Chapter Thirty Six

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"So, what was all that about, the only time you will do this?" My voice quiet, weak as my breathing is slowly steadying.

"Well, usually when I do things like that, I have a contract, or at least a list of what people are willing to try and not try, rules in place, but kind of hard to sit there and sort that shit out, when you're screaming during sex you need more" I can't help but smile.

"We will sort it though, then I can play without the worry that I am going to use something or do something you don't like" He is weird, so kind, yet so different in the bedroom.

"I like just about everything" Laughing at myself, I loved all that, why would I not like everything else?

"You say that now, but let's leave it for now, we can sort that another day, for now just light bondage" His lips pressing against mine.

"Let's get cleaned and eat" I love his cooking, how can I refuse? Getting out of bed, we get showered, downstairs Jackson cooks, as always, sitting down eating I can't help but smile.

"I think that was definitely the more I needed" laughing, I can't stop the smile.

"Really? I am not too sure, even at the end, your body language was screaming for more, I know what more, but not right now" Jackson's phone lighting up, looking at the screen his whole stance changing.

"Hey Dwayne, is everything okay?" Pausing his eyes flicker towards me, his face looking guilty.

"When do we need to leave?" I don't like the sound of this, what is happening, whatever it is, he will clearly be telling me as he isn't running away to take the call.

"You know that you can always count me in, no matter what, send me all the details" Hanging up the phone his body turning towards me, I have a sense of doom, I don't like the look on his face at all.

"We have one week, then I am flying out on a mission, I can't say no, I'm sorry Alena, it is important" Wow, not expected, we spoke about him and missions and he sounded so set against it, yet he took little convincing. I do know though, I don't want him to leave and I sure as hell am not ready for him to. I have just found him, I feel like I am losing him forever again. He sat down looking at me.

"Look, tonight we are meeting for a drink, join us, you can meet the team and see that I am safe, nothing will happen while I am with them Alena" Nodding, I agree, I could do with a drink, if I have to face the fact he might be leaving I need one.

"Let's get ready" Walking upstairs, I look through the clothes I have here, not much, but still clothes, I have my own drawers and everything because my stuff keeps building up. 

Jackson getting in the shower, the door purposely left open, sitting on the bed watching him get washed, my body wanting him again already, not wanting, needing. 

Stepping out, he grabs the towel, his hand drying his hair, walking towards me, water dripping from his body, my breathing hitched, oh, I want to touch him, his towel draping across his body, covering his cock, I can't resist, moving towards him, his hand dropping the towel. 

Stopping in my tracks, looking up at him biting my lips, I roll my eyes, my hands stroking down his wet body.

"Shower play after" He moved, pouting my lips, I walk towards the shower, stripping I stand in the shower getting cleaned as fast as possible, watching his body dry slowly, finishing up I step out of the shower, Jackson still stood there naked and wet, walking towards him, my hands stroking his chest, his mouth kissing my lips, moaning against them, his arms wrapping around me.

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