yaonan went straight to the Imperial Garden, where many ministers were already waiting.

With the late arrival of the emperor, the courtiers shouted long live, Li Yaonan felt a little relieved, and counted the people present. It was very good. King Lian was not seen. Although the Minister of War was there, his confidant was not there. Even the general looked confident, everything today must be under the emperor's control.

The full moon banquet was held without any suspense. After the 12th and 13th congratulatory gifts, Li Yaonan detained them beside them.

After a while, the emperor was slightly drunk and returned to the bedroom first, leaving only the ministers to do what they wanted.

The Thirteenth Prince was about to move, this kind of palace banquet was the most boring, and it was better to go back to sleep.

Li Yaonan glared at him, and Thirteen was reluctant to behave.

After the emperor left, the banquet became more lively. Without the restraint of the emperor, the ministers spoke freely.

The fifth prince and the sixth prince left quietly, not knowing what they were preparing.

When the seventh prince saw this, he didn't stay for a long time. He only cared about the father and emperor, and went to see the Chengqian Palace. When he left, he took several of his confidants with him.

Li Yaonan thought about it, he thought that the most dangerous place was the safest place. Since even the generals, the ministers of war, and the imperial scholars were all in the imperial garden, it would be better to wait with peace of mind rather than running around.

As time passed, the thirteenth prince's patience was exhausted, and the twelfth prince was puzzled. In the past, the teacher would not be so strict. Could it be that something major could not happen.

Thinking of this, the twelfth prince's heart froze, and then he suddenly realized that, except for the few people who left, no one seemed to have come in for a long time in the imperial garden. Before I could figure out all the details, an eunuch was covered in blood and stumbled over: "No, the prince forced the palace to rebel, the Chengqian Palace has been surrounded by the forbidden army, and the emperor died.

" stand up.

"Slave dog, you are talking nonsense." The Thirteenth Prince looked fierce, hurried forward, and kicked him.

"I'm going to see the father." The twelfth prince was so anxious that his face turned blue with fright.

The Thirteenth Prince was originally a cannonball fight, and now he can manage a lot, and he wants to run to the Chengqian Palace when he lifts his feet.

"Stop." Li Yaonan said sternly, and for the first time slapped the prince.

"Teacher." The Twelfth Prince tried his best to restore himself to thinking.

Li Yaonan said: "You watch Thirteen, don't let him run around, the sword has no eyes, and the rebels won't care if he is the prince."

"I see." Unconsciously, his heart gradually calmed down, and his mind returned to normal thinking. Looking at the thirteenth prince sternly: "If you recognize me as your twelfth brother, don't run around.


"Nothing, but where did your knowledge go. "


The Thirteenth Prince, before he finished speaking, Duke Cheng En led the Imperial Army and quickly surrounded the Imperial Garden.

In the imperial garden, the young children began to cry, and the ministers had a good expression, maintaining a calm appearance. Those who were able to participate in the palace banquet were all high-ranking officials of the third rank of the imperial court.

The Twelfth Prince was afraid for a while, and held Thirteen's hand tightly. He didn't dare to think about what the consequences would be if Thirteen rushed out.

The thirteenth prince's eyes were slightly red: "Royal father, royal father..."

"The emperor will be fine, please be quiet, don't let Duke Chengen see." Li Yaonan lowered his voice and hid their figures in the crowd.

"Prince Chengen, you are so courageous that you are actually conspiring against the prince." Some ministers jumped out and shouted, showing arrogance.

There are also ministers who would rather die than yield, and scolded justly and sternly: "Bah, the prince is not benevolent and unfilial, and it is difficult to take on a heavy responsibility. The old man will not give in." "

The prince is ashamed of the emperor's love.


, The scolding is particularly refreshing, the traitor of the country, the worm of the country, the prince is not worthy of the monarch, what kind of words come out.

Cheng Engong looked very bad, and snorted coldly. In an instant, the three ministers who scolded the most just now splattered five feet of blood.

"..." The rest of the people were silent, and the cursing words stuck in their throats.

Cheng Engong's face was cold, and he made no secret of his killing intent: "Who else wants to talk."

"Long live the emperor, the prince should be damned..." Another minister fell to the ground, and the shouting stopped abruptly.

After killing six or seven people in a row, Duke Chengen threw an olive branch: "The emperor has passed away, and the crown prince's succession is justifiable. Think about your family."

The faces of the ministers changed. The family is blackmailing.

The twelfth prince's hands clenched tightly: "Did the teacher know about it long ago?"

Li Yaonan shook his head gently: "I don't know." Even his disciples couldn't fully believe the royals of the twelfth to the end.

"Then why..." The Twelfth Prince asked hesitantly.

Li Yaonan replied slowly: "It's just a little bit suspicious, a few princes are very wrong. When they went to court, they only fought for some trivial matters. The eunuch just now, according to my guess, should not be the prince's person. Duke Chengen's face was not good. It must have been someone else's way, the crown prince broke the cauldron this time, I'm afraid it won't work." The

twelfth prince pondered for a moment, believed his words in his heart, and the teacher's analysis never went wrong.

The atmosphere in the imperial garden became more and more tense. Many people did not believe that the emperor had died, and some people began to sway from side to side. After the first minister took refuge, with the blood of the seventeenth person on the spot, facing the threat of life, many people fell to the ground. Prince, however, Duke Chengen was not happy for long, what happened next was like a farce.

The sixth prince led troops to rescue, and Duke Chengen committed suicide on the spot.

A group of people rushed to Chengqian Palace. The prince had already died with several knives in his body. The fifth prince knelt on the ground, and the seventh prince shouted for help, showing his loyalty.

The emperor looked decadent and sat blankly on the throne, as if he was ten years older.

Ministers, look at me, I look at you, I don't know what's going on.

Twelve and Thirteen hurried forward to express their concerns, Sixteen, Seventeen, Nineteen, not to be left behind, they really wanted to please the father and make him happy, but their frightened expressions revealed their emotions. Engong forced the palace, frightening them.

The sadness in the emperor's eyes could not be concealed. Seeing his young son, his expression softened a little. He didn't say much, but waved his hand to let them back off.

The fifth prince fell to the ground and cried: "Father, the crown prince rebelled, my son is here to save him..." The

seventh prince hurriedly said: "Father, the fifth brother has an evil intention to avenge the prince and intend to murder the crown prince, otherwise it would be so coincidental, just in time. Bring troops to the rescue." The

sixth prince secretly resented, and the seventh brother brought him along with him, and defended: "Father, the emperor atonement, my son listened to the report of the guards of the forbidden army, and only led the troops to rescue him."

The seventh prince sneered: "He is really bold. The prince rebelled. He didn't come to tell the father and emperor, but asked you to come to the rescue. I think the sixth prince can't wait."

"You..." The sixth prince was annoyed, in the end Still sensible, he hurriedly said: "The palace is already under the control of the crown prince, that's why he will report it to me, and ask the seventh brother to be careful.


His chest hurts, this is his good son.

The Seventh Prince still wanted to argue something.

"Bang!" The emperor grabbed the inkstone on the table and threw it out. It happened to hit the seventh prince on the head, and blood poured out from his forehead. The seventh prince was stunned at the time: "Father..." The

emperor turned a blind eye, his gloomy face was dangerous Extremely, the cold eyes did not show any pity for his son.

The ministers were silent and did not dare to let out the air. The prince's forcing the palace was a state affair, and it was also the emperor's family matter. No matter how dissatisfied the emperor was with the prince, he was his beloved son. Yes, maybe it will become a cinnabar mole.

Not long after, the ministers went home. The capital was under martial law, and no one was allowed to go out.

Seeing that her husband was safe and sound, Lin Yixuan smiled slowly. It has never been like this, and it feels like a year.

Li Yaonan hugged her husband, and her mood finally relaxed completely. No matter what happened next, he couldn't be involved. Today was really a good show. The emperor played a big game and probably regretted it.

Lin Yixuan was curious: "Is it dangerous today, what is the situation in the palace?"

Li Yaonan spread his hands helplessly. Like all the ministers, he was surrounded by the imperial army in the imperial garden. What happened in the Chengqian Palace and how did the prince die? He really didn't know the situation, so he could only speculate a little bit from the words of the fifth prince. Anyway, it was nothing more than the emperor's playfulness, and the things he thought he was in control of, made the plans of several princes disrupt the situation.

Five days later, the capital returned to normal, and the prince's lineage, those who ransacked their homes, and those who were exiled, were completely uprooted.

The fifth prince was demoted to the rank of county king, he was removed from all his positions, and he was banned from his home, and he was never allowed to step into the palace gate.

The sixth prince and the seventh prince were also banned from their homes. Although they were not demoted, they were never allowed to step into the palace gate. The punishment was no different from the fifth prince.

As a result of the forced palace this time, everyone is a loser. Several princes have been fighting for most of their lives. I didn't expect that people in middle age would actually be companions. It is really unpredictable.

Li Yaonan learned later that the prince forced the palace and the fifth prince rescued him, but he actually wanted a mantis to catch cicadas and seize the palace in the name of rescue.

The sixth prince is behind the oriole. As long as the fifth prince kills the prince and he goes to the rescue again, the father emperor will definitely treat him differently. The eunuch of the Imperial Garden was arranged by the sixth prince. Otherwise, no matter how stupid or stupid Duke Chengen was, he would not have made everyone aware of the matter of the prince forcing the palace. At the very least, he would have put on a fig leaf first.

The Seventh Prince has no soldiers, but he is very shrewd. He follows the emperor to fish in troubled waters. The brothers have plans. Compared with his good son, he thinks that the father and the emperor will like it, but unfortunately, some things are too much.

Li Yaonan was shocked when he saw the emperor again.

The emperor's temples were white, his complexion was dark, and his body seemed to collapse in an instant.

Li Yaonan's guess was right. The emperor regretted it. At this moment, all he thought about was the prince's good, and all the other princes were unfilial.

The prince was smart since he was a child, why did he become violent, the emperor reflected and reflected, and he had to admit in his heart that he was also at fault. He did not reassure the prince and did not give him enough sense of security, so the prince would learn badly.

The emperor's compensation came quickly. The fourth son of the prince, who was just ten years old this year, had pity on him because of the early death of his biological mother. He not only took him into the palace to raise him, but also let him inherit the throne.

Lin Jingru's eyes darkened with anger. The prince failed to force the palace, and the Jingyang Hou mansion was raided. The series of blows made her exhausted, and she had not recovered. It was a waste of her organs to count, but it turned out that the bamboo basket was empty.

The word regret is no longer enough to describe her mood. Lin Jingru knew that the ninth brother would not help her any more. Fortunately, she has a son by her side, who is the son of the dragon and the grandson of the dragon. As long as the child grows up, there will always be a time to make it out.

Lin Yixuan smiled slightly, watching the situation change with a cold eye. The sixth prince, who was proud of his previous life, ended up being banned, which is really gratifying.

He didn't let go of Jingyang Hou's mansion. Master Lin San was his father, which was a fact that couldn't be changed. Of course, he won't be too kind. He is a married little twin, so he doesn't need to pretend to be a dutiful son, as long as people can't make mistakes.

Lin Yixuan bought a three-entry mansion in the suburbs of Beijing. The land deed was in the name of Mr. Lin San, and the monthly expenses were one hundred taels. The right should be a filial piety to his father.

As for the big room, the second room, and Mr. Lin, he can't control these. He wants to see how long Mr. Lin can be a dutiful son.

It's been a month since the dust settled.

This time the matter was very involved, the emperor added Enke, and there was another big change in the court.

Li Yaonan was promoted again. He was not happy at all. He was so depressed that he wanted to go crazy. He paid off his debts quickly in June.

Li Yaonan is a cabinet bachelor, and has been awarded the title of Crown Prince Taifu.

Emma, ​​such a resounding name, Li Yaonan wants to cry but has no tears, the emperor has no prince at all, so he was named the prince's grandfather. Isn't this the rhythm of courting death?

The emperor is too unstoppable.

The Li Mansion was pushed to the cusp. Li Yaonan had two students. Since he was the grandfather of the crown prince, the minds of the courtiers became active immediately.

Another round of fighting began.

Among them, the twelve princes were the loudest, the sixteenth princes jumped the most, and the seventeenth princes occasionally added a kick.

Li Yaonan was forced to board the warship, and he had no choice but to go to the dark one way.

The Twelfth Prince did not let him down, he became more calm, and his methods of handling government affairs became more sophisticated.

In contrast, although the Sixteenth Prince would please and betray him and be favored by the emperor, in other respects, it was not enough to look at.

The twelfth prince finally realized the hesitation of the prince. Seeing that the sixteenth became favored and arrogant day by day, until many years later, the twelfth prince was already the king of a country. How did you endure it.

Fortunately, he won.

The emperor is getting old, and the death of the crown prince has hurt his heart. No matter how many children and grandchildren around him please, they still can't make up for the deep wound in his heart.

Two years later, the emperor died, and the 12th prince ascended the throne smoothly. When dealing with government affairs, he had already shaken hands with all the power, and the 16th prince had nothing to do with it.

The twelfth prince was about to cut the mess and asked him to guard the late emperor.

Li Yaonan was awarded the title of Emperor Shi, and his name had already resounded throughout the Great Jin at this time.

Lin Yixuan also became the most honorable and most admired twin in the Jin Dynasty. The relationship between husband and wife is as good as ever. Watching a few children grow up

healthily, the two smiled at each other, and there is still a long way to go. , stayed up all night and was sleepy. Sahua celebrates, the text is finally over. I will open a new article after I move next month, and I would like to invite everyone to join in. . o(∩_∩)o

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