Episode 17 "The Boy in the Shroud" Part 2

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-Venus POV-

We are at the FBI headquarters as Booth reads us about the Duncan couple files. "Great record in the community, but Kevin Duncan- the kid got it right. I mean, he's a perv. Inside three times on solicitation of minor charges." Temp asks, "Boys or girls?" "Girls. He's a traditionalist." I sigh as Temp continues, "So, he went after Kelly..." "Yeah, and the white knight from the suburbs steps in, gets conked with a pipe, and... tossed out the window." I nod adding, "Kelly goes into hiding." "Unless he got her, too. So, what do either one of you want to do next?" 

I start trying to come up with a plan as I get interrupted with Temps question, "Hmm, that's up to Cam, isn't it?" I looked at Booth giving him a look saying to deny it, "No, Bones, I asked you. What do you want to do?" "I think... I think we shouldn't close off any avenue of investigation. We stay on all the evidence and see where it leads us, like we did before Cam." "Okay... Do either of you have a list like Carter?" I then ask, "Of... foster families that didn't work out? Yes, we all did." Temp nods, "I wrote mine on the bottom of a shoe." I add, "It was easier for me to write it on a journal that I had always kept with me." Booth nods, "Oh. You know, they say with foster kids, they're really hard on themselves." I shrug as Temp asks, "They?" "Yeah, experts, psychologists... like that. Apparently, foster kids feel so alone in this mean world, they lose that knack of trusting in other people."

I looked down and thought about it as Temp asks, "You mean at work?" "Well, everywhere, you know? Weight of the world, it's-it's profound. They say that, uh, they have a hard time letting themselves off the hook. They-- they grow up with control issues." I start realizing that he was referring to Temp more than me, as Temp asks, "Are you telling me something, Booth?" "No, it's just, you know, something to keep into consideration when we catch up with Kelly Morris." "Okay." "If you decide to take some other wisdom out of it, none of my business." "How Cam and I get along is none of your business." "Yeah, right, which I just said-- said just then. None of my business." I then say, "I like Cam... She is fun." "Blueberry... you're using her like a toy." "... Okay... She is still fun to be around." Booth smirks and starts to put things away.

Temp and I are on the other side of the interrogation room as Booth is interrogating Kevin Duncan. "All my mistakes were made before I met Fran. Then I fell in love. Love changes everything." "Your wife know about these mistakes?" "Of course. We have no secrets. I got counseling. I'm still in counseling. And I'm out there on the street making amends every day." "Passing out sandwiches and aspirin and condoms to street kids?" "Yeah. I have no direct contact with the kids. Fran does. I make the sandwiches. I drive. Insure my wife's safety. It's a tough part of town." "And your past is all in the past?" "No, that's with me every day." "Yeah. Miranda Tyler, Susan Price, Laura Costello. All these girls say that you traded sandwiches for sex in the past six months." "Well, they're street kids. They lie." "Yeah." "These girls came on to me, and they wanted money. When I rejected them, they got angry." "We catch up to, uh, Kelly Morris, is sh-she going to say the same thing?" I sigh and see that the interview was going to end soon so I texted Booth to let him know that Temp and I will be back at the Lab.

We are with Cam as she say, "Hairbrush from Kelly's room provide her DNA. The nail polish from her room is also matches the nail polish we found in the scratch marks on the victim's arm." Temp then says, "It doesn't mean she pushed him out that window." Angie then adds, "If he finds it and it matches the rust found in the scratch marks, then we can tie Kelly to the weapon." Cam sighs, "Oh, young love. You pour your soul out to some pimple-faced jock with a great body and the emotional maturity of an 11-year-old, only to get your heart broken in the back of a red Camaro."

Temp and I were confused about that statement as Angie adds in, "Remember that first slow dance?" Cam laughs, "Oh, God. Some horrible power ballad." "Oh, that special boy with the pipe in his pocket." "Oh, God. Lewis Cole. Mm, he was a drummer. He had this hair, it was..." I nudge Temp as they were going way into that conversation as she says, "Wait-Wait, excuse me. Marching to the beat of a different  drummer here. I'd like Hodgins to identify the species of rose found in Dylan Krane's hand." Cam then asks, "What can that possibly tell us?" 

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