[ Phobias! ]

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Tbh, I don't know why I ever thought it was a good idea to do this but oh well.

I have picked ten at random from the top 100 most common phobias and I can safely say I don't have any of them from the list at all, so a lot of these will probably be really inaccurate. The only phobias I have are of automatic doors and down escalators, which weren't even in the top 100 to begin with.

Of course, I'm going to go back to writing random one-shots after this, but I got my arm trapped in an automatic door - again - and I imagined Tanaka like eating the fucking door for some reason and this happened.

Know that I am not poking fun at your phobias if you do have them, I'm just making you feel more special about them because now you have fictional volleyball players who love them. ^-^

So, I hope you enjoy reading these phobia one-shots as much as I enjoyed writing them!

{completed} one-shots 》haikyuu!! x readerWhere stories live. Discover now