Seidou Takizawa

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" One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present."
- Golda Meir


Akira POV

Takizawa was the first to move against us, he recklessly ran at me, as I whipped my weapon at his face. He ducked under it, and tried for a slash; which was blocked by Shirazu's quinque.

"Back up, and flank him." I said, ordering to others to box him in. We couldn't let Takizawa to escape, if he did it'd be another wild goose chase.

"How foolish, to fight me with just the three of you." Takizawa said, grinning as he scratched his neck, so much it peeled skin and left marks.

We did come inside the warehouse with just the three of us. But there was another whole scouting patrol around the place, if we failed then higher ranked people would be called in.

Mutsuki threw his knife into Takizawa's shoulder, causing him to growl in anger, and at the same time Shirazu came closer and quickly landed a bit on his hip while he was distracted.

Takizawa raged at this, and let his kagune grow across his face. I called out to the two, "He's turning into a Kakuja, get back!"

They immediately backed off, and came to my sides. Takizawa grabbed his face, and screamed out incoherently. It hurt me to see him like this, but I pushed those feelings down and focused. He was the enemy now.

He then slashed a pile of boxes next to him, making dust and wooden scraps fly about into the air. I covered my eyes so I wouldn't be blinded, but Mutsuki failed to do so, and started to rub his eyes hurriedly.

In that moment, Takizawa came out of the fogged air and punched Mutsuki in the side, his fist implanting deep. Mutsuki coughed up saliva as Takizawa quickly grabbed Mutsuki's leg with one of his tendrils and threw him into a bunch of boxes.

Shirazu tried for another strike at him, but Takizawa ducked, and made a direct impact with his kagune to Shirazu's shoulder, hooking him like a fish, and throwing him about until he flung off, sliding across the smooth pavement floor.

I whipped my quinque, holding Takizawa's wrist, but he didn't stop moving, and allowed his left hand to be ripped off while running at me.

"Mado!" He screamed, slashing me in the thigh. I flinched and held my wound while backing away, but he kept taking small jabs and pokes at me.

I fell to my knees and breathed heavily, my heart was hammering fast and hard, I could hear the blood rushing through my body with each beat. I held my chest to try and calm myself, but I froze completely when Takizawa's shadow loomed over me.

I slowly looked behind me, his face had a large grin on it, one that saw no reason in the current situation. He tilted his head and laughed a bit.

"Y'know, I've always wondered what you tasted like, Mado." He said, stabbing my arm and making so I couldn't move. "Tender or soft? Sweet or bitter? How will it taste?!" He yelled.

His foot swung and smashed me in the head, making me fall on my side and spot out a drop of blood. I looked up at him with an empty expression. He frowned at this.

"That face. It makes me mad." He said, grabbing me by the hair and lifting me up. "It makes me mad!"

He threw me into a box, breaking it and sending more splinters in the air. Pushing myself up a bit, I felt my lungs having trouble getting to breathing again. I choked and coughed as I struggled.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was supposed to come back a hero. I was supposed to kill Tatara for Hoji... but ever since that Crow showed up, things changed." He explained, grabbing his face and scratching his eye. "Eto only ever paid attention to him. Like he was special or something. I hate people like that, they think their some sort of protagonist!"

He let out this angry speech as he grabbed me by the throat and hit me in the gut, making me spasm for air once more.

"Instead he gets all the credit! Him and that damned Eye Patch! One Eyed King? He can never be one!" He said in denial, hitting my shoulder so hard I heard a crack.

"So why?!? Why am I not at the center?! I went through so much!" He said, expressing his anger through throwing me around, more of my bones and limbs gave out, so hurt I couldn't stand.

He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled my up to eye level. He started at me, but I still gave him the same blank stare. He squinted at me further, then dropped me. Behind his back his kagune bloomed larger and aimed at me.

"Goodbye, Mado." He said.

His kagune flew fast at me, but was suddenly cut away from Mutsuki, who had gotten back up. He kicked Takizawa in the gut after deflecting again, and sliced his eye.

Takizawa was about to retaliate, but from behind him, Shirazu stabbed him through the gut, a good hit. Takizawa coughed up blood and hit Shirazu away with his kagune, while Mutsuki came in, and stabbed both of his shoulders with his knives.

Shirazu rolled out of the way of another attack, and pushed in and slashed Takizawa across the chest. Mutsuki took out two more knives and threw one into Takizawa's knee, and the other he used to barely deflect a blow.

I wanted to help, yet another part of me wanted them to stop. Whether I say I could do it or not, he was still a friend. I can't change that fact. Hesitation still is inside of me.

I grit my teeth and I use my one good arm to see what was happening. Mutsuki was throwing more knives into him, while Shirazu was taking another slash, slicing off his kagune.

"Nooooo!" Takizawa yelled, trying to still fight, even though their surprise attack was so unrelenting that he didn't have enough time to react.

Finally, he fell to his knees, breathing heavily. Knives were all over inside his body, and slash marks also. His healing was going down, slower and slower he was recovering.

He slowly looked over at me, a blank face on. Then closed his eyes, and slowly fell face down, and everything went still. Mutsuki and Shirazu both sighed in relief and finally having a break.

I stared at Takizawa, a part of me hurt greatly, but I ignored it and sighed. "Second Owl extermination... complete." I mumbled.

There was a few moments of silence except for the others footsteps as they headed over to me to help. As they helped me up, they froze and were looking over at Takizawa. I followed their gaze and froze up.

A figure had picked up Takizawa and thrown him over their shoulder. A black cloak was over him, but I already knew who it was by the shape of his body.

"Where are you taking him, Amon?" I asked slowly.

The figure did not speak, only walked away. Shirazu tried to go after him, but I held up my hand. One day I will find out what happened to you, Amon. Whether we are enemies... that I don't know.

(Took a longer time to get this out, mostly because I had no motivation to write this chapter. I don't know why I don't like the Quinx characters, the only ones I liked are Urie and Saiko, and their both dead. You can argue with me all you want, but Mutsuki is like a copy of Kaneki, seeing all the similarities between them and Shirazu is... well, I have nothing against him. Just never got to liking him. It was still sad as fuck when he died in the manga though. Nonetheless I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!) - MnMs171

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