Akaashi Keiji ~ Studying

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This fit Akaashi's personality so well in my opinion ^.^


"Ugh!" Y/N groaned to herself as she received her test paper. She'd always known that she was terrible in Biology, but she didn't know she was this terrible.

On a paper out of eighty, she got seven, officially the lowest score in the class. Whereas Akaashi, being the insufferable smartass he is, aced his paper. Eighty out of eighty.

The girl banged her head on the table and let it rest there, wallowing in her own self pity.

"What'd you get?" Akaashi asked, taking the paper out of his best friend's hands and examining it.

He scrunched his face up in disapproval and set the paper back down on the table next to his best friend's head.

"Jesus, Y/N," he muttered. "You really need to get a grip."

"Ya think?" Y/N asked sarcastically, her voice coming out muffled due to the fact her head was in her arms.

"Remember students," the teacher suddenly spoke up, earning the attention of the class. But Y/N still kept her head on the desk. "For all those of you who got less than twenty, you'll have to re-take this test tomorrow. And if you still get under twenty, then you will get an instant fail on your end of semester exam."

Y/N's head shot up at this. "What?!"

Akaashi chuckled, a smirk appearing on his face. "Looks like you're screwed, L/N-san."

Y/N couldn't fail Biology. If she did, she couldn't get into the college that she wanted to, then she wouldn't be able to pursue her dream of becoming a heart surgeon.

"Akaashi," she gasped, turning to the boy suddenly and grabbing him by the shirt. "Please help me study!"

The black-haired boy's eyes widened in shock at his best friend. She was asking - no, begging - for him to help, but he had volleyball practise tonight.

"Sorry, Y/N, no can do," he replied, wiping her hands off of him. "I have volleyball practise tonight," he said as he turned back round to face the front.

Y/N felt her heart drop. That was it. She was done. She wouldn't graduate with honours, and she would probably be going to work at McDonalds in the future. She felt tears sting her eyes as they began to blur her vision, and her test paper turned into a blob of white with black scribbles on it. Bokuto, who was on her table along with Akaashi and some other guys, noticed Y/N was crying and used it against his friend.

"Ohoho, Akaashi look! You made the girl cry!" He teased, and Akaashi's face flooded with worry as he looked over at the girl.

And sure enough, there were tears dropping from her eyes and onto her paper. Akaashi sighed and rolled his eyes, grabbing the girl by her shoulders and turning her around to face him.

"Hey," he said, shaking her back and forth. "Hey, Y/N."

The girl looked up slowly at her best friend, tears still running down her face.

"I'll help you study tonight, round yours ok?" He continued, watching as the girl's face lit up.

"Oh, thank you, Keiji! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She squealed, throwing her arms around the boy's neck and hugging him.

Startled, Akaashi hesitated before hugging her back, and their teacher wasn't so happy about the noise being made at the back.

"L/N, Akaashi! Be quiet!" She hissed at the two before turning back to the whiteboard.

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