Chapter 106

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The second day I went to the yamen to report, and as soon as I entered the door, there was a smoky atmosphere. The officials in the yamen were scattered, gathered in groups of three or five, chatting, gambling, gambling, and some people drinking and boxing. Where is the office, Li Yaonan frowned slightly.

"Yo! Someone's here." A man saw him and touched his colleague beside him.

"Don't be bothered." The man slapped him, his eyes fixed on the dice on the table, he was betting in full swing, and he was in no mood to care about other things.

Some people looked up at Li Yaonan, and then they ignored it.

Li Yaonan frowned, if this was the so-called yamen, he thought he really couldn't stay.

"Are you Lord Li?" The man hesitated a little, with a bit of exploration in his eyes.

Li Yaonan looked at him lightly: "Where's the person in charge of the yamen?"

"Oh." The man pointed to a room not far away: "Today, the governor's concubine is celebrating her birthday, and several adults went to congratulate him. Before leaving, he ordered the little one. , if Master Li comes here, it would be good to go."

Li Yaonan laughed angrily, but he did not expect the governor to be wise when the so-called law does not blame the public. Fa, such a bold and reckless yamen, whoever believes it when he speaks out, is afraid that his majesty will be wiped out first.

"Okay, this officer knows." Li Yaonan waved his hand, glanced at him, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Little Zhao Da, who came to the yamen as an official at the age of eighteen, is now twelve years old. "Zhao Da said proudly, very proud of his identity.

Li Yaonan calmed down and ordered, "Go and open the door."

"Yes!" Zhao Da was very agile, took him to the door, took a few steps forward, opened the door first, and then invited him in.

Li Yaonan glanced around, there was nothing in the room except tables and chairs, it was indeed an office, not a single page of tissue paper was missing, compared to the Hanlin Academy, Li Yaonan felt that it was nothing compared to the original Hanlin Academy, and raised his eyebrows: " Do you usually do this?"

Zhao Da rubbed his head and said with a smile: "No, the adults are not here today, so the younger ones will relax."

Li Yaonan nodded: "Why didn't you go to gamble?"

Zhao Da He smiled awkwardly, rubbed his palms, a little greedy: "Little ones are tight these days, so I don't dare to play big with them."

Li Yaonan raised the corners of his lips: "Yes, a small bet is good, a big bet hurts your health, you It's good to be able to do this."

Zhao Da was flattered. As for the imaginary dismounting, scolding, and Mr. Li's rage, he was already prepared, and today is a slap in the face. The head has already said that, I will give him five or two. silver.

Li Yaonan looked outside from a distance, and already knew in his heart that what happened today was obviously done on purpose, no matter how he handled it, it would be tricky. Zhao Da made it very clear that he had been in the yamen for twelve years. Since ancient times, the king of hell has been easy to see little devils, and he is reminding himself to take it into consideration.

Li Yaonan laughed playfully, he took up this problem, and since the beginning of the questioning, he didn't believe that Zhao Da was honest, and he had a bad temper. If someone is punished, who will help him in the future? If he is not punished, what is his majesty?

"How old are they playing?" Li Yaonan was delighted. He didn't play dice for a long time, and his hands were really itchy. As a second-generation ancestor, in his last life, apart from poison, Li Yaonan dared to say that he was proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling.

Zhao Da was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand what Mr. Li said, he still replied with a smile: "At least one or two silver coins are required."

Li Yaonan walked over slowly, looking like a sloppy boy, a full-fledged playboy. How could he still look like an official, he smiled and said, "This official is also here to play."

Zhao Da felt that this rhythm was not right, and hurriedly followed, only to see Master Li took out ten taels of silver, without looking at it. He threw it directly on the table: "Yu Xiao."

The people around were stunned, followed by a burst of ecstasy. It was 10 taels of silver. Who cares who is standing next to him? Anyway, the above said, let them Give the new officer a slap in the face.

"I'm overwhelmed." Someone hurriedly took out the money and slapped it on the table vigorously.

"I'm sitting in the village." Another old god was there, holding the dice without panic.

"I'm also betting big."

"I'm betting small."

Seven or eight people took out their money and placed bets one after another.

Li Yaonan looked at them carefully. The man sitting in the village was obviously better dressed, and the amount of silver in the pile was larger. Except for the lucky ones, most of the others were broken silver. Li Yaonan had a bottom line in his heart, the banker should be their head, and maybe he had some kind of relative relationship with someone in the yamen.

The dealer started rolling the dice, and as the dice bell shook, everyone shouted and shouted.

"Big, big, big..."

"Big, it must be big."

"Small, small, small, it must be small..."

"Open, open, open."

"Four, five, six - big!" The winner smiled and hurriedly took the silver in front of him. At this time, he could not remember who Mr. Li was. The joy of victory made him dizzy and shouted at Li Yaonan: " Are you still playing?"

"Play, why don't you play." Li Yaonan put another ten taels of silver on it.

After losing three games in a row, other people looked at him like a fool, they only regarded him as a fat sheep to be slaughtered, and a few people drinking and chatting next to him also came to have fun, such a rare opportunity to win, how could they let it go? There were only nine people on the table, and within a while, it increased to eighteen people.

Li Yaonan lost another six, and he didn't have much money on him, so he simply took out the banknotes, and a hundred taels of banknotes appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Li Yaonan took out one and threw it on the table, with an extremely casual attitude, like throwing a piece of waste paper.

The eyes of the people around were red, and they gambled more vigorously. Li Yaonan watched them calmly. This is a yamen official, a crazy gambler.

"I'm overwhelmed." Li Yaonan touched the dice inadvertently, and his eyes became deep.


keeping the kids

down." "I'm keeping the kids down too." "I'm keeping the kids

down too." "I... overwhelmed."

Li Yaonan laughed softly, thinking of him as a fat sheep. He knew the minds of gamblers very well, and if he didn't give them a little sweetness, how could they take the bait.

"Open, open, open."

"Four, five, six—big."

"How could this be."

"My gambling book is all in it."

Li Yaonan looked at them with a smile: "Are you coming yet?"



People who bet with red eyes can't say the word, not to mention that they have already tasted the sweetness just now.

After losing two more rounds, someone ran out of money. Li Yaonan saw that he was pitiful and asked with concern, "Would you like to lend you some money? Just open an IOU."

"Thank you, Mr. Li." , remembering who the person in front of him is, just borrowing money is equally ruthless.

Li Yaonan is very generous, as long as they make an IOU and press their fingerprints, anyone who borrows money will give it, for fear that they will not be enough.

The dealer was sweating profusely from the loss, but after all, he still saved some reason and had the intention to let everyone go early, but everyone had already lost their eyes, so how could they listen to him.

When he went to the office, Li Yaonan was satisfied. Not only did he have an IOU of 3,000 taels of silver in his hand, but he also won more than 80 taels.

The people in the yamen were dumbfounded, and the losers were listless, and their gazes towards Li Yaonan instantly became sublime. This is a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

Zhao Da lost two taels of silver and owed one hundred taels of IOUs. His heart was turning green with regret. Why did he come to join in the fun?

Li Yaonan looked at them with a smile, the IOU will definitely not be returned, and he is relying on it to gain a foothold in the yamen, as for inviting guests to dinner, it is a trivial matter: "This official is here for the first time, everyone is fortunate today, how is this official doing? "

It's too ruthless, it's really too ruthless, for the first time, Guan Tianyou realized that he was so stupid, and he was so fortunate that Mr. Li didn't have a backache while standing and talking. Today, after gambling for a day, it can be misinterpreted as hard work. Who is this? Give someone a slap in the face.

"Going to Juxianlou." Guan Tianyou said fiercely, Juxianlou is the best restaurant in Dali, and he himself has not been there a few times.

"No problem." Li Yaonan said that there was no pressure at all, and that he had to show some signs of winning someone's money.

Everyone cheered up and decided to eat enough for today. The loss was too miserable, and the real money was not spared.

Zhao Da's heart was as itchy as a cat's paw. He looked at Lord Li eagerly. In fact, he would rather not eat. He just wanted to ask Lord Li to raise his hand and return his IOU to him, one hundred taels of silver. How long would it take to earn it back? what.

There is more than one person who has the same mind as him, but is it possible? Li Yaonan laughed wildly, glanced at everyone, and fought with him, nothing at all.

After eating and paying the bill, Li Yaonan walked back to the house with ease. He had not yet managed to regain a few yamen. He must go to the yamen tomorrow, and it will not be the same as today.

"Husband is in a good mood?" Lin Yixuan looked at him curiously, with question marks written all over his face.

"Not bad." Li Yaonan's lips curled up, not concealing her good mood, she led her husband back to the room, and looked around: "Where's the child?"

Lin Yixuan was a little helpless: "Xi'er is sleeping, Xu'er is drawing red, No matter how persuaded this child does not listen, the three big characters must be finished."

The smile on Li Yaonan's lips widened, and he couldn't be more satisfied with the eldest son: "Xu'er is very good."

Lin Yixuan frowned: "I'm afraid the child will be tired. , he's only six years old."

Li Yaonan held her husband's hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the child is still young to teach slowly, and when he is a little older, I'm going to invite a horseman to come back and distract him. ."

Lin Yixuan sighed: "Xu'er is still too lonely without a playmate."

Li Yaonan frowned, and began to think about this problem. The foundation of the family is too shallow, and the teeth of the first generation of family-born children have not yet grown. I mentioned that, let's not talk about the unfamiliar life here in Dali, just look at the smoky atmosphere in the yamen. As a court official, he would actually surrender his status and go to a mere concubine to give birth to a mere concubine. , not all bad bamboo can produce good bamboo shoots.

"I'll take care of this." Li Yaonan patted his hand and made up his mind.

Lin Yixuan squinted at him and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Li Yaonan chuckled, his little husband became more and more imposing, and said with a smile: "I used to go to the mountains a lot, I remember that Xu'er played well with a few children, I am going to bring people back, cultivate feelings from childhood, in the future Taking the imperial examinations together can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone."

Lin Yixuan knew that her husband had a high prestige in Yuxi, and he trained an official. Not only did he do things for the people of Yuxi, but the foundation would be more solid. In addition, he had been with Xuer since childhood. Growing up, the love is naturally extraordinary, and it really kills two birds with one stone: "Is there a choice?"

Li Yaonan nodded: "I remember that Jin Xiaosan and Xin Aqi have no parents and live with relatives a few days ago. They are not bad."

Lin Yixuan No more words, as long as your husband has an idea.

Going to the yamen the next day, Li Yaonan had just stepped into the gate, and the yamen officers greeted him respectfully, with a flattering smile on his face.

" Lord Li." "Lord


"Yeah!" Li Yaonan nodded slightly, his expression not angry and arrogant, and his handsome face showed no trace of yesterday's randomness.

Zhao Da nodded and bowed to meet him: "Master Li, please come here." Li

Yaonan glanced at him, the corners of his lips curled up, and he stepped out unhurriedly.

It was the same room as yesterday. The furnishings in the room were completely new, with desks, bookshelves, chairs, tables, and a soft couch next to it, pen, ink, paper, inkstone, teaware, and china. Clusters of flowers, light fragrance elegant and pleasant.

"This is what the little ones cleaned up overnight yesterday, and I hope Lord Li likes it." Zhao Da's face was flattering, and his attitude was completely different from the honest man yesterday.

Li Yaonan smiled slightly, without mentioning the IOU, and praised: "It's really good, it's hard work."

"Then..." Zhao Da rubbed his hands and complained in his heart. You said that Mr. Li is a court official, and he is so good at gambling. what.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Li Yaonan raised his eyebrows and smiled, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

"It's alright." Zhao Da grimaced, and his intuition told him that it was dangerous. This intuition had saved him countless times, but who would tell him where was the amiable Lord Li yesterday?

"Don't worry, this officer knows that you are very obedient, just go down."

Li Yaonan's tone was slow and slow, but with that casual demeanor, how could Zhao Da not understand, Master Li told him clearly, Let them be obedient.

"How is it?"

"How is it?"

As soon as Zhao Da left the room, he was surrounded by colleagues, and his eyes were shining: "Did Master Li give me a loan?"

Zhao Da glared at them and said harshly: "Give a shit and work hard."

"You said that Mr. Li is not short of money, so why are you holding an IOU?" Someone complained dissatisfiedly.

Zhao Da patted him and kicked him: "Okay, don't babble there, Master Li won't ask you for money, do your job well."


As time went by, officials from various ministries arrived one by one, and those who wanted to watch the fun were disappointed. The yamen was very quiet, Mr. Li was very leisurely, drinking tea and drinking tea at ease, and the yamen was in harmony.

"What's going on?" Master Tang's face was not good-looking, and yesterday's dismounting did not seem to have any impact.

Master Pan shook his head. He didn't know that he also went to the governor's house yesterday.

Mr. Li invited his nephew, Guan Tianyou asked three questions, he didn't know, and he gathered a crowd to gamble. Not only did he lose all the capital, but the loan was still in the hands of Mr. Li. How dare he say this.

The officials could not ask the results, and the yamen officers rarely kept the same agreement.

In a gamble yesterday, most of the yamen participated, and both sides were wrong. In order to keep their positions, how could they dare to tell the truth, anyway, the law does not blame the public.

The governor's line was so angry that he fell back. However, this kind of official battle, how can it be said on the surface? With a depressed mood, Li Yaonan reluctantly integrated into the yamen. Very diligent, in addition to being unable to manage affairs, life is quite leisurely.

The emperor was slightly dissatisfied. Another month had passed, and Yuxi's secret order had not yet arrived. The emperor frowned, whether the post was delayed, and tapped his fingers on the table to begin to reflect on when he developed the habit.

As an emperor, he does not allow anything to affect him.

The prince quietly served tea to the emperor, and then stepped aside, his every move did not cause any sound.

The emperor quickly came to a conclusion, with a faint voice, revealing an indescribable majesty: "Master Li's secret document, there is no need to submit it in the future."

Wang Gonggong was shocked, could it be that Lord Li was going to fall out of favor, and then he felt a little different, and said cautiously: "Report to the emperor, Lord Li has been transferred to the prefecture of Yunnan, and the memorial can only be presented through the governor.

" I actually forgot that Li Qing's family is not a general judge now, and is not qualified to go directly to the memorial.

"That's all." The emperor closed his eyes. He liked Li Yaonan's memorial and the customs he wrote. However, ordinary people can have preferences, but the emperor can't act. This habit must be quit.

The emperor stopped talking, he was looking forward to what surprises Li Yaonan would give him in three years.

It's just that the emperor didn't expect that in three years, Yunnan would surprise him next year, not a surprise, but a shock. For the first time in his heart, he regretted his decision. At the beginning, Li Yaonan's secret remarks veiled a lot of bad things about the governor and the governor. , The emperor did not take it to heart. This kind of open and secret struggle in the officialdom is not uncommon. The emperor has been sitting in a high position for too long, and he will only speculate on the thoughts of others with a deeper mind.

However, how could he have thought that what Li Yaonan said was actually the truth, he didn't hide anything, he told him all the facts objectively, and truly fulfilled his duties as an inspector.

Li Yaonan spent his days in the yamen, but he was not idle. He would carefully read the Yunnan file every day, and record all the geographical locations and the jurisdiction of the officials below.

Sun Ruisi made an unannounced visit, and searched for military defenses everywhere. Although he did not understand what Mr. Li meant, but seeing that he was cautious, it seemed that a major event was about to happen, and he unconsciously became nervous and acted more cautiously.

Lin Yixuan started walking around in recent days. Others didn't look at Li Yaonan's face, but for the sake of Jingyang Hou's mansion, they didn't dare to take him too seriously.

As soon as Wang Langzhong saw him, his teeth hurt, and he avoided seeing him several times. How far he hides, he can't afford to offend a tigress, so can't he hide?

Lin Yixuan didn't care, his main goal was actually the governor's family. It doesn't take a lot of effort, as long as you can get on with it, the governor can escape once in his previous life, and in this life he will make the governor escape faster and buy more time for the husband.

Everything went on in an orderly manner. After a month, Zhang Cheng went to Yuxi and brought Jin Xiaosan and Xin Aqi with him.

Li Xu was very happy when he had a playmate. He became lively and cheerful, but he still didn't relax about his schoolwork.

Lin Yixuan was dissatisfied with the names of the two children, and then named them big names, Jin Yuxuan, Xin Zeqi, the two children are grateful, since they lost their parents, they have no one to rely on. Where can it be better.

They know that the opportunity now is given by adults, not only have a big name, but also can read and read, maybe they can become officials in the future, which makes them not grateful.

Lin Yixuan was satisfied, her husband's vision was good, and the two children reciprocated their gratitude, which was indeed a good one.

Li Yaonan was in a bad mood at the moment, frowning and looking at the person in front of him: "What is the matter with Sir Huang?


"I have nothing to do, Master Huang, please."

Master Huang looked sad, looking at him in disbelief, with a heartbroken expression.

Li Yaonan felt very speechless. He admitted that he didn't feel sorry for anyone. What was the demeanor of such a heartless man like Mr. Huang.

Lord Huang glared at him angrily and left angrily.

Guan Tianyou ran over to join in the fun, and said with a smile, "He's just like that, Master Li don't care."

Li Yaonan nodded, expressing his understanding. He had checked the file before. This Master Huang was a new scholar from last year. Not long after he was sent to Yunnan, the presence in the yamen was not as good as his, at least he could arouse the hostility of others. Master Huang is a downright little transparent.

It's just transparent, so let's be transparent. Mr. Huang didn't know what was wrong. After coming back from the three-day vacation, when he saw Li Yaonan, he immediately got into trouble with him.

Colleagues in the yamen naturally enjoyed the jokes and made Master Huang more transparent.

However, Li Yaonan felt that the whole person was not good. If you say it's on the bar, you can go on the bar. Mr. Huang didn't speak. He just looked at him with a particularly penetrating eye all day long. Li Yaonan wanted to go crazy. Who was he offending? I've run into a neuropathy.

It's not that I haven't thought about punishing him, or giving him some color to see, but Mr. Huang, one doesn't kill, two doesn't break the law, three doesn't disrespect him, doesn't answer questions, and can't make excuses for troubles, after all, people are just Looking at you, if you really do something to others, everyone in the yamen is eyeing them, and Li Yaonan hasn't been stupid enough to leave a story.

There is a little husband in the home of crossingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin