Chapter 122

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Returning home in a happy mood, Lin Yixuan suddenly discovered that it was not so difficult to face some people and things in the past.

Li Yaonan left the yamen early and was holding Chen'er in his hands at the moment, teaching his two sons Hou Hei Xue, and asking them to be careful. The capital is no better than Yunnan, and there are a lot of dignitaries. If he makes a mistake, he can't keep them.

Chen'er snuggled in her father's arms obediently, and saw her brother's frowning face, giggling from time to time.

In other words, is it right that Li Yaonan holds Chen'er in his arms and teaches his son? You need to know that there is a saying called ear and eye rendering.

When Lin Yixuan came back from the banquet, what he saw was such a warm scene, the smile on his lips became softer unconsciously, he stretched out his hand to hug Chen'er, and asked with a smile, "Dad is not at home today, But have a good meal."

"Yes." Li Chen smiled sweetly, and raised the tea bowl with little effort: "Dad, drink."

Lin Yixuan's heart was about to melt, for fear that Chen'er would overturn the tea bowl, he hurriedly took it over , fixed him on his lap, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile: "Chen'er

be good." Li Chen's smile widened, and his little butt rubbed irregularly: "Dad is also good, Chen'er. I miss my father."

Lin Yixuan kissed Chen'er fiercely, this child is simply too cute.

Seeing that her husband was in a good mood, Li Yaonan asked with a smile, "How's the harvest today? Look how happy you are."

Lin Yixuan waved his hand and said angrily, "Don't mention it, I played Tai Chi all afternoon, and I barely ate anything at home. Do you have any food?"

Li Yaonan glanced at him reproachfully: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Lin Yixuan chuckled lightly, seeing their father and son in a happy mood, he was so happy that he forgot.

Li Yaonan instructed his servants to prepare meals and teach his son's knowledge. This is the end of the day. Li Xu and Li Xi were still unfinished, Li Xu was quick to learn everything, and Li Xi especially liked his father to teach him crooked ways.

Li Yaonan wouldn't let him off the hook. Before leaving, he did not forget to give Li Xi a big homework. As for Xu'er, he didn't have to worry about it at all.

Seeing Li Xi's bitter face, Li Yaonan said that he was in a good mood, and there was absolutely no pressure to bully his son or something.

Lin Yixuan was amused, the son on the opposite side had a pale face and showed no sympathy at all, but the husband pretended to be black, so he naturally wanted to be white, smiled and comforted his son and let them go out to play.

When Li Xu was leaving, his steps were brisk, but Li Xi seemed particularly heavy. He deeply felt that his father was partial. With so much homework, how could he still have time to play.

After the two sons left, Lin Yixuan smiled and talked about today's banquet. The status of the crown prince was at stake, and the situation was getting more and more tense.

Li Yaonan didn't care much, it was just a family member. He didn't think it would be a big deal. Otherwise, why would the emperor leave Princess Linchuan alone?

Lin Yixuan glared at him: "You look down on your relatives."

Li Yaonan hurriedly begged for mercy: "Absolutely not, a virtuous wife and a husband are few, so how can those women compare with you."

Lin Yixuan snorted and expressed his forgiveness very much.

Li Yaonan wiped a cold sweat, and the husband became more and more careful.

The thinking of the husband and wife has temporarily reached synchronization, although the contrast is somewhat large.

It's just...

You two are flirting, talking about conspiracies, but holding Xiao Chen'er in your arms, is it really okay?

Lin Yixuan ate something hastily, and Li Yaonan suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I will rest in a few days. I promised Brother Li to go to Sihai Academy to teach."

Lin Yixuan nodded: "Do you want to bring Xu'er and Xi'er?"

"Take it with you, let them go out to gain knowledge."

Lin Yixuan smiled and joked: "Remember to keep an eye on Xi'er."

Li Yaonan was speechless.

In the next few days, apart from going to the yamen, Li Yaonan returned home and spent the rest of his time preparing lessons. His knowledge was extensive and profound. He understood his strengths and weaknesses. When it came to teaching, he remembered the symposium in college. , maybe he can change the way of teaching, instead of talking about those things, it is better to talk about some practical things, which not only set a precedent, but also attracts everyone's attention.

He has a very good reputation in the Qingliu, but this is not enough. People can be famous for a while, but how can they be famous for a lifetime? Who doesn't like to be famous in history, what's more, he also wants to do something for future generations. There are people who admire him Their ancestors can at least keep them safe for three generations. After a hundred years, whether it is good or bad depends on their ability, and they can't control it if they want to.

However, when he has the ability, he will try his best to create an environment and strive to make the journey of the younger generation more smooth.

The most important thing is indeed that the emperor is getting old. He has a son and a courtier. When the sage is here, he can be beautiful, but what about after the sage dies? He had to think about the future.

In recent days, the temptation from all sides has made him extremely annoying. It doesn't matter if he offends the princes now, but who knows if the new emperor will hold grudges after he ascends the throne. Officialdom has never been so simple. If you want to maintain neutrality, you must Hold enough chips, otherwise, if you encounter a stingy emperor, you will only be liquidated in the future. This situation is not what he likes.

All he has to do now is to add more chips to his hands.

On the day of Xiu Mu, Li Yaonan led his two sons, Jin Yuxuan and Xin Zeqi, and a group of five to the Four Seas Academy.

Li Mingzhang has been waiting for a long time, and his eyes are slightly apologetic: "Brother Donglin."

Li Yaonan glanced around and instantly understood that there were only more than 30 students who came to attend the class today, and all of them were from poor families.

Every once in a while, the Four Seas Academy invites officials from the DPRK and China to give lectures. At the peak of its popularity, a small academy was crowded with more than 2,000 people. The last time the Imperial College scholar gave lectures, more than 800 people also came. People, the number of people who came to the lecture today is indeed not enough.

"No problem." Li Yaonan smiled lightly. Real gold is not afraid of fire, and his popularity always accumulates slowly. He has been away from the capital for eight years. No matter how good his political achievements in Yunnan are, the distance is thousands of mountains and rivers, and the news cannot be spread. In the capital, it is not bad to have more than 30 people coming.

After the two sons were settled, Li Yaonan walked straight into the classroom. Different from the popular moustache, Li Yaonan's chin is very smooth, and he smiles very nicely, giving people a gentle and refined taste.

"Master Li." The

students greeted him first.

"Sit down." Li Yaonan said with a smile, opened the manuscript in his hand, and said straight to the point: "I won't talk to you today, we will talk about the way of being an official."

The eyes of the thirty or so students below became bright instantly . , Who doesn't know that Mr. Li is young at the third grade of the official residence, if he can teach them a little bit, they will benefit greatly.

Li Yaonan cleared his throat: "First of all, this is my personal opinion and some experience I have concluded, and it does not represent other ministers."

Thirty or so students were attentive, and the experience summed up by Master Li was absolutely correct. There was no backer behind Master Li. He was able to go from a commoner to the position of a third-rank official in the court. This alone is enough to make him They study and need to know, they are also poor students without a background.

"The way of being an official is to do good deeds for the people, to ask for orders for the people, and to plead for the people's grievances. Everyone may have a little opinion and a big wish in their hearts. Confucius said: The superior is the expression of the people. What's wrong! But that's not what I'm going to talk about today."

Li Yaonan paused: "The next thing I'm going to talk about is my way of being an official. I'm not allowed to make a lot of noise when I'm lecturing, I'll set it aside later. Time for you to ask questions, okay, now let's get to the point, take Rui Hai, a famous and clean official from the previous dynasty as an example, he is a high-ranking official who has devoted his life to the country and the people, do you think it is very admirable?"

That's natural , Thirty people nodded unconsciously. Lord Ruihai was their role model, but it was a pity that they didn't have a good time. In the last years of the previous dynasty, traitors were very political.

"However, what I want to say is that Rui Hai is an honest official, but not a good official."

As soon as Li Yaonan said this, the students below immediately roared, and some people even glared at them. If Rui Hai is not a good official, then What kind of official can be regarded as a good official, if Master Li is not a third-rank official of the imperial court, some people want to throw their sleeves and leave on the spot. Li Yaonan's face froze, and he made a quiet gesture to calm them down. He said with a straight face, "I said, I'm not allowed to make noise during my lectures. If you have any questions, you can answer them after class

. Now sit down for me."

After a moment of silence, Li Yaonan cleared his throat: "You may have doubts, Lord Ruihai has a clear and bright life, dedicated himself to officials, and asked for orders for the people without fear of power. The coffin was sued in front of the emperor, but it's ridiculous that he is still suing the emperor of the previous dynasty, do you think it is very majestic, don't you think that Rui Hai is fearless, and think that he lives up to his reputation for being arrogant."

"However, why did he, why did he fight with the emperor, in order to sue Han Chengdi, Ruihai fulfilled his first Qingming, Han Chengdi did not punish him due to the situation, Ruihai won a big victory, and since then The popularity of the people has been improved to a higher level, but you all know that Emperor Cheng of the Han was furious, how many people died after the incident, and how many people were implicated by him. Although the people who died were willing and thought they were vigorous, I didn't think so."

"Death . There is something lighter than a feather and heavier than Mount Tai, if Ruihai's move had an effect and made Emperor Cheng of Han feel remorse, I might even say a word

of admiration, but what about the result?" There was no result, Emperor Cheng of Han continued to do his own thing and favored the traitor. Master Ruihai suffered in his later years, and died and took office due to poverty.

Li Yaonan didn't really want them to answer, instead he said, "Let's not talk about this for now, Mr. Ruihai has no room for sand in his eyes, and he has handled many cases of corrupt officials. Now let's talk about him.

We all know that Wei Hanliang is very famous among the cases that Ruihai has handled. We still remember the records in the history books that this case was famous for a while . The post of Ling, to put it bluntly, is gold-plated. When he was in office, he made a lot of money and was sentenced to countless injustices. Lord Ruihai was unselfish and sentenced him to death. The people applauded at that time. You also think he is right, Ruihai This move has really eliminated harm for the people."

Seeing that the people below were unconvinced, Li Yaonan smiled slightly to soothe their emotions: "I also think he is right." Then the conversation changed: "You are familiar with history books, I wonder if there is any I have read the major criminal cases in various places in the previous dynasty, if not, then let's start with the case where Ruihai brought down Shangshu."

"What Shangshu committed at that time involved the seizure of more than 2 million in disaster relief funds. It was the place where Wei Hanliang was beheaded. Shang Shu did everything he could to avenge his son. He only suffered the local people. Rui Hai took three years to bring down the household minister. Can you kill it?"

"Don't you just let the corrupt officials go." Some people couldn't help but ask at that time. What Mr. Li said today had a great impact on them.

Li Yaonan replied with a smile: "How can it be ignored, Wei Hanliang is not suitable for an official position at all, but you can't deny that Ruihai's method of handling the case is too extreme. It is really pleasing to behead Wei Hanliang to the public, but it will leave endless troubles.

" What should I do?"

"The Minister of the Household is very powerful, unless the corrupt officials are left alone, there is no way to do it."

"That's right."


"Okay." Li Yaonan patted the table: "Everything is quiet, If you have any questions, ask questions after class, and listen carefully to me now." The

students immediately fell silent, their expressions became more focused, what Master Li said and thought were all things they had never considered, but these are real Inexplicably shocking them, behind a good official who is honest and upright, if it is based on the suffering of the people, then the so-called asking for life for the people is not a joke.

"Wei Hanliang's case, due to its long history, the records are not detailed, and I am not sure how I would conclude the case at that time, but I am sure that no matter what future troubles arise, I will kill it in the bud. With Wei Hanliang's criminal evidence, I will use it to negotiate when the enemy is strong and I am weak."

"Now let me talk about the situation when I worked in Yunnan. At that time, the indigenous people in Yunnan were powerful, there were absurd governors, and there were many aristocratic families. , as a good and honest official, I guess he will severely punish the family and sue the governor."

Isn't it? All the students had a look of astonishment on their faces.

Li Yaonan smiled lightly: "Of course not, overthrowing the family, wouldn't the private economy be in chaos, sue the governor, do you still want the black gauze hat on your head for this kind of thing like hitting a stone with an egg?"

"Benefits, where there are people, there are struggles, and there are also interests. There will never be cracks in the family. It is the countermeasure that I thought of at the time. As for the governor, I also chose to please, I think that the first thing that an official needs to do is to judge the situation, and the second is to be able to bend and stretch. With these two guarantees, you can do practical things next. Otherwise, you only have a desire to do what you think you can do. You want to be a lifetime. I still want to do a few big things, and then disappear."

All the students were attentive, knowing that the main point of Master Li was coming, nonsense, reading and taking the imperial examinations, who didn't want to glorify the lintel, and who didn't want to do facts for the common people , Who doesn't want to rise step by step, if the official is only for the sake of being honest for a while, and then it will be irreversible, who is willing to take the trouble to take the imperial examination. They also wanted to be like Master Li, who was young and held a high position.

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