Book Four Chapter Six

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The sleep is amazing and what I need, waking up the familiar scream, my body instantly reenacting the dream out, trying to stop myself, but I can't, walking down the stairs, I feel a sense of change.

something in the dream has changed, I can feel my body stiffen up as the phone rings, the same voice the same words everything the same. 

A vision showing of Jackson is standing there, the sound of the gun and him falling to the floor just as I do, screaming, I try waking up, I can't wake up, lying on the floor screaming the image of Jackson in my mind, bleeding yet I can't get to him, why has the dream changed?

 Why Jackson and why now? My body lurches upwards, still screaming Jacksons hands shaking me, as if he is trying to wake me, Marcus stood at the door my whole body cold and shaking. If there is anything worse than the dream of me being shot and unable to wake, it is Jackson being shot and I can't wake from the dream. 

My body automatically going to get out the bed and check on the girls, Marcus putting his hand up shaking his head.

"Already checked, they are in their cots and asleep, how with you screaming like that I will never know" 

Looking around, we are in our room now, not the playroom it explains why Marcus heard, the playroom is soundproofed this room isn't. 

I feel out of place, lost and like I am still in a dream, I clearly aren't, but the feeling is awful, and I can't seem to shake it.

"Maybe we should cancel the club and birthday celebrations" Marcus's voice full of concern.

"No, don't even think about that, you are celebrating your birthday whether you like it or not, suck it up, it's happening" 

My voice loud, there is no way he is using this as an excuse to get out of his birthday. 

Jackson and Marcus are looking at me, yes, okay I shouted, maybe a little too loud, but there is no way I am letting anyone put my life on hold.

"That told me, I will leave you two to it" 

Marcus walks out the door, closing it behind him, I feel awful and need to apologise for the way I just spoke to him. I will do later. 

Sitting back, my head resting against Jacksons chest, I try and relax, my mind still on the nightmare.

"Same dream or different?" 

Looking up at him, my eyes full of fear, I would rather it was me shot not Jackson, I need to tell him, though, I can't hide it from him, at least today I have another meeting with the counselor. 

"Different, well it was the same, but when I answer the phone and it cut off, I saw you not with me, but a vision sort of thing, you got shot, I fall to the floor at the same time, but it was you who got shot" 

Panic rising inside me, I can feel my body shake and he just smiles, like it is nothing.

"Rather me than you, so that is something that makes me feel better, but it is just a dream, ignore it honestly" 

How can he be so calm? Most of my dreams sure are nothing, but the odd few have been dreams that reflected something that would happen. 

I do need to forget it though, I need to move on.

"Something else, I want you to agree with, no more apologising, and beating yourself up over Marcus, none of it at all, I mean it Alena, that isn't your fault and I am fed up of hearing you apologise for it" 

Nodding, I agree, it will be hard, but he is right me blaming myself won't help me, and it won't make him feel better either. 

We have our rules for outside the bedroom, I go to the counselor once a week, I eat real food, no takeaways, or microwave meals, I take the pill religiously however I did miss it a few times. 

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