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" The present time has one advantage over every other - it is our own."
- Charles Caleb Colton


Kurona POV

The room I was in was of course silent. The only sound I could hear was my breath in, calm. When I had woken up in this place, I had no idea how much time had passed.

I was fed this weird soup, which did fill me up, but it tasted much different than "normal" food for a ghoul. The thoughts I think came to my mind after awhile eating was, "so this is how ghouls eat in Cochlea."

Sitting on the bed in my room, I stare at the door, waiting for th next meal, then at least I know time is passing.

To my surprise, the door suddenly opened fully. The doors shutter near the bottom usually opened and shoved food inside, but now someone walked in, fully into the room.

A man in a black suit, jet black hair, and empty eyes. The grin he wore sent shivers down my spine. He clapped his hands together. "Oh~! You seem to have gotten used to things. How are they treating you, tell me everything!" He said, sounding excited for no apparent reason.

I frowned. "Why am I here?" I asked. My voice sounded odd and it cracked, I hadn't spoke in such a long time it hurt when I did so.

The man's smile grew at this question. "My name is Furuta, and I am the one who brought you here, darling." He said, bowing as if to mock me.

I scowl, taking a step back from him. "Where is L- Crow?" I watched myself, not wanting to say his name. If they know I'm involved with him personally they'll... I don't know what they'll do.

Furuta chuckled, walking around the room, while I stayed as far as away as possible. "Oh dear. You mean Levin, right? Well... wouldn't you like to know?"

"I would. Tell me." I said, my voice becoming more stronger. They already knew I know Levin, so that's out.

"So demanding~! Fine fine. I will tell you what happened after your surgery - oh, almost forgot, congrats on becoming the first half-Alghoul, isn't that amazing?!" He said, getting caught up in fantasies and placing a hand on his cheek like some gossiping house mother.

But he was right, I was what Levin was now. Only... I'm half. What does that mean for me?

Furuta took a step closer, drawing me in a corner. "So... that doctor you people trusted so much? I had his family hostage. And daddy would do anything to save his family, wouldn't he?" He said with a voice as if he were talking to something cute or small like a puppy.

"So, I made a deal with him. If he successfully finished your surgery, to deliver you after faking your death to your friends. Easy as pie too." He said, taking another step forward, by now I was against the wall.

My breathing became unsteady. "They think I'm..." I trailed off.

"A special medicine I gave to the doctor. But don't be mad at him, he was only trying to save the ones he loved, no one can blame him for that, right?" He said dramatically, throwing out his hands, reminding me a bit of Tsukiyama. "It was so beautiful, his drive to save them! But alas, I had already killed them by the time you were delivered."

This man... I clenched my hands, so much my hands turned white. He noticed and chuckled at my attitude, taking another step forward. By now he was only a few feet away.

"The best part? When I told him about them being dead, he tried to save you. Pulled a gun on me, that man! Well... seeing that I'm still here, you can guess how that went." Furuta exclaimed, taking a final step forward and getting into my face.

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