Book Three Chapter Forty-Two

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jumping up in bed, eyes opening Marcus there staring down at me. 

My body covered in sweat, eyes soaked from tears, I got out of bed, running to the girl's room. Both asleep in their cribs, it was a dream, just a dream, Marcus stood behind me, his arms wrapping around me.

"Alena, are you okay? You sounded like you were being murdered" 

My body trembling next to his, it felt so real, so, so real, I need to call Jackson, I need to make sure he is okay. 

Walking back into my room, I grabbed the phone dialing Jackson's number, waiting for him to answer but he didn't, why isn't he answering, is this it, has he gone for good, will she come for the girls?

"Alena, what are you doing? If your calling Jackson there is no point he is in meetings till gone 2am, your safe and fine, I am here"

"I just want to make sure Jackson is safe that is all" My fingers started dialing his number again, Marcus sat next to me on the bed, his hand clasping around mine.

"He is fine, totally safe Alena, he was in a meeting when I left, he is with loads of people, it was just a dream"

I wish his words could comfort me, I need Jackson I need him to hold me and tell me it is fine, if only it was as simple and easy as it was just a dream, since when were my dreams just dreams? 

Usually, they are a warning, or something that is going to happen. No matter what though, I can't bug him at work over a dream, I needed to just try forgetting, yet every thought was that woman's voice, my panic and the girls gone. Marcus moved closer, his arm wrapping around me. 

"Don't freak, nothing more than a friend holding a friend, as soon as you calm down you can tell me to get lost" 

His warmth was comforting, for the first time after the hospital, I now was able to see his whole body, he was just in boxers, tattoos everywhere, I can feel myself calming down, yet unable to fall asleep, hours passed me in his arms. 

Finally, my eyes closed, I can hear faint movements, the door opening.

"What the fuck is going on?" 

Jackson's voice quiet and smooth yet sounded angry, too exhausted to open my eyes, I just listened, his voice relaxing me more knowing he was safe.

"Don't freak man, she was bloody screaming I honestly thought someone was trying to kill her, got here and she was asleep, crying, screaming she ran straight to the girls when she woke up, was like a huge relief seeing them, but she was a mess. Took nearly three hours for her to fall back asleep"

"What dream?" His voice so perfect every time I hear it, so sweet it makes me relax more, he is amazing, how could I go through life without him?

"I don't know, I didn't ask. Jackson her eyes the fear was unreal I saw her that time after she was kidnapped, that was nothing, I feel shook up just from seeing her, let alone having the dream myself. I told her it was just a dream, it didn't help, but here come get her" I felt myself move, falling deeper into sleep,

"Sorry for flipping out, I know she likes you, so wouldn't be a surprise" 

The sound of the door shutting telling me Marcus had left the room, Jacksons arms wrapped around me, as I drifted in and out of sleep all night.

Waking up it is light, my body and mind exhausted, I could just go back to sleep, but I can't I have to get up. 

Last night was a blur, the dream so vivid and real, I remember checking on the girls and Marcus been there, I can't remember anything after falling asleep on Marcus. Walking downstairs, Jackson and Marcus sat together, smiling trying to make it look like everything was okay, I grabbed a drink. 

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