Bokuto Koutarou ~ DMs

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I got a Nishinoya cosplay outift, Nishinoya hoodie and a Black Butler bag for my birthday yesterday! All the other shit was from other fandoms that aren't anime xD


It all started when you accidentally sent a dm to him instead of your best friend.

It was one in the morning and you couldn't sleep so, turning on your phone, you decided to browse instagram. Seeing your best friend had recently posted a new picture, you decided to dm him/her and start a conversation. Bearing in mind that you could've just texted them, but no, you just had to send them a dm.

'Hey, can't sleep zzz,' you messaged them, completely unaware that the person you'd just messaged wasn't your best friend but in fact your favourite celebrity: Bokuto Koutarou. He was a really popular singer with girls your age all around the world, and you were following him on instagram.

After messaging your "friend", you decided to read some fanfiction until your phone buzzed in your hands, indicating you had a new notification. You went back onto instagram and nearly fell off the bed when you saw you had messaged Bokuto instead of your best friend.

'Want me to sing to you until you fall asleep? 🎶'

You stared at the message for ten straight seconds before snapping back to your senses and texting an apology to him immediately.

'Omg, I'm so sorry! That was supposed to be for my best friend! I'm sorry if I woke you up!' You messaged back, practically hyperventilating in your bed.

'Hey hey hey! Don't worry, I wasn't sleeping! 😊'

You breathed a huge sigh of relief at that.

'Oh, well I'm still sorry. You must've been so confused when you saw that a random girl messaged you saying she can't sleep 😂' you replied, feeling a small smile creep up onto your face.

You were talking to Bokuto Koutarou. The Bokuto Koutarou. It was beyond you how you were managing to refrain yourself from screaming and fangirling all over the place.

'No worries! Believe me, I get weirder messages than that on a daily basis. Say, I can still sing you to sleep if you like.'

You felt a blush spread across your cheeks as you messaged back a steady 'ok'. So Bokuto sent you fifteen second clips of him singing all kind of songs until three in the morning, when you finally fell asleep to the sweet sound of his melodic voice in your ears. He sounded even better without auto tune.

But you managed to stay awake long enough for you to hear the new video message he sent you.

"Goodnight, Y/N."


The next morning, you woke up rather late, seeing as you did only get to sleep at three. You picked up your phone to see the time was twelve in the afternoon, followed by two new notifications from instagram.

You slid your thumb across the first one for it only to take you back to your dms with Bokuto last night. He'd sent you a new message three hours ago.

'Hey, you awake? Check my new post.'

You did as the message told you, clicking on Bokuto's profile and then in his new post, which was a screenshot of his conversation with you last night. You blushed as you read through the messages again, and through the comments, which were full of girls saying:

'I want to be this girl!' and 'Bokuto-senpai, I love you!'

But what caught your eyes the most was the caption.

'I know it's weird that I only met @(instagram username) last night, but I seriously think I'm in love. I've browsed through her profile and her pictures and she's really pretty! Y/N-chan, will you be my girlfriend? 😳'

Now blushing furiously, you went back to your dms and sent Bokuto a message.

'Of course I'll be your girlfriend ❤️'

You waited for a few minutes, trying to contemplate over whether this was a joke or not. You even pinched yourself several times to ensure that you weren't dreaming when his reply came through.

'Yay! I love you, Y/N-chan! I'm gonna write a song about you right now! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘🎶'

You couldn't help but squeal at how a celebrity - a fucking celebrity - was now your boyfriend. You had to tell your mum.



When Bokuto's new song about you came out, you were the first person to hear it and the first person to fall in love with it. Bokuto ended up coming into your school to surprise you during assembly in front of the whole school with flowers and kisses which left you a blushing mess and, as a result, you became more popular.

But what was running through your head the whole time was how fortunate this whole thing was. Just think, if you'd never have accidentally messaged Bokuto instead of your best friend, then this wouldn't have ever happened, and Bokuto could've never known you even existed.

So, both you and Bokuto were extremely grateful for the events of that one night, because it changed both of your lives for the better...


Funny story, this actually happened to me with a celebrity's girlfriend. This girl was getting hate because she was a celebrity's girlfriend and I actually thought her ig account was hers. So I sent her this long ass paragraph explaining how she's beautiful and yada yada yada, and when I found out that it was a fan account, I wanted to jump off a cliff 😂

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