Letting the Monster Loose

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"While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself."
- Douglas Horton


Levin POV

The car stopped as Yomo grabbed my sleeve before me getting out to meet these people. He gave a me a hard stare. "Don't let rage blind you." He said.

I shake off his hold and get out, ignoring his words. Rage is what I need. It's what I'll need to kill every single one of them. In the back of my mind, my human half is screaming.

"Your going to regret this!" He screams.

I smile, why would I regret? I've already made my mind up, I'm gonna kill all of them, even if it's going to be messy! And maybe I'll hunt their friends and take them hostage, see how they like it.

I grin, but my human self is still talking.

"Don't be a fool. I'm you... you will regret this." He said.

Then what do you suppose I do then, huh? I thought, clearly my ghoul half had the better portion at the moment.

My human self sighed. "Don't kill them, but teach them a lesson."

I frown, thinking about it. If they live, they could come after me again, but if I portray my strength enough... they'll be scared of me. My ghoul self grinned like a lunatic, laughing with this new idea. My human self seemed relieved that I settled with "teaching them a lesson." But i suppose that this is the better course.

My ghoul side gets to beat up people, and my human self gets the reassurance that I don't kill, everyone's happy.

Wait, did I just talk with myself? What's with my head lately? I shake my head as I stand and look at the man I'm meeting, Yomo stays in the car.

He wore a clown mask that seemed straight out of a horror movie. I had my mask on as well, so that they don't see my face. He tilted his head at me, walking around me with curiosity.

"You are him, are you?" He asked, his voice sounded raggedy.

"Yeah, now where's my friends?" I said with a monotone voice, trying to keep my hatred down to a minimum at the moment.

He laughed a bit, walking up to me and bowing to a door as if I was royalty or something. "This way." he said.

I frown and walk through the door, inside the walls are concrete and it soon lead to a stair case. I went down them, the sound of my footsteps echoed through the halls.

Once I get to the bottom floor, it leads straight into rows of cells, and down the cell block is a guard, watching me with intent. He doesn't have a mask, but he's talking with someone in the cell.

Suddenly, the guard runs at me, screaming with his tongue flying out with saliva. "Dinner Time!" He screamed.

Well, I guess they were planning to ambush me on the inside so they'd get me away from the car, smart plan, but I don't see it working.

My kagune comes out and grabs the man, he's so surprised that he can't react fast enough, I throw him down the hall, making him slam into the opposite end of the hall.

I walk to the cell slowly, inside is just who I was hoping to see. Kurona is crouched in a corner, most of the cells floor is wet from the storm outside. I pull my hood down and mask.

Kurona flinches seeing that it's me, but I grab the ghouls keys and unlock the door, She walks past me and to her sisters cell, which is across from hers.

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