Book Four Chapter Eighteen

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"How many did you take?" Okay, now I feel I should lie, but knowing my luck he will have counted how many where in the tub.

"I took two" A laugh escaping my lips, looking up at him through my lashes my mouth tight as I fight off the smile, I am awake aren't I, having fun as well. 

It seems they are good and work perfectly I could easily go through everything tonight all over again.

"Alena, do you not read? The packet states half to a full one, not even I needed two" He looks frustrated, not angry as much but frustrated very, very frustrated.

"I don't even know how they will affect you, what was you thinking, seriously?" Looking at him, I don't know. I am not one for acting out of random ideas, but today I did. 

"Throw a robe on, come with me" Getting up, he wraps his robe around him, throwing one at me. Putting it on I follow him out and he stops at Marcus's door, why are we at Marcus's room? 

Lifting his hand, he knocks on the door, a few seconds later it is opening, Marcus looking tired, then confused, then worried looking at us both.

"What has happened?" he looks at Jackson, why do we need Marcus involved in my stupidity? I mean it isn't going to change anything now is it.

"Alena had a bright idea, tell him Alena" Marcus's face going from worried to intrigued looking at me, waiting for me to answer, it wasn't a bright idea, now I realise it was a stupid idea.

"I was tired, and knew I would fall asleep, I wanted to make sure I was awake to give him his whip, and well I kind of took two of his weird pills" 

Marcus's eyes filled with humour at words, his hand raised patting Jacksons shoulder.

"Good luck mate, you're going to need it" He is laughing, I am glad he doesn't think it was totally crazy, stupid and wrong.

"Do you really think that helps? I don't even know what will happen, I never took two before" 

Jackson does not look pleased at Marcus's jokes, not even a slight bit.

"Honestly, nothing, depending on her body she will be awake anything from 24 to 72 hours, then she will crash and you won't be able to wake her for a few days" 

He looks at me laughing again, shaking his head, but laughing at least.

"That is all? Nothing else can happen?" 

That is why he is worried, he thinks something bad is going to happen.

"Like everything, there is side effects, heart palpitations, chest pains, hallucinations, heart attack, just like most pills obviously, she will be fine Jackson honestly, I took two all the time" 

Marcus shrugs his shoulders like it is nothing, Jackson still doesn't seem convinced though.

"Yeah, but you are bigger than me, and like four times the size of Alena. Is there nothing we can do to make it go out her system faster?" 

He needs to calm down and accept it has happened, nothing can change it now and Marcus can't exactly magic the pills out of my system either.

"No, it depends on her body, how quick it works through, how much energy her body uses she just needs to wait till it wears off, but she won't be sleeping tonight that is for sure"

 Okay, I kind of hate that I won't be sleeping tonight, what am I meant to do with all those extra hours? 

"Well, I guess I will go grab a coffee then" Laughing I turn to walk to the kitchen, Marcus's hand grabbing mine.

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