Let it Out

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(You know what to do when I tell you this... start some sad music in the background, cause this is gonna make you feel.)

"The whole world can become the enemy if you lose what you love."
- Anonymous


Third Person POV

Levin walked into the room silently. Though he had been told to meet Nashiro here, he still wasn't sure what she wanted. But he wanted to hurry and get to attacking more Aogiri members, it was the only thing that made him calm and a little less bored.

Nashiro came in after him, glancing around the room and closing the door behind her. This was it, she was going to confront him, even if she ended up getting hurt in the process.

Levin sat down in a leather chair. "What did you need?" He asked.

Nashiro bit her lip. "Do you really think this is the right thing to do?" She asked.

He started up at her, their eyes locked for a long period of time. Then he sighed with a bored expression. "I don't care if it's the right thing to do or not." He mumbled.

"Then it's wrong." She said, clenching her fists.

Levin looked up at her with squinted eyes. She didn't know how he'd react at first, but either way she wasn't backing down in this conversation.

He started to get up. "I don't want to talk anymore-"

Nashiro suddenly grabbed him by the arm, and he spinner around, throwing her off. She landed on her bottom, and he kneeled down and looked at her in eye level.

"Stop this." She pleaded.


"Because none of us like it." Her voice started to break more, and she covered her face. "We don't want you to be a mindless killer."

"Too bad."

She clenched her teeth and suddenly flung her hand out, slapping him across the face with a loud noise echoing through the room. Levin's hair covered his eyes, and she couldn't tell what he was thinking.

He stood then, and turned; but she still got up and stopped him. This time though, she hugged him from behind, squeezing hard and not letting go. Levin didn't do anything, they just stood still in the middle of the room.

In Levin's mind, everything raged. A bunch of thoughts being restricted and some being let go.

"Let her talk!"

"I don't want to hear it!"

"She'll remind you"

"It hurts!"

But on the outside, he was calm, not thinking straight. He looked over his shoulder at her with a blank expression. "Why do you care what I do?" He asked.

She clenched her teeth angrily. "Because your my friend! I'm not letting this go on any longer!"

Levin looked at the door. "Friends, huh?" He said slowly.

There was another silence, until Levin slowly and carefully pushed Nashiro off, and turned to her. They stood two feet away from another, staring. Each one of them was trying to figure out what would make the other fall in this argument.

But Nashiro spoke first. "This is not what Kuro would want." She said.

The words sliced open old wounds in Levin's mind, the voices all screamed in pain and there was panic. In the room tar engulfed everything, and he had trouble staying above to breath.

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