Chapter 109

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For two consecutive months, Li Yaonan inspected many places, secretly purchased a lot of military supplies, arranged countless eyeliners, and also tried many unjust cases, won the praise of many people, and also made some rich and wealthy people. Hate to the bone.

Li Yaonan's verdict is decisive, fair and honest, and he never gives any sympathy to anyone. A case will never drag on for too long. Wherever he goes, the people cheer. Only the county magistrate complained a lot, and only hoped to send this god of plague away as soon as possible. .

When many people heard the reputation of Lord Li, they came from afar to complain. Li Yaonan smiled slightly and asked them to wait quietly. There is always a first come and last arrival in everything. As he inspected the past all the way, he would definitely call the shots for them.

The people were grateful, knelt on the ground and shouted Li Qingtian, but the truth of the matter is that, with the roster compiled by Mr. Huang, Li Yaonan knew very well where the governor's contacts were, and the walking route was chosen and chosen, don't look at him There are countless cases inspected and reviewed along the way, but in fact, it has not touched the bottom line of the governor at all.

As for the people who complained, Li Yaonan did not deceive them. The trial was a matter of time, but he used a roundabout method to delay the time.

Master Pan turned a blind eye to his actions, and the governor gradually relaxed his vigilance. Seeing that there are still more than half a month before the Chinese New Year, this inspection is coming to an end. Li Yaonan counted the time, thought about it for a long time, carefully considered all the pros and cons, and after making sure that everything was safe, he finally made up his mind to do a major case.

Pick and choose, choose a county magistrate who is on the evil side, and Li Yaonan is going to use him.

"Husband, where are we going this time?" Lin Yixuan smiled, and two months of training made his brows more sharp.

"Huayang County." Li Yaonan raised his lips and closed the file on the table.

Lin Yixuan was stunned for a moment, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes: "Have you made up your mind?"

Li Yaonan nodded slightly and asked with a smile, "Why, you also want to go to Huayang County?"

Lin Yixuan reported a shy smile, then frowned again, and said: "Huayang County magistrate, it's not a thing, I don't know how many people in the village have fished out, and I made a lot of nonsense a few days ago, and I don't take you seriously. The last time I came to complain. It's really hateful to be thrown into prison by him."

Li Yaonan smiled lightly and patted her husband's hand: "Don't worry about it, let him be arrogant for a few more days."

Lin Yixuan smiled first, then worried: " Yes. Is there anything wrong?"

"Don't worry, I've already thought about the candidate to take over as magistrate. Master Pan's nephew is not bad. The magistrate of Huayang is so arrogant. I'm afraid it will also be greatly reduced." It will only make people feel hypocritical, and they will guess whether they are suspected of acting during this inspection.

Lin Yixuan's heart moved, and he understood the husband's thoughts. Hit one, mention one, the husband will stab Lou Zi first, and the rest is the matter between Mr. Pan and the governor. If their relationship is unbreakable, the governor will naturally endure this sigh, but if it happens If there is a contradiction, it is better, the husband and the fisherman will benefit.

Li Yaonan was amused when he found out that the husband admired Xingxingyan, and explained to him the unspoken measures in the officialdom in detail, and taught him some views and opinions on things.

Lin Yixuan listened with relish, time passed without knowing it, Li Xu came to greet his father, and after hearing his father's explanation, he immediately sat upright, thinking about it, and asked why from time to time.

Li Yaonan would not be perfunctory to his son, but used some small stories to let him think for himself. It can be said that during Li Xu's growth, Li Yaonan had a great influence on the ideas instilled in him since he was a child. Even if he will be ranked first in the world, the person he admires the most is still his father, and the person he likes the most is his father. It's dad.

Two days later, the group set off for Huayang.

The magistrate of Huayang was very arrogant, and treated Shangguan with ridicule. It was expected that Li Yaonan would not dare to treat him, otherwise Master Li's inspection route would not have been arranged so coincidentally.

The people above are actually well aware of these things, but no one would say it out loud like Huayang County Magistrate.

Li Yaonan laughed angrily, and quickly took the magistrate of Huayang into custody. Anyway, he was full of evil, and he didn't even need to collect a lot of evidence.

"You dare." Huayang county magistrate was shocked and angry.

Li Yaonan sneered, waved his hand, and let someone take him down. Taking advantage of Zhizhou's convenience, he was executed first, then ransacked the house, judged the case, and executed the sentence. He showed no mercy and did not give anyone any chance to ask for help. It only took three days to settle the case. Completely settled.

Huayang County Magistrate's face was full of disbelief until he died, with a look of horror and regret on his face, and he never dreamed that Master Li would actually dare to behead him to the public.

The people of Huayang County cheered, the governor of Yunnan was furious, and Master Pan's mind was swaying.

No matter what the governor thinks, the people of Yunnan only feel very happy when they hear about this deed, and Li Yaonan's fame has risen to a higher level.

He didn't stay in Huayang for a long time, Li Yaonan took his husband back to the house. This time, he had already touched the bottom line of the governor, and it was not easy to make too many moves.

Two days later, when he returned to his long-awaited home, Li Yaonan had just sat down to rest, and before a cup of tea, the servants came to pass the news, and the governor was invited.

Li Yaonan raised his eyebrows, saying, this is the first time he has come to Dali to meet the governor.

"Husband, I'm with you." Lin Yixuan was a little worried, and hurriedly put down Xi'er in his arms and asked him to find his brother to play with.

Li Yaonan gave him a reassuring smile: "It's okay, my husband knows what to do. You can rest at home and wait for me to come back."

Lin Yixuan frowned. He knew that his husband was sure, but he still did not want to see his husband being wronged. With himself by his side, the governor should not go too far in the face of Jingyang Houfu.

Li Yaonan curled his lips and said with a smile: "The governor is in a fit of anger, it's useless for you to go, but it will make him dissatisfied. Don't worry, Huayang county magistrate is so arrogant, we can take care of it."

Lin Yixuan reluctantly took the place Nodding, knowing that what the husband said is reasonable, the governor is a high-ranking member of the imperial court, although he is afraid of Jingyang Houfu, he is not afraid.

When Li Yaonan came to the door for the first time, he handed the invitation in a proper manner. The guard at the door kept him cold for half an hour. After he went to the flower hall, the governor kept him cold for another hour.

Li Yaonan was sitting in the flower hall doing nothing, looking around boredly. The governor's house was indeed luxurious, and he was not too conceited compared to the big family in Jiangnan. After drinking the ninth bowl of tea, his eyes were slightly sleepy, and the governor finally arrived late.

"I have seen your lord." Li Yaonan bowed and saluted, and immediately cheered up.

The governor snorted, his eyes stayed on him for a moment, and his tone was not very kind: "You are Li Yaonan?


"Master Li is very good." The governor said casually, his tone was calm, and he couldn't hear any emotion: "I think that Master Li should know the rules, and don't take this official's tolerance as connivance."

Li Yaonan faintly With a smile, there was no fear on his face, and he said with a smile: "What the lord said is that the subordinate officials do not know why the magistrate of Huayang broke the rules. The subordinate officials have a low status, but they will not be bullied." The

governor frowned. , obviously did not expect that Li Yaonan would actually rake: "What do you mean by this?"

"Xiaguan said it doesn't matter, please ask the adults to ask others. Xiaguan thinks that he is avoiding everywhere, but Huayang County magistrates bully others. Xiaguan has always been small and can't bear it. Please forgive the governor." Li Yaonan said this resolutely, and The matter of the Huayang county magistrate was said to be a personal grievance.

The governor was choked by him. In fact, the purpose of calling him here today was just to warn him. Li Yaonan is an official of the imperial court, a confidant of the emperor, and has a relationship with the Marquis of Jingyang. Unless he can kill someone with a stick, the governor will temporarily Will not tear the face.

Li Yaonan smiled slightly. Although he kept his posture low, he did not give in to his words. He expected the governor's mind. As long as he did not move, the governor would not do anything to him.

"Master Li wants to oppose this official?" The governor's face sank, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Xiaguan dare not." Li Yaonan quickly denied it, and said bluntly: "Xiaguan is only protecting his own authority, and he doesn't dare to act recklessly in front of adults. Please ask adults to investigate." The

governor frowned, not knowing whether he believed him or not. After admonishing Li Yaonan for a few words, he finally let him go. Li Yaonan is like a stone now. He deserves to feel uncomfortable in his heart. I can't stand it, and I can't explain it to Jingyang Houfu.

The governor thought and thought, and decided to wait and see. This time, let's let it go. If there is another time, no matter what the mansion is, the governor will not give face to anyone. Look for Li Yaonan's reasons and fabricate all kinds of evidence of his wrongdoing in case of emergency.

Li Yaonan returned home easily, Lin Yixuan was sitting in the room waiting, Li Xu and Li Xi were around his knees, the two brothers chatted happily with chickens and ducks.

"You're back." Lin Yixuan saw her husband's eyes lit up, but before he could meet him, Li Xi had already hugged his father's thigh, which was his favorite move recently, because his father would always pick him up and go where Bring them all.

Li Xu covered his face and felt that his younger brother was embarrassing. He stood up straight and saluted, "Father."

Li Yaonan picked up the youngest son and glanced at the eldest son with a smile, his eyes full of admiration: "Have you finished your homework today?

" Father, it's done, and Mr. Sun praised his son." Li Xu raised his chest and answered proudly.

Li Yaonan put Li Xi on his lap, thought for a moment, and asked with a smile, "Do you like Mr. Sun?"

Li Xu nodded without hesitation: "Mr. Sun's lectures are very nice, Ajin and Axin also like it."

Li Yaonan After a huff, he expressed his understanding, turned to look at his husband, and asked, "Xu'er should invite Mr. Sun, what do you think of Brother Sun?"

Lin Yixuan hesitated a little. From a long-term perspective, Mr. Sun has no achievements. If Xu'er takes him as a teacher, it will not help much in the future, but it will also avoid a lot of disputes. After thinking about it, he said, "Mr. Sun is busy with things, will it be too much trouble?"

Li Yaonan was startled, and immediately laughed. "I almost forgot about this, I have to ask first."

Lin Yixuan said with a smile, "If Mr. Sun agrees, I have no opinion here." It must be the icing on the cake. Even if he worships a great Confucian of the world, Xuer has already had a preliminary idea in his heart after being taught by her husband. If the famous teacher and her husband's ideas run counter to the ideas of the two sides, wouldn't the conflict between the two sides ruin the child, not to mention the remoteness of Yunnan, and it is not easy to worship a teacher. , it is better to let Mr. Sun teach.

"Okay." The smile on Li Yaonan's face gradually widened, and he turned to look at his son: "What do you think?" "My son

would like to worship Mr. Sun as a teacher." Li Xu answered loudly, his face hard to hide his excitement.

Li Yaonan nodded, and was really satisfied with his eldest son: "Okay, my father promised you, I will go to see Brother Sun someday, but let's say it first, if Brother Sun doesn't agree, you are not allowed to cry. "

Thank you, father." Li Xu raised his chin and said proudly, "Sir will definitely agree. Yesterday, he praised

Xu'er." Li Yaonan smiled, very satisfied that his son showed the expression that a child should have, Xu'er Too sensible, as a parent, he feels a lot of pressure.

Going to the yamen the next day, Li Yaonan also took her husband to accompany her, ignoring Mr. Huang's hesitant gaze, and went straight to Mr. Pan. The result of this inspection will always be an explanation for Mr. Pan. Lin Yixuan waited at the door, so as not to be preempted by some unconscious people. After multiple investigations, Lin Yixuan already understood that Mr. Huang did not contain malicious intent, but his temperament was really annoying.

Master Pan was in a very happy mood. He casually looked at the dossier, said a few gossips, and let Li Yaonan leave. In any case, this time, it was his benefit.

Three days later, the yamen began to go on vacation, Li Yaonan completely relaxed, Lin Yixuan was busy preparing the New Year's goods, and some etiquette in various places, the first year of Dali, how to have a lively life.

The little brother from Yunshanzhai also stayed in the prefecture, planning to fight for a long time with Mr. Sun, and made a lot of jokes.

Li Yaonan laughed and joked and asked him when the wedding was going to happen.

Mr. Sun was hesitant, and Li Yaonan stopped asking questions over time. Emotional matters are like drinking water, and others can't help him. I just hope Mr. Sun will not regret it.

After taking some free time, Li Yaonan asked him if he would accept apprentices, and then pointed to his son.

Sun Ruisi was surprised and happy, and confirmed it three times in a row, until Li Yaonan became impatient, and he was really sure that Brother Li really wanted Xuer to take him as his teacher, but how could he afford it!

Sun Ruisi thought about it for a night, and finally refused. When he refused, his eyes were red, and he must have struggled a lot.

Li Yaonan was a little speechless. He felt that Brother Sun sometimes thought too much. After analyzing various pros and cons with him, and taking the remoteness of Yunnan as an example, he finally let him relax and officially accepted Li Xu as a disciple, and he also explained in advance that if In the future, there will be another famous teacher who will definitely not hinder Li Xu's future.

Li Yaonan can't do anything about him. Brother Sun is good at everything. He has a deep mind, a decisive approach, and he does things easily. Only when it is his turn, he begins to feel inferior. I really don't know what to say about him. However, I was still very happy that I didn't have any friends. Brother Sun really loved Xu'er, so he thought about Xu'er wholeheartedly.

On the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month, Xu'er officially did the apprenticeship ceremony. Sun Ruisi was very happy. He was very drunk and said a lot of drunken words. Brother Liu helped him back to the room while watching the gap.

When he woke up the next day, Sun Ruisi was taken aback, and there was a naked body next to him, with marks and bruises all over his body. It looked like he had made it last night.

Sun Ruisi was very tangled, annoyed, and joyful. In short, it was very complicated.

After Li Yaonan found out, he couldn't help but sighed, wine is really a good thing, he still remembers himself and his husband, and it seemed that they were also disorderly after drinking.

Lin Yixuan looked at his nose and heart, and naturally understood what her husband was thinking, but the real situation would not be revealed even if he was killed.

Sun Ruisi Ai Ai came to the main courtyard from time to time, chatted for a long time, and finally got to the point, he wanted to marry Brother Liu as his wife.

This is a big happy event, and the husband and wife said congratulations in a row. Just now, Sun Ruisi was going around, and Lin Yixuan was so anxious that he almost thought he was going to change his mind again, it was true.

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, there are still many things to prepare for the marriage, so they decided to set the wedding in February next year.

Brother Liu fulfilled his wish, and immediately turned into a good wife and mother, smiling sweetly, pestering Sun Ruisi every day to greet him, and he just made a silent man so confused that he didn't know what to do.

Others were happy to see him laughing. Except for official business, Mr. Sun was usually taciturn. It would be good if someone could restrain him.

This year, the prefectural government burst into laughter.

On the sixth day of the new year, Yizhou's New Year's goods arrived, and the husband and wife packed up and decided to go to the eldest brother to pay New Year's greetings. The most important issue was that he wanted to send Mother Lin and her son away. He was afraid that he would not be able to protect them well. As for the little husband, Li Yaonan sighed in addition to sighing. Since he couldn't get rid of him, he could only keep him by his side. His heart was full of emotion. There was someone willing to live and die with you, and he felt that he had no regrets in this life.

It was just that Li Yaonan didn't expect that the plan was not as fast as changing. The family was preparing to go out, and the salutes were all organized. There was a sudden chaos of soldiers and horses on the street, and the border was in a hurry.

The whole Dali exploded in an instant.

"It's not good, it's not good, the Qiang people are coming to Dali."

"I heard that Nanzhao has fallen."

"I don't want to die."

"Hurry up and run for my life."

Within a quarter of an hour, the streets were in chaos. , The celebration of the New Year was shrouded in sorrow in a blink of an eye.

Li Yaonan's face was cautious, and he didn't have time to think. He hurriedly packed his sons and had them sent to Yizhou immediately.

Lin Yixuan's face was pale, how could it be, he clearly remembered that the war broke out in April this year, and now everything has not been prepared in time, if the husband has three strengths and two weaknesses...

"Don't be afraid." Li Yaonan hurriedly hugged him when he realized that the husband was in a wrong mood: "It's not your fault, the war would break out earlier, and none of us expected it."

Li Yaonan cursed himself, damn, forgot the so-called butterfly The effect is that Yunnan has a good two-season rice harvest. How can the Qiang people not be jealous, and take advantage of the New Year's defense to relax and attack. It is indeed a good plan. They kissed the husband's cheek and reassured: "Don't be afraid, trust me."

Li Yaonan said My heart was pounding, and my brain started to work quickly: "Go on, the governor can act, the more chaotic the better, I want to grasp Dali's right to speak as soon as possible."

"I see." Lin Yixuan was very Calm down quickly, now is not the time to be afraid, the governor has been putting eyeliner on him: "Let me handle this matter."

Li Yaonan nodded, comforted her husband, and quickly stepped into the study, Sun Ruisi has been waiting for a long time, her footsteps Walking back and forth in the house, he heard the outbreak of the war just now, he admitted that he was panicked for a moment, but just remembered the instructions and arrangements that Brother Li gave him some time ago, the big stone in his heart fell to the ground, can he guess, Brother Li already knew that it would be There is war.

"How are you preparing?" Li Yaonan said straight to the point, now that the time is tight, it's not the time to explain.

"We have hoarded 100,000 stones of grain, and there are not many bows and arrows, only more than 20,000. The tunnels in Hengxian County have been dug, and they run through three townships and can go straight to the city gate."

"Okay!" Li Yaonan's eyes darkened as he walked to He swiped ink on the front of the table, quickly wrote a few letters, and said extremely seriously: "Let's send it quickly, don't delay for a moment, and don't spread any news, I don't want to give other people a wedding dress reward, and I don't want to because Delaying the opportunity is due to collapse."

"Yes, don't worry, my lord." Sun Ruisi took the envelope with both hands, not daring to ignore it at all.

After Li Yaonan explained everything, he hurried to the yamen. If such a big thing happened, the yamen would definitely discuss it.

"Master Li, you're finally here." Master Huang greeted him in surprise, with a panicked expression on his face, gradually becoming more stable when he saw the admirers.

Li Yaonan was not in the mood to care about him, so he glanced around. Only a part of the officials came. At this time, they were arguing badly. They were good at shirk their responsibilities. They were all thinking about what to do and who to ask for help.

"Where are there people?" Li Yaonan asked with a frown. There were only 16 of the 38 officials in the yamen.

Mr. Mao looked annoyed: "It's still Mr. Wang who was lucky and went to visit relatives in Bashu." Mr.

Liu said disdainfully: "I'm afraid the war is not stable, they won't come back."

Li Yaonan was silent in his heart, thinking of another time. In addition to Lord Li and Lord Mao, he is a high-ranking official among his colleagues. If the situation is chaotic, it will be more beneficial for him to control. He said lightly: "It's useless to wait here, it is better to go and see the governor." Lord

Zhou . After thinking for a while, he agreed: "Lord Li is very true, our position is low and we can't be the master of everything. Mr. Pan is not here now, so it's better to ask the governor." Mr.

Li nodded: "Indeed, the Qiang people are fierce. , I don't know if there will be a call, only the governor can make up his mind."


"Then let's go there."

Li Yaonan lowered his eyes and kept calm along the way, exaggerating the horror of the war, they must be confused . Well, it's better to put all the pressure on the governor's head. As the pillar of Yunnan, the governor can't hold on, and the only way to escape is to escape. By then, the whole of Dali and even Yunnan will become chaotic.

And he can also take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. Although the war was unexpected, he has been preparing for several years. If he can't win, he can only say that it is fate! However, what Li Yaonan never believed was fate, and he was determined to win this time.

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