Intense Questioning

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Thank you all for a great year, here is a present for getting this fanfic to 60k views! Happy New Years!

" Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own."
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


Levin POV

"What do you want to start with? Answer me with something I don't like and you get a finger loss." I said, leaning in Kanou's face.

I had brought him back to the Aogiri HQ, and now Eto is allowing me to get answers out of him. I tried him to a chair and circled him, my scissors running across his skin.

"Humans can't regenerate like us Ghouls can... so I'd be smart here, Kanou." I said, sitting in front of him on another chair.

He grit his teeth. "What do you want to know?" He asked.

"First... you've gotten my blood before from the festival haven't you? Then what can you tell me about myself? The Hybrid Cells in me, what is the deal with them?" I asked.

Kanou sighed. "H Cells are evolved versions of RC cells, the thing that makes a person a ghoul or not."

"Why did it evolve then?" I asked.

"Things evolve to suite survival... it's obviously because the RC cells in your make up wanted another way to survive, like allowing you to eat Human food as well as ghoul." He explained.

That would make sense. "So what exactly does that mean? What am I?" I asked.

He smiled. "Don't you see Levin? Humans are the predators of animals, Ghouls are predators of Humans, and the thing that Ghouls should fear... is you." He said, a small chuckle leaving him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Theres a good chain, right? Ghouls eat humans, meaning their at the top... but then you come in, can't you tell when you eat ghouls? They taste good! Your at the top of the food chain now, Levin, the mass predator!" He said, smiling like a crazy person.

I keep my face calm and sigh. "So... I'm not exactly a ghoul? Then what do you think I am?" I asked.

Kanou thought for a moment, then smiled. "I would call you an Alghoul."

"Alghoul?" I mumbled on confusion.

"Folklore? Where does the name ghoul originate? It's Folklore, Arabian Folklore. There is the Ghoul, a demon that feasts on human flesh, and an Alghoul, a higher ghoul that is more of the alpha in the the species, and will eat it's own kind of necessary... fits you to a pinch, doesn't it?" He explained, a grin across his face.

Alghoul? As in, Al-(Standing for Alpha), and -ghoul (standing for the demon).

"So... I'm really just, a half ghoul that was forced to evolve to survive." I said, understanding.

Kanou nodded. "Your even more powerful than Eto! I bet you could take her down-!"

I stop him by stabbing my scissors into his arm, making him scream in pain. "Shut up. I don't have a legitimate reason to do so at the moment." I said.

"Oh really..? You don't know heathers hiding, she could be lying to you... about something." He said, groaning out the words painfully.

Lying about something? What would Eto hide from me? I think about this as I twist the scissors, causing him to spasm in pain and let out another scream.

"Another question, is it possible to reverse the surgery of a half ghoul?" I asked.

Kanou laughed. "Impossible..."

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